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【#英语资源# 导语】炎热的夏天是人们最期待的季节之一。夏天的阳光明媚,天空湛蓝,给人们带来了无尽的活力和快乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《炎热的夏天英语作文范文》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.炎热的夏天英语作文范文 篇一

  Heat is not only the most intuitive feeling of summer, but also a symbol of summer. It is both a carnival for ice cream sellers and the busiest time by the seaside.

  As the last glimmer of light on the moon disappeared, the sun carrying countless lights and heat swept away the coolness of the moon, gradually occupying the entire sky and beginning its own rule. The clouds, who do not want to accept rule, rose up to resist without the help of the Rain God. They were vulnerable to a single blow and disappeared in more than ten minutes, leaving only the blazing heat waves. Passersby either held sun umbrellas, trying to escape the dazzling sunlight. People either hid under big trees for shade, or ate popsicles in air-conditioned houses to relieve the heat. Some people hoped that cold water would bring them cool.

  I took a bottle of water and drank freely outside, but the water droplets that fell on the marble floor made a painful "sizzling" sound. After a few seconds, they turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared into the air. I have a hint of fear. If I were this drop of water, would I also turn into a wisp of smoke? But before I could fully think about it, my body prompted me to quickly find a cool place. By the time I finally walked from the high-temperature steamer into the cooling room - under the tree, I was sweating profusely and my face turned red. I kept wiping my face with water, as if I wanted to completely wipe away the hot temperature. But this was only temporary, and soon the temperature continued to rise. Looking next, the grass was sunburned, and the flowers lowered their heads listlessly. The cicada was there, shouting to me like crazy, "It's too hot here, go back!" I couldn't bear the heat wave and went home.

  Oh, this day, it's too hot!

2.炎热的夏天英语作文范文 篇二

  Unconsciously, the sky became hot, as if someone had angered the sun. The mosquito bit me and told me it was summer.      The sunset is slowly setting, and the weather is finally cooling down! I recall the afternoon when I stood in front of the door, surrounded by the scorching light, and the chirping of cicadas sounded in my ears, as if I was saying! Ah! It's really hot this day, it's so hot that I'm dying

  But on this day, it seemed that the leaves had turned even greener, and the sun was shining incessantly, as if saying, "Hmph! In the summer, you hid here, see if I'm not too hot to kill you!" I was sweating profusely from the heat, so I quickly found a tree to block the light. I looked at the wheat field, and some of the wheat was bent down by the sun, while the farmers were also working hard, afraid that their crops would be burned to death!

  I looked at my dog, it was sticking out its tongue, and I estimated it was also damaged by the heat. It was looking at the sky, as if complaining about the sun.

  It's slowly getting cold, and I look up at the sky. The sun has set a bit, but it's still hot! I came back from my imagination, and the chirping of cicadas still came to my ears, but not as frequently as in the afternoon. It seemed to be saying, "Ah! It's finally not hot anymore

  The leaves were fluttering in a gust of wind, and the sunset in the sky was very red and beautiful, as if the sky had made it to compensate us. My dog is not hot anymore.

  Summer is a Trickster, who has provoked the sun to hide from us, making us always bask in the sun. It is so hot that we are almost dead!

3.炎热的夏天英语作文范文 篇三

  Summer has arrived, and the sky is blue with almost no trace of clouds. The sun is big and red, scorching the earth like a fireball. At this moment, the wind blew over, and I only felt warm all over, without any shade.

  On the roadside, the leaves on the trees turned yellow, and some even curled up like loose meat. Many flowers have withered, and the grass is also drooping its head and lying weakly on the ground.

  On the big tree, cicadas kept barking, as if saying, "It's killing me, it's killing me!" The little dog was lying at the door, panting with its tongue out. In the pond, small fish hide under the river and dare not come out. The water on the river was so hot that it almost turned into boiling water. On the riverbank, ducklings jumped into the water one after another, splashing many splashes.

  I stepped out of the house and felt very hot all over, as if I was about to be scorched. I looked at the sky without a trace of clouds, and the sun shone brightly, causing me to quickly close my eyes in pain. Under the shade of trees by the roadside, there were many elderly people sitting. An old man shook a fan in one hand, eating watermelon while saying, "I don't know when it will cool off on such a hot day

  I passed by the cold drink shop and saw a long queue in the front row. Another boy said, "Dad, I'm thirsty, I want to eat popsicles

  This summer is really hot!

4.炎热的夏天英语作文范文 篇四

  The scorching summer has arrived, and the sun is like a huge fireball hanging high in the sky. The scorching heat is almost drying people out! At this time, smart people always change into cool and comfortable clothes, ready to welcome the scorching and fun summer.

  The trees in the countryside are covered with green leaves, looking like huge parasols from afar. Adults gather under the shade to make tea and chat, while the cicadas on the trees chirp and sing beautiful songs. At night, rows of frogs gathered by the pond, and the sound of frog chirping rose and fell one after another, like a group singing sweet songs. It was really lively!

  Arrived at the seaside, white spray matched with blue sky, like a beautiful Landscape painting. The sea is filled with people playing with water, some swimming, some surfing, and some diving; Some are playing sand sculptures, some are playing beach volleyball, and some are sunbathing on the beach, filled with a joyful atmosphere everywhere!

  Summer is really a hot season. After a while in the scorching sun, one will sweat profusely, which is really uncomfortable! Fortunately, with the strong opponent of air conditioning and resistance from the sun, I was able to steal half a day's leisure at home. My favorite thing is to hide at home and blow air conditioning and eat popsicles; Or go swimming in the pool to relieve the heat. Although summer is very hot, there is still a lot of entertainment, so I like summer!

5.炎热的夏天英语作文范文 篇五

  Spring girl walked with light footsteps, while Xia brother walked silently with cat steps.

  Look, the scorching sun is hanging in the azure sky, as if it is about to dry the earth. The previously vibrant trees have turned from lush green to dusty, and each plant is like a wrong elementary school student, bowing its head and being criticized.

  Although summer is very hot, the flowers are blooming brightly. From a distance, the lotus flowers in the pond stand tall and graceful. She uses the green lotus leaves as a stage and dances gracefully with the wind. Upon closer inspection, the white lotus with pink inside resembled an innocent and mischievous child rowing the lotus leaves like a boat. The rose flowers have also bloomed, with red, white, pink, yellow... From a distance, one after another, the roses look like a beautiful sunset in the sky. The peonies are also in full bloom, and many unknown flowers have bloomed one after another. They compete in wonder and beauty, and each flower is no inferior, as if to compete for high or low, to see who is in the flower.

  The weather in summer is like a child's face changing as they say. Just now, the sky was clear and cloudless for thousands of miles, and in an instant, dark clouds shrouded. Rain was like broken pearls, falling down like a tower. In a moment, a lightning bolt flashed across the sky, as if a big crack had opened. After the lightning, the thunder roared and roared. After a while, the rain stopped, the sun came out, and a colorful and incredibly beautiful rainbow crossed the sky.

  Ah, summer is really beautiful!
