1. concede v 讓步,承認
(I conceded that I had made a mistake.)
2. concession n 承認,允許,妥協,讓步
(Government was unwilling to make any further concessions.)
3. confidential 秘密的,機密的
(The results of conference are still confidential.)
4. confirmation n 證實,確認,確認
(We are waiting for confirmation of the news.)
5. consolidate v (使)鞏固,(使)加強,(使)合併
(We have made a good start,now it is to consolidate.)
6. constrain v 強迫,強使;限制,約束
(He was constraining himself not to wander from the task.) constraint n 進步
7. restrain v抑制,遏制;管制,克制,約束
(If you cannot restrain your dog,you must lock it up.)
8. consulate n 領事館
(The Spanish consulate is the large white building opposite the bank.)
9. consul n 領事 (an acting consul 代理領事)
10. embassy n 大使館
(She works at the Malaysian embassy in London.)
11. ambassador n 大使,使節
(He is a Chinese ambassador to Japan.)
12. contradict v [kɑntr?’d?kt] 反駁,頂嘴;與…發生矛盾
( He contradicted his own statement.)
13. vote v 投票(贊成票) veto v 投反對票
14. controversial adj 有爭議的
( The topic of argument is contrvertial.)
15. conviction n 定罪;堅定的信仰 ( conviction of guilty服刑)
16. correlate v 有關,關聯
(The study found that success in the educational system correlates highly with class.)
17. courteous adj [‘k?:tj?s]彬彬有禮的,客氣的
(Although she often disagreed with me,she was always courteous.)
18. courtesy n 謙遜有禮,有禮貌的行為
(They did not even have the courtesy to apologize.)
19. cradle n [‘kreidl]搖籃,發源地
(He saw Greek art as the cradle of European civilization.)
20. criterion n [krai’ti?ri?n] (批判,判斷等的)標準,準則
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