
时间:2023-03-05 22:54:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】梦想的天空等你飞越,人生的辉煌等你开辟,未来的美好等你创造,成功的旗帜等你插起,背上书包,向梦想出发,开辟辉煌,创造美好,握手成功,开学日,加油!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is the first day of school. With joy, I came to the school with a brand-new schoolbag and neat school uniform.

  As soon as you enter the gate of the school, you can see the new environment of the campus, which is shaded by green trees. The campus is very clean and tidy, and the plants in the biological park grow vigorously.

  When I walked into the classroom, I saw the classroom boiling. I saw the students talking about their holiday fun. You said a word. When I spoke, laughter came and went.

  Unconsciously, the class bell rang, and we quietly waited for the teacher's arrival.

  A familiar figure appeared at the door of the classroom, with a smile and sparkling eyes. Wearing neat teachers' clothes, she proudly walked into the podium. She was our teacher Wang. Mr. Wang's kind smile seemed to return to the classroom of class 3 (6).

  First of all, Mr. Wang asked us whether we were happy in the summer vacation and the completion of our homework. Then, Mr. Wang emphasized several things to us. Then, Mr. X announced the textbook we were waiting for. After receiving the textbook, we focused on reading the textbook.

  The first day of school is coming to an end. The students have to leave the classroom reluctantly, but they will never forget this first day of school.


  Today's school just started. In the first section of the afternoon, there was art. Our art teacher had a big head. He was a male teacher. The teacher stood there for a few minutes. Classmate a was talking, and the teacher scolded him. In fact, he performed very well last semester and was still a backup monitor. But he didn't perform very well this semester. Now it's still far from the end of class, I'll watch him in 20 minutes. Now the teacher asked us to draw the bird. The bird's body and wings are very good to draw, but his mouth, I always face right to left down. I think it's much better to face down than up. The teacher asked us to draw a mantis... Finally, the teacher asked us to draw something casually. I spent ten minutes drawing a plane. This plane is better. When the teacher was in class, let's introduce ourselves. When introducing a, the teacher said, "especially you, be obedient." The teacher has taught him several times. When I finished drawing my plane, I borrowed someone else's colored pen to color it and showed it to the teacher. The teacher said, "it's good."

  In the second class, our English teacher was replaced by Ms. Yin. She was a woman. She came to give us a class. We learned some knowledge, and we also performed. We also used English words during the performance. The teacher asked us to read it again, and then let some people perform on the stage. I raised my hand, but the teacher didn't call me. I knew that what we read seemed to be unreadable. In English class, classmate B always lies on his stomach, and someone writes to him. The letters he writes scold him. The teacher also asked us to play games. We passed the ball and passed it around. Class ended so soon.

  The remaining two classes are taught by Mr. Guo about safety and adjusting the students on duty


  To tell you the truth, it's boring in this winter vacation. I've been cramming for 20 days. Finally, I had time to rest, but I still had nothing to do. Until a few days before the end of the winter vacation, my father and I went to grandma's house. I don't know. I have a lot of feelings when I go.

  We have just arrived at the station, which is a sea of people. It's not easy to squeeze into the carriage, my God! The man standing in the carriage was so busy that he couldn't help but sigh loudly. I was very angry. I really wanted to scold her, but there were so many people in the car that I could only make everyone unhappy. I also accepted it. The car finally drove slowly. I thought there was no one here. Unexpectedly, as soon as I crossed the bridge, another group of people rushed up, which made the whole car fall down. I saw the conductor pulling people into the car and scolding an old grandfather. I really couldn't see it. I hurried to help Grandpa and glared at her. In fact, this is the second thing. What makes me angry most is that one thing. An uncle in his 40s, holding a child, stood shaky in the car. Next to him, a young man in avant-garde clothes gave a sneer at "hum", which seemed to be gloating. We put ourselves in a position to think that at that time, what my uncle needed most was help, not pouring cold water. What would he think if he took his child in such an environment and we were able to help him without helping him? This is "helping others is helping yourself."

  Those people who live in the metropolis of fireworks market only know how to package them with beautiful appearance, rather than understand people's original simple and kind heart. What is worth pondering? Appearance is important, but when the appearance has been, we should reflect our inner beauty. Eight honors and eight disgraces remind us of what we are proud of and what we are ashamed of. We must be qualified citizens so that our motherland can prosper and remain prosperous.

  "As long as everyone gives a little love and gives hope to others, the world will become a beautiful world.". Can we achieve it? 


  On February 20, today is the first day of school and the day of our classmates' class. That morning, I came to the school early to enjoy the scenery of learning and laughing. When I came to the school, I was not impressed by the scenery in front of me. The dilapidated south building has disappeared and replaced by a tall pink teaching building with a big clock on the top, And our teaching building has become very beautiful because it has been decorated.

