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【#英语资源# 导语】以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  The annual Arbor Day is coming again. On this day, there were several white clouds floating in the blue sky. Liu Ming, Xiao Hong and Ming Ming Ming were carrying tools and saplings to plant trees on the hillside.

  When they came to the hillside, they acted immediately. Liu Ming dug a big and deep hole with a shovel. Then Mingming carefully put a small sapling into the tree pit, and Liu Ming shoveled the soil back into the pit with a shovel to improve the tree species. Mingming stepped on the soil with her feet again. After stepping on the soil tightly, Xiao Hong said, "I'll get a bucket of water!" When Xiao Hong finished watering, she watered the saplings. In this way, they planted one tree after another, so tired that they were sweating. The birds in the sky chirped, as if to say, "we have a new home again!"

  The children looked at the new good saplings and said, "in the future, we will come here to plant trees on March 12 every year to make our home more beautiful."


  The annual Arbor Day is coming. On March 12, white clouds are floating in the blue sky. Xiao Ming, Xiao Hong and Xiao Liang are carrying tools to plant trees on the hillside.

  They came to the hillside and acted immediately. Xiao Liang first dug a hole with a shovel. After digging a large and deep hole, Xiao Ming carefully filled the small saplings into the hole, and then stepped on the soil with his feet. Xiao Hong said, "I'll fetch a bucket of water to water the little tree!" They worked together and planted trees one after another. At this time, a few birds chirped in the sky, as if saying, "thank you for greening the hillside and bringing us joy."

  After the trees are planted, the children look at the planted saplings and say happily, "we plant the hillside full of saplings. When the saplings grow up, they will become forests, so that small animals will have more paradise."


  The annual Arbor Day is coming. On this day, the breeze blew, as if mother's hand touched the world. Guangguang, Jingjing, Huahua carried tools, brought many strong saplings, and carried buckets to plant trees on the slope.

  When they came to the hillside, they immediately took action. Jingjing dug a tree pit with a shovel, and light carefully moved the saplings into the tree pit. Jingjing filled several shovels of soil, stepped on a few feet, and Huahua said, "I'll go to the river to get some water." They said, "OK, be careful not to fall into the river." Hua Hua nodded and left with a bucket.

  Soon, Hua Hua got the water. She came to the little tree and gave it to drink. She also said, "little tree, grow up quickly!" In this way, they planted one small tree after another, which made them pant and sweat heavily. At this time, the birds and rabbits shouted, "we have a new home!"

  When the tree species are ready, the children look at the newly planted trees and say, "next year we will plant trees to turn the hillside into a forest."


  Today is Arbor Day, the teacher organized to take us to the wasteland in the suburbs to plant trees. Before I reached the destination, my mood was already in full bloom. This is my first time to swim, and I was very excited at this time.

  After a while, we arrived at our destination. The teacher asked us to bring the potted plants, and the students moved the potted plants to their favorite place with all hands. The teacher taught the students to dig a pit with a shovel first, and then put the potted plants in it. One student held it by hand, and the other filled it. With that, the teacher loaded the tree and watered it. After listening, the students were very excited and eager to try. The teacher said happily, "next, students plant trees by themselves!"

  Xiao Ming and I are assigned to a group. First of all, we dug a hole together, but the soil was so hard that we couldn't dig much soil now. At this moment, we, who were originally in high spirits, suddenly looked like deflated balloons. The teacher came to guide us. We have to cross the water first to make the soil soft! We did what the teacher said and dug it easily.

  After a while, Xiao Ming carefully held the sapling to prevent it from falling down, and I slowly filled the soil. But what happened next is hard for us. The tree fell down after filling it. The unexpected situation made us don't know what to do. Then the teacher came again. At this time, it's time to test your boys' strength. You have to press the filled soil hard to ensure that the seedlings do not fall. The teacher said, leaving it to us. After a while, the tree stood up. We all laughed. Next, under the guidance of our teacher, we planted one tree after another. Looking at the green trees, I immediately felt extremely proud!

  After this, I deeply understand one thing: no matter what you do, you can't succeed casually. Therefore, you must first practice, and then you must constantly adhere to it. Only in this way can you solve any difficulties.


  The day before arbor day, my father bought saplings and put them in the garden, but I can't wait. I really want to be arbor day today. I can't wait to pick up saplings and run to my father-in-law's house to plant trees immediately.

  On Thursday, March 12, 20XX, my long-awaited day finally came. I went to school happily in the morning, and I hurried to do my homework when I came home in the afternoon. After finishing my homework, I ate quickly with my father for fear of delaying time. After dinner, my father and I picked up saplings, then found a motorcycle, and we went to my grandfather's house.

  When we came to my grandfather's house, he entertained us warmly and asked if we had dinner? I said, "Grandpa, we ate. Today my father and I came to plant trees here." I asked again, "do you have any tools for planting trees?" Grandpa answered, "yes! There is a shovel. You have to plant trees and water them. Take a load of water, too!" Dad and I nodded.

  Then my father carried water, and I took saplings and shovels. Along the way, I sang as I walked: "no flower fragrance, no tree height, I am a grass that no one knows, never lonely, never worried, look at me..." before I finished singing the song "grass", I came to the place where we planted trees.

  Dad first pried the soil with a shovel, then I put the saplings into the pried pit, held the saplings, and dad filled the soil. Finally, I watered the saplings, and soon we loaded the first tree. In this order, my father and I carried the saplings we brought. I looked at the little tree and suddenly thought: I don't know what the little tree will look like when it grows up? What if it grows up and is cut down? Thinking: I had an attention and said to my father, "Dad, let's put a fence around the saplings! And set up a sign." Dad said, "OK! This can not only protect the saplings, but also remind everyone to protect the environment. Just write words like protecting the environment on the sign!" As soon as my father finished speaking, I fenced the saplings and hung a sign on the saplings, which said, "everyone is responsible for protecting the environment." When I want to leave, I made a wish: I hope everyone can protect the environment and make the earth more green and less polluted.

