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【#小学英语# 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《小学英语阅读100篇【31-40篇】》 供您查阅。

【第一篇:The Happy Family】

There was a butterbur leaf in a country of the south. A lot of butterbur trees with big leaves looked very nice. A snail was living on a back of a butterbur leaf. The snail ate the butterbur leaves and lived peacefully moving from one leaf or stem to another. Two snails were living on a back of the butterbur leaves. These two had never been out of the butterbur wood, but they knew that there was a different world out of the forest.

  Birds always felt impatient when they saw the snails. “Hey, why are you that lazy? Try to walk faster.” When the birds complained, one snail said, “That‘s because we are not in a hurry.”

  “Why don’t you just stop crawling around here and go some other places?” “We have a roof and it‘s full of food here.” “If you like staying here that much, do as you want.” The short-tempered bird flew away to the sky. But the snails did not envy the bird that could fly everywhere freely.

  “Even she has wings, she has no house, it must be very uncomfortable.” “If it rains or something scary comes up, how can she hide her head and legs?” The two snails her felt pity for the bird.

  They were just lonely because they were only two. One day, they found a little snail crying on the back of a butterbur leaf. “What a pity! What’s happened?” “Hey little snail, where are you from?” The two snails asked the crying little snail.

  The little snail cried and said he was searching for his dad, mom and his brothers for a few days. “Oh dear! Stop crying. I will be your dad.” “And I will be your mom. Come on!” The two snails took him to a big special butterbur leaf where they were always living.

  A few days later, the little young snail ate delicious food and recovered slowly. Even his mom and dad were surprised that the baby snail could crawl very quickly and play far away from the leaf. “Sweet heart, you don‘t need to crawl very fast. Always walk slowly.” She showed him slow crawling.

  When it rained, funny sounds came from the splashing raindrop on the butterbur leaf. “Do you like it? It sounds like a drum, doesn’t it?” The husband snail was proud of himself as if he made the sound. “Wow, it‘s funny.” The baby snail was very happy. The baby snail is old enough to marry now. His Mom and Dad searched for his bride crawling from one butterbur leaf to another. A ladybug heard it and visited them. “I know a great one.”

  Mom and dad snails were happy to hear that and asked. “Does she have a house?” “It’s not just a house. She has her own wonderful castle with 700 hallways. She is the queen ant.” The ladybug told them proudly.

  “Thank you for your kindness, but our baby will be eaten by ants if he marries to the queen ant.” The mom snail rejected the ladybug‘s kindness. After a while, a fly taught them there was a young woman snail right next to her.

  The snail family decided the woman snail would be the baby snail’s bride. The night of the wedding, six fireflies shone beautiful bluish light on the ceremony. The snail family lived together happily and peacefully ever after.

【第二篇:A Piggy Bank】

Once there were lots of toys in a room. There was a saving box on the dresser, and it was a small piggy bank. The piggy bank was full of bronze, gold and silver coins.

  The piggy bank knew that he had many coins inside of him. That‘s why he was always proud of himself in front of his friends. “I have a lot of money. It is enough to buy all of you.” The piggy bank always looked down from the top of the dresser and said this proudly. Then, the other toys looked up the piggy bank with envious eyes.

  One night, the beautiful moonlight poured into the room through a window. The toys in the room were so happy. “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s play together on this beautiful night.” A baby doll with a red velvet ribbon said. “Okay. Let‘s play a game.” “After that, let’s have a tea party.” “Wow, it will be exciting!” All the toys shouted for joy.

  Everyone except the piggy bank joined the party. “That party must be boring.” He held up his head to the ceiling and pretended that he was not interested in the party. He thought it would make him less valuable to join in such an unimportant party.

  “Hey, piggy bank! Come on and join us. Let‘s enjoy the party.” “Come on.” Everyone invited him to the party, but the piggy bank ignored their invitation. Therefore, the other toys enjoyed their party without the piggy bank.

  A rocking horse put on a knitting ball tail and danced. A rubber ball rolled over, and a toy car drove round everywhere in the room. Everyone seemed so happy.

  The piggy bank looked down at them playing and watched with an askance look. Then, the playing was over and the tea party began. The piggy bank couldn’t stand not eating when he saw the food, and he came closer step by step to the edge of the dresser.