  When I walked into the classroom, I saw that many students had come to the classroom. Some of them were checking their homework, some were playing interesting games, and others were reading books. All of them were lively. The "Ding Ling" class bell rang, and the students all returned to their seats. The teacher also came. The teacher asked several tall students to get the books. After a while, the books came back, and the teacher sent them to us, The book was soon distributed. The teacher brought a student and said to us, "students, he is a new classmate named Liu Shaoqi. He is transferred. Please take care of him." As soon as she sat down, the students immediately asked: where is your home? Which school are you in

  "Jingling bell" class was over, and the students left the classroom slowly.

  This is the first day of school. It's really a new semester and new knowledge!


  Today is the first day of school. I am very happy. The new semester is coming. Although I want to leave my former teachers and classmates, I also welcome new teachers and classmates. I must study hard this semester and make a good impression on my teachers. In any case, I must do well in the exam this semester.

  I also want to know more about my classmates, and I specially prepared my homework for this new semester. I also finished practicing the calligraphy. I also wrote all the new words in units 1 to 8. The words are also previewed. I hope I can make a good impression on the teacher this semester, because I seem to be a little lazy in the first few semesters. Since it is a new semester, I will never be lazy again. I want to be in this semester. Getting better and better.

  The first day of school passed very quickly for me. It didn't take long for the day to pass. However, it is said that the school will not arrange courses this week. But I'm more looking forward to whether I can learn when there are courses. If I can't learn it, I think I may ask the teacher. In a word, in a word, this semester I must change my laziness and become better and better.


  The new semester began again. Facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we returned to the beautiful campus and began the campus life of the new semester.

  In the past journey, whether you have laughter or sunshine, it has become an eternal memory. Add a lock to close it! Before us. Everything is new, you see? New life is breaking through the ground. Due to the cruelty of reality, we will incarnate into knights, erase the trauma on our chest, take our weapons and get ready to go. Are you sure about the goal of the new semester?

  Maybe your goal is to enter your ideal high school. Maybe your goal is to catch up with a classmate. Your goal can be different, but it must not be absent. More importantly, after having a goal, we must take action and go all out. There is no need to wipe a large amount of paper, but you must have a goal in your mind. This road will not be plain sailing. It will always make you cry, but it will always be sunny after cloudy days, because you are a knight, have chivalry, brave knight, and will not be knocked down by any difficulties!

  We need to make a step-by-step study, treat the school rules and class rules seriously, and resolutely not do anything detrimental to the identity of students. We will be full of passion and embark on the journey. The future is ours! I choose! I like it!

  We are about to embark on a journey full of passion. The future is for me. This week is the first week of school. After the tense and busy military training, we have ushered in a new high school life, a new environment, new classmates, a new beginning and a new self. New proud and healthy figures are jumping on the basketball court. Turn, break, stop and shoot, a series of actions are completed at one go. The ball is in! The audience cheered and sparkled with new style.

  Now we are moving towards a new goal at a new starting point!


  This week is the first week of school. I walked into the classroom of class 1 (3) of senior high school with full expectation and entered a new environment. I couldn't help feeling a little uneasy in my heart. My head teacher, Mr. Zhao, is a very strict teacher. When I returned to school for the first time, I still didn't adapt to such strict management, but I was a person with strong adaptability. Therefore, after returning to school for the second time, I gradually adapted to the teacher's management style.

  As the saying goes, a good beginning is half success. The first class I had was geography. The teacher gave a lively and colorful lecture, and I also heard it. A 45 minute class passed in a blink of an eye. The subsequent classes were also very interesting, which made me find it a very happy thing to listen to the class.

  When I was in junior high school, I imagined my high school life more than once. I longed for it to be full of fun and laughter, but at the same time I worried that it was boring and full of pressure. But through the first day of study, I found that high school life is a combination of the two, full of fun and pressure. I think the difference between learning in senior high school and learning in junior high school is that senior high school is mainly autonomous learning, while junior high school is more teachers' hand-in-hand teaching. In addition, the speed of teachers' lectures is also significantly faster than that of junior middle school. Therefore, I think it is the key to improve learning efficiency to adapt to the autonomous learning style of high school and the speed of teachers' lectures as soon as possible.

  When I was just promoted from junior high school to senior high school and just integrated into a new group, I was not very familiar with my classmates and teachers. Therefore, I will often miss our original class and the original classmates. However, only after this week, I found that the original unfamiliar faces became more and more familiar and talked with my classmates more and more, I believe that my new class is no inferior to my original class.

