
时间:2023-03-06 00:09:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】乘坐欢快的列车,奔向求知的学府。扛起知识的包裹,来到理想的校园。唱着开心的歌谣,走进幸福的殿堂。开学了,勤攀书山苦渡学海,博览知识放飞梦想。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Today, we officially started school. I'm very excited because I can go back to class 3, which I didn't see in winter vacation. I can see the students I haven't seen for a long time again.
  Carrying my schoolbag on my back, I walked excitedly to the class. At this time, many students have begun to preview. I also took out my book, sat in my seat and began to preview. Look at the familiar faces of the students and the current class four and three. I can't help but recall how many good times we had in class three. After a while, when all the students in the class arrived, Mr. Zhai asked them to start cleaning. After the work was assigned, the students did it all the time. No one shouted tired when they were tired! Well done. In a short time, we were finished.

  This semester, I will be the monitor. I must take this responsibility very responsibly. Try to make yourself better. Let the students recognize me.

  I'm so happy at the beginning of school. I must do well this semester. Be your own little master. Do your own thing and solve problems for the students.


  During the winter vacation, my father always told me: "pay attention when doing things. After school, pay more attention in class, so that I can learn my skills."

  The sixth class on the first day of school is mathematics. We are listening to the teacher attentively. Suddenly, a small bug flew in from the window and stopped on the windowsill. I heard two students behind me whispering. One said, "this kind of insect is so beautiful." Another said, "this insect may be poisonous." I turned to them and said, "stop talking and listen." But they not only didn't listen, but also talked harder and harder. Maybe the teacher noticed and asked them to solve the exercises on the blackboard. They stood up slowly and bowed their heads in shame. At this time, I raised my hand high, and the teacher asked me to answer. I answered the question very correctly. The teacher praised me for listening carefully, criticized them and asked them to learn from me.

  Looking at all this, my ears seemed to hear my father's advice again. Yes, my father's teachings have served me all my life. Naturally, this truth is not only in the classroom.


  Today is the first day of our school. I came to the new campus early. My classmates and I are very excited because we haven't seen each other for a long time. Everyone kept calling each other's names, and the classroom was full of laughter.

  After a while, the teacher asked us to move the books. Under the leadership of the teacher, we came to the place where we moved the books with great interest and saw that the ground was full of new books. The teacher handed me a stack of books and said, "be careful, don't lose it."

  When carrying books, the students walked and ran, all sweating. I held the books carefully for fear that others might touch them off, but they jumped out of my hand like a naughty child. I quickly stopped, picked up the "children", continued to move forward, and finally moved the books to the classroom.

  Although it's very tired to move books, we feel very happy because we're about to issue new books.


  Today, the school opened and I came to the classroom. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled the smell of the new book. I hurried to my seat and felt nervous and excited. Look at the students. They are taller and understand more.

  At this time, teacher Yan came to collect our winter vacation homework, but some students couldn't hand it in. Mr. Lin collected his homework and gave us sugar.

  Finally, I wait until I publish a new book, which is also the time I look forward to most. The students brought a lot of books, and teacher Yan distributed all kinds of textbooks and recycled textbooks. As soon as the students saw that the new book was issued, they picked up the book and turned it over. I saw my classmates do this and picked up books to read. While I was reading with great interest, an information technology book and a labor technology book fell from the sky. These two books just "landed" on my Chinese book.

  After delivering the book, the teacher asked the students to clean up, and I also participated in cleaning the walls.

  Today is really a busy day.


  Today, all our teachers and students held the opening ceremony in the school auditorium.

  At the opening ceremony, President Wang made an important speech. He actively encouraged us to do a good job in study, strive for classes, and build Yujiang school into a first-class school in the county. After that, the teacher's representative made a statement, and some students made a brief speech. The most wonderful is the award ceremony. The school awarded outstanding cadres, three good students, students with the top three academic achievements, learning stars and health stars last semester. Some students not only received certificates of merit, but also got scholarships.

  After the opening ceremony, recalling the speeches made by the school and the representatives of teachers and students just now, I set myself a new and greater goal: in the new semester, I must make my own efforts to achieve excellent results and become the leader of the whole class and even the whole school. At the same time, we should strive to be a primary school student with all-round development.