  He smelled delicious cookies. He suddenly stuck his head towards the toys gathered.

  “Clink!” The piggy bank fell down to the floor. When the piggy bank broke into pieces, the bronze, gold and silver coins inside of him scattered noisily.

  The other toys were surprised at the piggy bank‘s fall while they were enjoying the tea party. Everybody looked at the piggy bank with surprise. “Look at that poor piggy bank. He was always proud of himself.” “It’s so sad. He could not even enjoy the party.” All the other toys felt sorry about the piggy bank.

【第三篇:The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweeper】


There was a very old cupboard in a living room. Various patterns were carved on the cupboard, one of them in the middle, was a man with a strange look; he had goat‘s legs, a small horn on his head and a long beard on his chin. The children who used to come in and out the room called him ’Goat Leg Billy‘.

  Goat Leg Billy was always looking down at a desk under a mirror. There was a lovely shepherdess made of china on the desk. The Shepherdess was holding a stick and wearing gold shoes and a skirt with red rose ornaments. She was also wearing a pretty golden hat. She was very beautiful.

  Right next to her, there was a Chimney Sweeper made of china with a cute and flushed face, and he was holding a ladder. They were engaged because both were close to each other, made of china and they matched each other very well as a good couple. There was another doll made of china, and this big old Chinese guy was three times bigger than the others. He could nod his head up and down, and he insisted that only he had the right to make decisions about the Shepherdess. One day, Goat Leg Billy asked him to be allowed to get married with the Shepherdess, the Chinese doll nodded his head and said yes.

  “Now you are going to get married. Your groom is made of mahogany, and his drawer is full of silver plates. Tonight, when the old cupboard makes a creaking sound, you two have to get married.” The old Chinese doll said this to the Shepherdess and fell asleep.

  The Shepherdess cried and looked at her beloved Chimney Sweeper. “I don’t want to go to the dark cupboard. Let‘s go to the outside world with me!” “I can do whatever you want. Please leave here right now! I have a job, so I can take care of you.” The Chimney Sweeper said.

  “Can we get down from the desk safely?” The Chimney Sweeper taught the Shepherdess how to walk with her china legs and they used a ladder to step down on the ground and looked up to the old cupboard. The patterns of the cupboard and Goat Leg Billy were shouting at them. “They are sneaking away! They are sneaking away!”

  The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweeper were astounded to hear their voices. The old Chinese doll already woke up and was shaking his body with anger. He fell down to the ground. “Oh, the old Chinese guy is coming after us.” The Shepherdess plumped down to the ground with fear.

  “We have no choice but to go out and face the big outside world.” “Are you sure that you want to go to the outside world with me? Do you know how really big the outside world is? We may never be able to come back here again.” “Yes, I know.” The Shepherdess said with no hesitation.

  “All right. I used to know way from the fireplace to the chimney. There is a hole connected to the outside world up there. We will use that hole to go out.” The Chimney Sweeper said and took the Shepherdess to a gate in the fireplace. “It is very dark in here!” The Shepherdess bravely climbed up the dirty passage through the fireplace with the Chimney Sweeper.

  Even though it was steep and long, the Chimney Sweeper pulled and pushed her. When they finally reached the end of the chimney, they got tired and sat down. They could see the sky of twinkling stars over their heads and the huge outside world. The Shepherdess never imagined that the outside world would be this big. She started to cry because she was so shocked.

  “It’s too big. I am not strong enough to face it. I want to go back to where I was staying, the table in front of the mirror. “The Chimney Sweeper tried to calm her down by telling her that the angry old Chinese guy and Goat Leg Billy were following them,but it did not work. They had to crawl down through the chimney and go back to the fireplace.

  From the dark fireplace, they looked up at the room. It was very quiet, and the old Chinese guy was lying down in the middle of the floor. He was broken into three pieces when he tried to chase them and fell down from the table. His back and head came off from his body. “Oh dear! That‘s because of us. What shall we do now?” The Shepherdess felt painful when she saw him. “He can be repaired and will be able to scold us as he used to. “Are you sure?” The Shepherdess was relieved and went back to the table where she was standing before. “All our efforts were in vain!” The Chimney Sweeper grumbled to himself.