  I believe that under the leadership of the head teacher, all teachers and the concerted efforts of the students, our class will make greater progress in the future!


  I entered high school and experienced everything new. At the beginning, I was not used to this strange campus, but after several classes of experience life, I have slowly begun to accept this very strange campus

  Today is the first day of our school. We have stepped into a new campus, got familiar with new students, contacted new teachers, experienced a new life and entered a new environment. In a word, everything in this school is strange in my eyes, but it is even more novel. This also means that we have stepped into the door of youth.

  By the afternoon, I was familiar with everything about the school. But when I was communicating with my classmates, the school informed us to weed the playground.

  So I went to the playground with my classmates with a trace of excitement. Unfortunately, I didn't bring any tools, so I had to pull them down one by one by hand. When one third of the grass was removed, my hand had been soaked in the water. At this time, I thought, "when all the grass was removed, my hand will break." so I thought of a good idea, Take the loose soil to one side by hand, and plant a winter grass gently with a sharp stone to pull it down smoothly. This method is cumbersome, but for me, who has no ability to bind chickens, this is already a method. By analogy, I always follow this method. In the end, the grass is not only pulled out, I didn't hurt my hand either. I thought to myself, "isn't this a matter of killing two birds with one stone?" How time flies! This weeding activity is over. But at the same time, I am also pleased that I have pulled down so much grass.

  Yes, life lies in sports, life lies in learning, life lies in curiosity about new things, and believe that you are the best. Learning is important, but there should also be some appropriate work. You can share some hard work for your parents at home. As long as you study hard, you will see a new yourself! Let yourself be as brilliant as a blooming bud in the time of youth! Just as beautiful!


  As time goes by, today we are no longer children who have played in the grass; Today, we are no longer primary school students who read aloud "the bright moon in front of bed"; Today, we have bid farewell to childhood and moved towards youth. With a vision for the future, we came to the high school attached to the National People's Congress and entered the life of senior one.

  It's been a month since the beginning of school and I have a certain understanding of the new environment. There are also many feelings in the face of senior one life. When I was a freshman in senior high school, the first feeling was fresh. The campus is so clean and tidy with trees; The teacher's lecture is so energetic and fascinating; The students get along so well and happily; The modern library, audio-visual education center, network center and laboratory make me linger. All this is very different from primary school, which makes me feel very fresh and interesting.

  In the first year of senior high school, the second feeling is the longing for the future. At the opening ceremony, we were excited to tie our good wishes to the balloon and fly to the blue sky. There are all kinds of wishes. Some hope to be a musician and promote Chinese traditional music to the world; Some journalists marvel at the rapid development of China today; Some hope to be a writer and let people hear the weak voice in the corner of society. The ideal can only be realized through action. In the three years of junior high school, we will lay a solid foundation for the future and move forward towards the goal step by step.

  When I was a freshman in senior high school, I felt nervous again. In middle schools, especially excellent middle schools, the competition for learning is quite fierce, so there will be some pressure. If you don't pay attention, your grades will fall behind the team, so you can't relax at all. You should always be in a state of learning. We must adapt to this tense learning atmosphere in order to make achievements in three years of study.

  As a freshman in senior high school, I was excited, looking forward to and nervous. But in any case, start bit by bit and integrate into the new life. Let's face the freshman life in high spirits.


  On the first day of school, I was very excited and returned to the friendly campus. We began to dress up the campus, clean up, self-study and so on. This semester, I hope I can continue to make progress

  Because it's the first day, I'm inevitably a little excited.

  When I arrived at school early in the morning, I still had a sense of intimacy, although I once felt that the school was so depressed and a sad place. Because my life may be destined to have some sadness.

  Sweeping the floor, self-study, aerobics, class... It's the same as before, but the curriculum has changed, and the study of senior three will be monotonous and complicated. Take turns bombing in addition to the number of words. I sent a lot of review materials in the afternoon. You can imagine the amount of problems. Come on! Although my expectation is just a piece of paper! Anyway, because I'm lucky to be in school.

  This semester is 23 weeks long and the longest one in my life. The math class in the morning is a new teacher. Like the situation at the time of the third day of junior high school, the first and second day of junior high school were older female teachers. Later, they were replaced by male teachers. They were middle-level cadres of the school and had a lot of teaching experience. But my math grade was very bad in the third year of junior high school. Now think about it, there is some pain. But at that time, I admired Mr. Chai very much.

  I hope I can make a little progress in math this year. I'm sorry for myself. The requirements are not very strict.

  The Chinese teacher is also specially transferred from Henan. It's too disgraceful for our class. We already have four Chinese teachers in high school. Now the Chinese teacher is also our head teacher. This is the third.