  School starts! Everything has returned to calm, there is no fatigue after playing, and there is no time to pursue every day!

  Back to the school, once again returned to the learning atmosphere. Under the sunshine, everything is kind. There is no blockage in the bustling streets, no noise of crowded shopping malls, only the sound of reading in the classroom, and the students make trouble on the playground after class. Compared with the outside world, I think it is a paradise! This is the first image I got back to school. Five new students have come to our class this semester. One of them is from another class. They are all very excellent! In addition, our head teacher should become our math teacher because she is very experienced and has been a head teacher for 20 years. What I'm interested in is that we began to learn computers. The teacher is very interesting and the class is very lively!


  In the twinkling of an eye, the happy winter vacation has passed, and we have ushered in a new semester. Today is the first day of school. Let alone how happy we are!

  At two o'clock in the afternoon, I was walking on the path to school. I'm very happy, because I can play and study with my classmates again! But I'm still a little unhappy because I can't be as free as before. It's impossible to play computer, watch TV and go shopping at home. It's a little reluctant to part with school.

  Look! The grass took off his yellow clothes and put on a new light green one; Sister Hua'er is still so gorgeous. She opens in the bright sun and pours on a clear fragrance from time to time, which makes people relaxed and happy; Brother pine is still so tall and straight, like soldiers sticking to our campus day and night. The birds are singing sweet songs on the branches, as if they are welcoming us.

  "Ding Ling Ding Ling" the bell rang for class. I hurried into the classroom and did a good job. He kept his eyes on the blackboard and listened to the teacher. I thought: a good beginning is half success. I will study hard from the first day, rush to a perfect new semester and create new achievements.

  The first day of school, a new day; The first day of school, a meaningful day; The first day of school, a day of surprise and happiness; The first day of school, the perfect end, a new beginning!


  It's school. It's school. I couldn't sleep happily at night, because I was so excited that I could finally go back to the school where I looked forward to a summer vacation. However, my original class was torn down, and I was assigned to class 51.

  When I arrived at class 51, hahaha, they were not as fast as me. I grabbed a seat in the second row and sat down. Well, the distance is good! Or right in the middle! At this time, two teachers came in. I looked, wow! They were two young female teachers who introduced themselves respectively. Mr. Luo told us many warm stories, praised the beautiful spirit of students' mutual help, and told us a lot about discipline, which made us understand the importance of discipline.

  Although I still miss my former teacher, I also like my current teacher. New semester, new starting point, new start, new teacher, new schoolbag, new stationery, new process, new end, I must study hard and do a good job in the goal of the new semester.

  This is the first day of school. We may be reluctant to give up, but we are facing a new beginning. The past is no longer important. The important thing is to start from a new starting point and reach a new end.


  Today is the first day of school. It is also a new day. We are also new. The campus has not changed. The changes are classes and teachers. We will have new teachers and classes.

  Many parents encourage their children outside, and I am no exception. My mother also encourages me to study hard and be the best myself.

  The teacher is coming soon. I heard footsteps and looked out of the window. The teacher came. The teacher came into the classroom and introduced himself. The head teacher taught mathematics and Miss Li taught Chinese. The teacher said to us, "this is the first day of school. I don't want everyone to be criticized." With that, we immediately closed our mouths tightly, and the classroom was silent. In this way, the first day of school began.

  Writing here, I thought: people should have their own goals, and only when they have goals can they be ideal!


  Today is February 23, 2022. We are going to officially start school. The happy winter vacation has passed vaguely, and we are going to welcome the new semester. This morning, I came to the school and prepared my homework. As soon as the bell rang, the whole school went down and stood in line. The sound of stepping footsteps sounded from my ears and came to the small playground. We are going to hold the "garbage does not fall, the campus is more beautiful" and the opening ceremony. The first item: raise the national flag, play the national anthem, and all salute the national flag. With the beautiful national Anthem, the first item is over, the second item... Among them, our class received the certificate of "demonstration class". I am very happy, When I returned to the class, I began to have class. The loud sound of reading reminded me of the scene of last semester. The teacher gave a serious lecture and we listened carefully. Time passed quickly. We lined up for school!

  From tomorrow on, I will study hard and make progress every day!