  After that, the old Chinese guy could move his body again as she wished. He looked like new when he was fixed and nailed on his back. But he could not nod his head ever again. “So, will you let me marry her now?” Goat Leg Billy asked the old Chinese guy.

  The Chimney Sweeper and the Shepherdess waited for his answer nervously. At last the China lovers could stay together because the old Chinese guy could not nod his head any more, and he could not say “yes”. They loved each other and lived happily ever after until they were broken into pieces.


【第五篇:The Swineherd Prince】

Long ago, there was a handsome prince in a country. He loved a princess of his neighboring country, but she was haughty and stubborn. “I don‘t want to marry just a normal guy.”

  The prince gave her a beautiful rose and a bird as a gift. “Will you marry me?” “You are asking me to marry you with these things?” She rejected his proposal.

  But the prince could not give her up. He tried to come up with a good idea for a long time. “That’s right. I have to disguise myself as a swineherd.” The prince, disguised as a swineherd, went to the princess‘ palace. The prince made a small and beautiful pot in front of the pigpen. The pot could even sing.

  One day, when the princess passed by the pigpen, the pot began to sing a beautiful song. She really wanted to have this pot. “How much is the singing pot?” “If you kiss me, I will give it to you for free.”

  She hesitated for a moment, but she really wanted to have it, and answered. “All right.” She kissed the swineherd.

  At that moment, the king saw them kissing. “What are you doing?” The king was so angry that he expelled her and the swineherd from his palace.

  She was so sad. “If I got married to the prince, this would never happened. “She regretted that she ignored the prince.

  While she was walking with the swineherd, rain began to fall. The rain washed the dirty swineherd’s face, and he turned into the beautiful prince. She fell in love with him at first sight and said, “Will you marry me?”

  But the prince said no. “No, I won‘t. I don’t want to marry a woman who kissed a dirty swineherd because of a pot. “The prince said good-bye to the princess and went back home.

【第六篇:The Old Street Lamp】

There once was an old street lamp standing on a remote corner of a town. The street lamp was worn out because he stayed up all night for several years to shine in a dark street. That‘s why he had to be replaced by a new lamp. It was the last night that the street lamp shone over the side street. He was an old kerosene lamp.

  The old street lamp burned himself as hard as he could since he thought it was his last night. “I have seen a lot of things since I stood here.” The old street lamp looked back upon what he had seen for a long time. There were pleasant memories, and also sad memories, with those he could hardly keep from tears.

  Suddenly the old street lamp sensed that there who were looking up at him. “Mr. Street Lamp, we heard that you will retire from your job.” “Please hire me after you.” “No, hire me.” They were a head of a herring, a tree fragment and a firefly. The head of a herring glowed in the dark, and the tree fragment was bright in the dark when he was wet.

  The old street lamp looked down and said, “I am sorry say this, but you both are not bright enough to be a street light.” The three were angry about it. “Hum! You, old useless street lamp! You don’t have to care about which of us will replace you!” They said this and went back.

  The Next day, a janitor came to clear the old street lamp away. “Oh, I wish I can stay here.” No one knew what the old lamp would become if he were broken to pieces. The old street lamp worried about this very much.

  There were a good old man and a woman. They were living around the old street lamp. They used to turn on and put out the old street lamp at night and dawn.

  The old street lamp happened to go to the old man and woman‘s house. The old man and woman did not want to live apart from the old street lamp which they used to take care of for a long time, so they asked the janitor to give them the old street lamp. “Whew, I am lucky.” The old street lamp felt relieved.

  One day, one of their neighbors came and asked.“ What on earth is the use of this old lamp?” “We’ve been taking care of this lamp for a long time, so we don‘t want to throw it away.” As the old street lamp was listening to their conversation, he felt his heart aching. “If they light me up, I can be quite helpful for them.”

  The old woman cleaned the old lamp in her spare time. Then, the old lamp slowly became clean. The lamp felt better. “Ha ha, it looks much better.” The old man smiled pleasantly. “Shall we light up this lamp tonight?” “Yes. Let’s do that.”