  Finally, my father and I looked at the saplings just loaded and left the place reluctantly.


  March 12 is China's Arbor Day. Xiao Li, Xiao Gang and Xiao Jun happily came to the colorful park to plant trees.

  What a nice day today! The sun shines from the sky, the sun shines on the grass, and the grass looks greener; The flowers look more beautiful when the sun shines on them; When the sun shines on the children's faces, the children appear more lively and cheerful. The scenery in the park is so beautiful! The sky was blue with white clouds. The bird flew down from the sky, chirping, as if to say, "Hello, hello." Bursts of fragrance came, and it turned out to be the fragrance of flowers! Butterflies also gathered around after smelling it, while bees danced among the flowers. The spring breeze also blows gently, giving the earth a cool breeze.

  There are so many people in the park! Some are flying kites, some are running, and some are planting trees. Xiao Jun said, "I'll help the saplings." Xiao Gang said, "I'll cultivate the soil." Xiao Li said, "I'll fetch water and water the seedlings.".

  A green tree is planted, and birds fly around on the tree they planted, as if to say, "you make nature more beautiful." They laughed happily together.


  On March 12, Arbor Day arrived. Our family got up early in the morning. My father took us to buy some saplings, and then drove with us to plant trees in the mountains.

  Along the way, the spring breeze gently blew on my face, warm; The rape flowers in the field exude a sweet fragrance, refreshing; The flowers and grass on both sides of the road shook with the wind, as if waving to me constantly, as if to say, "Welcome!", My heart has long flown to the mountain with the wind.

  When I got to the mountain, I couldn't wait to take the small bucket I prepared in advance and began to dig the pit. I dug it for a while, two times, three times... Eh? Why is it so difficult to plane? The hard land, as well as large and small stones, my little hands were red by the head, but I still didn't dig out much soil. Dad said, "this is a mountain. There are many rocks and little soil, so it's difficult to dig! That's why we have to plant many trees here, so that we can afforest the mountains and forests, maintain soil and water loss, and greatly improve the human living environment." Oh, so it is. I see! So I asked my father to dig the pit with his big head, while I was responsible for supporting the seedlings, and my mother was responsible for watering and filling... Our family was busy.

  It's really not easy. It took us several hours to plant the saplings. Although I am very tired, my clothes and shoes are dirty, and my face is like a kitten, I am happy to think that small saplings will grow into towering trees, and that I can actually contribute to the human environment


  Grass grows and warblers fly, and spring returns to the earth. Today happens to be the annual Arbor Day.

  During class, the teacher organized the whole class to carry out tree planting activities in the back mountain of the school. Xiaoming, Xiaohua and Xiaomei are in a group. After discussion, they decide that Xiaoming and Xiaohua are responsible for buying seedlings, fertilizer and shovel, while Xiaomei waits for them on the back mountain of the school. When they bought everything and went to Houshan, and were worried about how to plant trees, the smart Xiaoming stood up and said, "I'll dig a hole first, and then Xiaomei is responsible for putting the seedlings in and spreading fertilizer, and then Xiaohua fills the soil. What do you think?" Xiaohua and Xiaomei raised their hands in favor.

  With that, Xiao Ming dug a hole on the ground with a shovel, and then Xiaomei carefully put the saplings in and sprinkled fertilizer. Then Xiaohua cultivated soil for the saplings, and the saplings were planted. Finally, the three of them poured some water on the young tree. As they poured water, they sang, "little tree, little tree, you should grow up quickly! When you grow up, we can enjoy the cool and play games in the shade of your tree!"

  A breeze blew, and the saplings shook, as if to say, "thank you, I will grow up quickly!"


  On a sunny day, the first and second grades were planting trees, and their teachers assigned everyone. "Let's plant trees here!" said Xiaohong in grade one Xiao Ming said, "well, let's plant trees here." Where have Xiaohua and xiaodingding planted a tree? Xiaohong saw the largest and oldest tree and said, "it would be nice if we planted so many trees!" Xiao Ming said, "let's start soon!" ok

  The children have a good time in this festival.


  On a sunny day with warm spring breeze, our Shaoxing evening news reporter finally welcomed the long-awaited Arbor Day activities.

  Under the guidance of the teacher, we took a bus to the scenic spot of keyanlu town. Like a group of cheering birds, the students can't wait to fly into the woods. Some pick spades, some choose saplings, and some choose places. They are busy in the spring breeze.

  I took a shovel higher than my body and began to dig a hole, but the shovel didn't listen to me at all, and I couldn't dig any more. I looked up and looked around, and found that the students were all working in full swing. Some took off their coats, and some rolled their sleeves high. They were full of energy. After watching for a while, I dug the soil according to the action demonstrated by the teacher. First, press the shovel with my feet into the soil. When the shovel goes deep into the soil to a certain depth, lift up the shovel, and the soil can be dug up. Later, Shen Hanbin and I stepped on the side of the shovel alone. As soon as they worked hard, the shovel was inserted into the soil. Soon, we dug a hole.

  Xia Shijia carefully put the saplings into the pit and righted them. Shen Hanbin and I used a shovel to evenly fill the soil just dug back into the pit, and also beat it firmly. Gao Yuheng brought water, sprinkled water, and muttered, "little sapling, drink water quickly, drink enough water, grow quickly!" Before long, our group planted five saplings. Looking at a row of saplings bathed in the spring wind, our hearts were happy. In front of the "wish tree" planted by ourselves, we made a beautiful wish and left a bright smile.

  I wish the saplings to thrive like us! Little sapling, see you next spring!
