
时间:2023-07-15 09:34:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】老师,是辛勤的园丁,浇灌着祖国的花朵;老师,是舍己为人的红烛,燃烧自己,照亮他人;老师,是灵魂的工程师,为打造出祖国的栋梁,奉献出自己宝贵的青春。©文档大全网为大家准备了《我的老师英语作文范文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.我的老师英语作文范文 篇一

  My Chinese teacher Zhang has a square face, wide forehead, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a flat nose, a copper face, and a rough and bold personality. He is a humorous and straightforward teacher, who speaks with great precision.

  One day, while in class, Teacher Zhang suddenly patted the table. His hand, like a tiger, rushed towards his favorite food, and the sound startled us all. Teacher Zhang said, "Zhang Ting, run away." The sound of a tiger roaring scared me, and I thought to myself, 'Did I make any mistakes?'? Upon hearing Teacher Zhang step out of the podium and gently open the door, leaning against the doorframe with a smile on his face, he said, "Let's go out for dinner! After a while, no one of us will go out. Teacher Zhang said," Hurry up, everyone will go out. "This is really Monkey Sun's face - it's always changing! We heard Teacher Zhang's command and quickly walked out of the classroom. On the way, we talked and laughed with Teacher Zhang. As I walked all the way to the cafeteria, Teacher Zhang taught us a lot and was deeply imprinted in my heart.

  This is my Chinese teacher, a humorous and witty Chinese teacher.

  Teacher Zhang's language charm is like a magnet, deeply attracting us. In his class, I don't know when there will be witty words popping up, and every corner of the teacher is filled with laughter and laughter.

2.我的老师英语作文范文 篇二

  My favorite Chinese teacher is Mr. Chen. Teacher Chen has black hair and bright eyes. She is thin and tall, very slim. She always wears beautiful dresses, which are very beautiful.

  Teacher Chen is very diligent in class and explains every lesson carefully to us. If we have any questions, Teacher Chen will answer them for us. Teacher Chen often asks me to answer questions, although I don't often raise my hand or answer incorrectly, she doesn't criticize me, but encourages me. Teacher Chen is very kind to me. When I was in first grade, my health was not very good and I often took leave. Teacher Chen took good care of me and often cared about my physical condition. He also encouraged me to eat more and sometimes even personally supervised me to finish the fruit. Teacher Chen also bought me books and gave me notebooks. I am required to read more useful extracurricular books and learn more knowledge.

  Teacher Chen likes to travel. I can always see many beautiful scenery photos and colorful flowers and plants taken by Teacher Chen during her travels on my parents' mobile phones and WeChat. Whenever I see these photos, I think I must exercise well, eat more, and like Teacher Chen, I also want to see the beautiful rivers and mountains of our country.

  Teacher Chen is very beautiful and has a more beautiful soul, so I like Teacher Chen.

3.我的老师英语作文范文 篇三

  From childhood to adulthood, we will encounter many teachers in our lives, each with their own characteristics, some gentle, some serious, some humorous

  What I like is our Chinese language teacher, Teacher Chen. From the beginning of first grade until now, the teacher has been accompanying us. The teacher is very beautiful, tall, thin, and has long black and shiny hair.

  Teachers treat us like their own children, making us feel very friendly. The teacher is meticulous in our studies. They will also educate us that a few days ago, a classmate stole someone else's paper, which was not his. He kept saying it was his, but the paper belonged to someone else. Teacher Chen left the student alone to talk to.

  Teacher Chen - our Chinese teacher, I will never forget you.

4.我的老师英语作文范文 篇四

  You can conduct a "national" survey in our class, and over 90% of students will like Teacher Chen the most. If you don't believe me, let me give you a good explanation.

  Let me introduce you to our teacher Chen first! She is of medium height, with short, shiny black hair and beautiful black eyes with glass balls. Her smile is as if it had been washed by a sweet mountain spring.

  However, Teacher Chen has a nickname of "gentle devil". Let's just talk about this period of time! Several classmates in my class and I were planning to participate in the art star competition in the city. Teacher Chen asked us to only copy the words once, but the others were not convinced, Teacher Chen began to enlighten them, "Our class is like an army, and the students who compete are the soldiers in the military camp. Now that the horn of battle has sounded, how can I sit idly by? We must support them, so that they don't have any worries and go all out to fight!" We were all overjoyed, thinking that the devil had turned into an angel, and the other students lacked words and were defeated.

  However, "Teacher Chen changed his tone, extremely calm but making us feel chilly behind the contestants." If you don't practice well and use this name to be lazy, hehe, copy ten times! "" Demon "Teacher Chen, I knew I couldn't escape your Five Finger Mountain.

  This is our 'gentle demon' teacher. We all like her very much.

5.我的老师英语作文范文 篇五

  The teacher is tall and has curly golden hair, resembling a waterfall. The skin is very fair, the eyes are large, and intense, as if conveying a message of wisdom to us. The eyebrows are curved, like a pair of small moon buds. The small mouth is eloquent and can answer various questions raised by classmates. The small and delicate ears are always listening to their voices.

  Our homeroom teacher is not only beautiful, but also very patient and rarely criticizes us.

  Once, a classmate in our class didn't understand a question in class and went to consult Teacher Deng after class. The teacher tirelessly explained to him again and again until the student understood. I remember once in class, we encountered a problem that the entire class couldn't solve. The teacher first gave us some small prompts, followed the instructions, and finally asked us to come up with the answer ourselves. After the problem was successfully solved, the students all felt proud. Her teaching methods were highly praised by her classmates.

  The homeroom teacher is not only a teacher, but also cares about us like a "mother".

  Once, I caught a cold and felt a bit uncomfortable. As soon as she entered the classroom, she noticed my abnormality and walked over to me. She gently inquired about my cause and instructed me to pay more attention to rest. She also brought me boiling water to drink. When she took the water, my tears were about to flow. But I still want to persist in completing today's course.

  Teacher, it is you who use the beautiful sunshine to shine and the beautiful rain and dew to nourish our hearts that make the grass green and the flowers beautiful! You are busy with the blooming of flowers and the ripening of fruits, silently hanging the shade of leaves, ah! Teacher, your spirit is always in my heart!