  The old woman bought a candle. That night, she lit up the clean old street lamp. “Great, I will try to brighten myself as hard as I can.” The old street lamp shone all around him brightly. For the old man and woman who took care of him, he brightened his iron ornament glitteringly.

【第七篇:The Worthwhile Job】

There were five brothers who wanted to do something important. They had their own certain jobs that they wanted to do. Each thought his job was the best. “I will be a great man. I want to make bricks.”

  The oldest brother wanted to be a brick burner and make bricks. But the second laughed at him. “Making bricks is a laborer‘s worthless job.”

  The second oldest brother wanted to be a bricklayer, and he thought the bricklayer was much more important than a brick burner. He wanted to have a much more valuable job than his older brother did. Then, the third brother laughed at his two brothers after he listened to their dream jobs. “Hum! They are all unimportant jobs. I will be a great architect and wear a rimless hat.”

  His dream was to be an architect and to leave his name in posterity. The third oldest brother said he would build great buildings. He wanted to leave great buildings for the next generation after he died. After listening to his brothers, the forth said that he wanted to design better buildings than his third brother. “I will design more advanced buildings than you will build.”

  He did not like normal materials. He wanted to have buildings made of rare materials so that he could have better buildings than his third brother did. “I will be a critic and will criticize my brothers’ work. Isn‘t it the most valuable job?”

  The last promised to himself that he would never follow his brothers’ paths. He wanted to correct his brothers‘ mistakes. As time went by, the oldest brother became a brick burner. The second brother became a bricklayer. The third one became an architect, and the forth became an architectural designer. They all passed away after they did what they really wanted to do. “The only one left is me.”

  The last one lived longer than any of his brothers, and he became a critic. “I did the most important job.”

  The last still insisted that he had the most worthwhile job among his brothers. After he died, even though he could go to Heaven only with his brothers’ help, he murmured to himself continuously in front of the Gate of Heaven. “I am the best.” Whatever your job is, they are all of the same importance.

【第八篇:The Flying Trunk】

There once was a rich merchant. He had a son who didn‘t want to do anything except play and waste money. The rich merchant died and left his money to his son, but he wasted it and soon, he had nothing left in his pocket. The Flying Trunk

  When he had no money, no one welcomed him. Even his closest friends avoided him. The son was so sad that he decided to move to another town.

  One of his friends gave him a big old trunk. But he had nothing to put in the trunk. The only things he had were a pair of wooden shoes and stripped pajama. When he had nothing more to put in the trunk, he put himself in.

  “Wow, what is wrong with this trunk?” The trunk was closed by itself and rose slowly up to the sky .“Where am I going?”

  He floated in the sky for a while, and when the trunk opened its zipper a little, he carefully looked down. He saw the round rooves of the towers. He arrived at the country where Trook people live. The trunk slowly landed next to a small pond in a forest. He hid the trunk and came out of the forest.

  He went place to place and found the tallest tower of the area. He asked about the tower to one of the people on the road.

  “Who lives in the tallest tower?” “A princess is living there, but she can only meet her king and queen.” “Why?” “A fairy told them that the princess will be very miserable because of a young man.”

  The son rode in the trunk and went to the princess’ room. She was sleeping peacefully. The sleeping princess was very beautiful. She woke up from the noise that the son made. “Who are you? How did you get in here?” “I came here to send you a message from the God of the Trooks.” He lied and pretended as if he was the messenger from the God.‘ The princess was happy and talked with him.

  He told a funny story to the king and queen when they came to see the princess. He said that he was ’the messenger of the God‘. The king and queen were happy and they decided to make him the groom of the prince.

  “People say the princess has a partner to marry. He is a messenger from the God.” The Trook people crowded into the streets and had a big party. They danced and enjoyed fireworks all night long. The son rode in the trunk and enjoyed the fireworks. When it was dawn, he hid the trunk again and went into the street. He wanted to know what people said about him. The Trook people were all saying, “Did you see those fireworks in the sky? He must be a messenger of the God.” He was happy and went back to the pond.

  When he got back to the woods, his flying trunk was badly burned and only a pile of ashes was left. A small spark was in the trunk, and it had started the fire. Unfortunately, he could never fly again, and he could not be the son-in-law of the king.

