1. detach 拆卸,是分開,使分離
(The screen detached from the keyboard.)
2. detainee n (因政治原因)被拘留者 attain 獲得 contain 包含 detain 拘留 maintain 保持 maintenance n 保持 sustain 支持 obtain 獲得 abstain 棄權
3. deviate v 偏離,越軌
(His statements sometimes deviated from the truth.)
4. diagnose v 診斷
(The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare skin disease.)
5. diagnosis n 診斷法,診斷結果(What is the doctor’s diagnosis of your disease?)
6. dictatorship n 獨裁,專政
(His dictatorship was threatened by his opponents)
7. carbon 碳
8. dioxide n 二氧化物
9. directory 號碼薄,通訊錄
(Her name is listed on the telephone directory.)
10. discern v 明辨,識別(I soon discerned that man was lying.)
11. discrimination n 歧視,辨別,識別力
(He spoke out against the racial discrimination.)
12. distort v 歪曲,曲解,扭曲,使變形
(The book represents a fundamentally distorted picture.)
13. disturbance n 打擾,擾亂,騷亂,紛亂
(There’s a violent disturbance in inner city areas.)
14. doctrine n 教條,教義,學說
15. documentary n 紀錄片
16. duplicate n 複製品(Your jacket is a duplicate of mine.)
17. replicate v 複製,重複
(It might be impractical to replicate Eastern culture in the west.)
18. editorial n 社論
19. emerge v 出現,顯出;暴露
20. endanger v 危及,使遭受危險
本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/X0NI.html 正在阅读: 2017年英语专四听力常用词汇(5)12-26 浙江2018年11月基金从业资格考试准考证打印入口已开通【11月19日起】08-14 2019年天津汉沽初级会计职称准考证打印入口已开通【4月29日开始】10-28 [重阳节敬老活动横幅怎么写]重阳节敬老活动主持稿怎么写12-04 2019四川考研成绩查询查询时间、查询入口【2月15日已开通】09-30 年会简短致辞稿范文6篇02-02 夫妻分居生活补助费申请书|生活补助费申请书范文大全12-24 2017辽宁葫芦岛市直总考区普通高中招生计划方案公布12-09