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  attic   n. 阁楼   A: The auction will be held at 3pm on Saturday.   B: Good, I’d like to set a starting price of one hundred dollars for my table.   auction   n./vt. 拍卖   A: Even though I’m not registered in this department, will it be alright if I audit your classes?   B: It is fine with me, but it is best to check with the department first.   audit   vt. 审计,检查(帐目)   A: Are all the accounts from your business in order?   B: No, the auditor still needs to check them.   auditor   n. 审计员,稽核员   A: Where will the classical concert be held?   B: In the main auditorium   auditorium   n. 1.观众席,听众席;2.礼堂,会堂   A: He is suffering from an auditory infection.   B: I hope he recovers soon.   auditory   a. 听觉的,听觉器官的   A: My salary will be augmented with the aid of extra hours.   B: Great, but don’t work too hard.   augment   vt. 扩大,增加,提高   A: I attended a memorial service last night.   B: It must have a very austere occasion.   austere   a. 1.朴素的,无装饰的;2.严峻的,一丝不苟的;3.十分简朴的,苦行的   A: Are you jeans authentic ?   B: No, they are just cheap copies of the original brand.   authentic   a. 1.真的,真正的;2.可靠的,可信的   A: John has such an authoritative voice. It is frightening.   B: I find him scary at times also.   authoritative   a. 1.权威性的,可信的;2.专断的,命令式的   A: Stop! You are not authorized to enter this section of the building.   B: Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that I needed special permission.   authorize   vt. 授权,批准   A: What are you reading?   B: Nelson Mandela’s autobiography , I highly recommend it.   autobiography   n. 自传   A: Is that dog over there real?   B: No, I think that it is just an automation   automation   n. 自动化(技术),自动操作   A: I am moving to an autonomous region of the country.   B: Gosh, that will be an interesting experience.   autonomous   a. 1.自治的;2.独立自主的   A: You are very independent.   B: My autonomy is protected by the law.   autonomy   n. 1.自治,自治权;2.人身自由,自主权   A: Where you able to get through to the ticket office when you telephoned?   B: I tried several times, but to no avail.   avail   n. [一般用于否定句或疑问句中] 效用,利益,帮助   A: What was the film about?   B: A guy trying to avenge the killing of his brother. It was quite violent.   avenge   vt. 1.为…复仇,报…之仇;2.(on)向…报仇   A: Let’s turn left down the next road.   B: Good idea, that way we can avert the traffic jam.   avert   vt. 1.防止,避免;2.转移(目光、注意力等)   A: I heard that the national aviation company owes a lot of money to the government.   B: Well, it must be because of the price of new planes.   aviation   n. 1.航空,航空学;2.飞机制造业   A: I was filled with awe when I watched the sun rise this morning.   B: It is a shame that I missed it, I was still in bed.   awe   n. 敬畏,惊惧   vt. 使敬畏,使惊惧   be / stand in awe of 敬畏   A: At what speed does the earth spin on its axis ?   B: I am not quite sure, you should check in your textbook.   axis   n. 1.轴,轴线,中心线;2.坐标轴,基准线