【第九篇:The Great Rooster】

There once were two roosters in a town. One was living in a henhouse, and the other was living on top of a high roof. One day, an eggplant and a cucumber in the field talked about the two roosters.

  “Which rooster do you think is better, between the one in the henhouse and the one on the roof top?” The cucumber asked first. “Of course, the one on the roof top is better!” The eggplant answered. “He sits on that high roof top and makes himself proud. Don‘t you think he is great when you see him?”

  “But the one on the roof top is made of iron. It just lets us know where the wind blows. If the wind does not blow, he can’t even move by himself.” “So, do you think the rooster on in the henhouse can climb up to that roof top?” “The one on the roof top is all alone with no children and no hens.” “He is the greatest rooster even if he is all alone.” The cucumber and eggplant kept arguing.

  At that moment, a strong wind came and blew. Both the cucumber and the eggplant could not talk anymore. As it got dark, the wind grew stronger. With it came with rain, and a severe rainstorm started to fall.

  “Help me!” The cucumber and the eggplant trembled because of the storm. They hung on to their vines as hard as they could because they felt they would pull out. In the henhouse, all the chickens got together and were shivering.

  But the rooster on the top of the roof was very busy while he was showing the directions of the rainstorm. “Shriek, it‘s from the east. Shriek, it’s from the south!” In the middle of the hard rainstorm - the tiles of the roof were falling down to the ground, and the branches of the trees were breaking into pieces-, he didn‘t seem to care how severe the rainstorm was.

  “Well, that’s my rooster!” The eggplant trembled and said. But even before the eggplant finished saying this, the iron rooster on the roof top broke and fell on the ground with a big noise, ‘boom!’.

  The rainstorm stopped and the next morning came. “Cock-a-doodle-do! Sun is shining!” The rooster of the henhouse, who was shivering all night long, came out of the house first and told everyone the morning had come.

【第十篇:The Pea Blossom】

Five grains of green peas were growing together side by side in a shell. The green pea grains grew little by little with warm sunshine. Because of the green shell, they thought the whole world also would be green.

  “Make some room for me. Why do we feel this shell is much smaller than before?” As they grew up, they felt cramped in the shell. Autumn was just around the corner, and the green shell turned yellowish.

  One boy came close and picked the green pea shell. “The shell will be opened!” “Which one of us will go the farthest?” The green pea grains murmured together nervously, and looked forward to the shell being opened.

  The boy grasped the shell tightly and spread his hand out. Then, the shell was opened, and the grains jumped and popped out of the shell.

  The first green pea fell down on a roof and became food for a pigeon. The second green pea did too. The third green pea fell into a sewer and lived in the mud. The fourth green pea remained in the boy‘s hand and was locked in the boy’s treasure box. The youngest green pea jumped out as hard as he could and went the farthest. It landed in the corner of a windowsill of a house in a street. It was full of dust and moss.

  An ill girl and her mother lived in the house. They were so poor that her mother had to work all day. The ill girl had to stay in her bed all the time by herself.

  Small leaves and dust from here and there covered the youngest pea. In spring, a small bud began to come out of his body. One day, the ill girl saw the new bud on the windowsill of her attic. “Mom, look at this. There‘s small buds on the windowsill.” Her mother came close to the window and looked at it carefully.

  “You’re right. The small green pea pushed out new buds!” Her mother was also surprised at the new buds, and the girl‘s eyes were glittering with joy. “Mom, would you move my bed close to the window? I want to watch it growing and stretching out.” “Sure, I will. Cheer up!”

  Her mother put some soil on the windowsill and she made a stick stand for the green pea. She helped the green pea stretch its roots and vines. The girl stretched her body to look out at the green pea’s vines. She kept stretching her back, and in the end, she can get out of her bed and stand. Her cheeks became full of fresh red color.

  Then, one morning, the girl shouted out with joy. “Oh! The white flowers began to come out. Mom, come and look at this green pea flower.” Her mother ran to her and embraced her daughter who was standing by herself. “That little grain of green pea helped my daughter to stand up and walk.” Tears were standing in the mother‘s eyes. The two were standing with happy smiles next to the window of bright and warm sunshine.

