【#小学英语# 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《小学英语阅读100篇【51-60篇】》 供您查阅。
【第一篇:The Flower Greet the Spring】
It was a very cold winter. The seeds of the flowers were crouching in a room under the ground. The room was comfortably warm. The seeds were all sleeping peacefully.
One day, it rained moistly. The raindrops sank into the ground and woke up the seeds. “Wake up. Spring is just around the corner!” “Mm, mm...” The seeds moved their bodies slightly, but they did not want to wake up.
Lovely spring was coming with big steps, and the sun was shining with a bright smile. The sunlight came through the underground and reached the place where the seeds were sleeping. “Ah, I feel itchy! I want to breathe in some fresh air.” Finally, the seeds woke up and stretched.
Spring rain came again, and it made the hard clod of soil moist and soft after it flowed into the ground. The hard clod of soil dissolved, and the sun patted the soil tenderly. “Ah, I can‘t just sit down here any more!”
When the seed swayed all her body, a beard-looking root started to come out from her brown body. The white root turned to light green and stretched her root to the side where the sunlight was bright and warm. Finally, a new bud of the seed came out of the ground and reached out her shy face quietly.
“Oh, how bright!” She blinked her eyes several times because it was too bright to open her eyes. Then, she closed her eyes tightly.
“Pretty little baby, open your eyes slowly. You are going to be okay.” The sun whispered with her soft voice to the seed sitting on top of a ginkgo tree. The spring breeze was blowing soft and fresh, and there was a joyful skylark’s song. “Wow, what a cute little sprout you are!” The sprout became so happy, and she was no longer afraid of the bright sunshine.
The sprout grew up well. The light green colored leaves grew darker and darker everyday. Soon, the new bud became a flower plant. And she bore a red flower bud. One day, the flower bud bloomed. It was a beautiful flower that looked just like the sun.
【第二篇:The Flax】
A long time ago, there was a flower called ‘Flax’. “ I am so happy. No one is happier than me in the world.”
A leaf of grass said to the Flax. “You don‘t know anything about the world. Do you know how painful it is to live here?” “That’s not true! I‘ve never seen more beautiful flowers than me. I am so happy now.”
One day, people came and pulled up the Flax’s stem. It hurt her badly, but she thought to herself, ‘One good day, one bad day. It’s okay. Just be brave!‘ But the people put her in water and broke her.
“Well, that’s all right. I used to be happy. I can get over this little pain.‘” After tolerating all the pain, she became great linen. “I am lucky! I became very beautiful because I endured the suffering. I am so happy.”
A few days later, the linen was cut with scissors and pricked by needles. However, the linen endured the pain. After the pain, she became a great suit of clothes.
“Look at me! I am a great suit of clothes. Finally I became a useful thing.” A few years later, she was almost worn-out.
She had to suffer the pain of being torn into pieces. Then, the Flax became a fine and white piece of paper. ’People write letters on my body. I am so lucky.‘ Next, she happened to be sent to a printing shop, and then, she was published as hundreds of books. ’I am going to live my life with everybody‘s respect and attention. I am very happy.’
After a while, she was thrown away into a bathtub. ‘After hard work all day long, I should take a rest. Maybe I will be sent to a better place in the future like the way I have been in the past.’
One day, the paper was put into a fireplace. ‘Ouch! This is too hot! But I have to put up with this for more happy days.’ The Flax lived with a joyful and appreciating attitude towards her life.
【第三篇:The Butterfly‘s finding a Bride】
There once was a butterfly flying gently. He was flying in the blue sky and was looking for his bride. ’Flower is the best bride for me!‘ The Butterfly thought, but there were too many flowers to choose only one.
“I will be able to find a beautiful flower if I fly all around the world.” The Butterfly started to fly around to find the flower to be his bride. First, he found a snowdrop. “What a pretty flower she is! But she’s too small.”
The Butterfly flew to another place. He found a saffran this time. “Oh, she is beautiful. But she‘s too mature.”
The Butterfly flew around again. “Wow, she’s amazing!” He found an anemone. “But she‘s too passionate.” The Butterfly flew away.
Then he met a violet. “She is a very soft flower, but she is too tender to be my bride.”
Then he went to a tulip. “Hi, butterfly!” A red tulip nodded her head and greeted the butterfly. “Oh, hi!” Even though he replied to the red tulip, the Butterfly thought that the red tulip is too dazzling to be his bride.
“What do I have to do now? I can’t find my bride.” This time, he met a daffodil. “That daffodil is too pure. She is too pure and she even looks lonely.” The Butterfly did not like the daffodil as his bride.
The Butterfly arrived at the place filled with apple tree flowers. “Tomorrow, the apple tree flower will fade along with the wind even if she is blooming today.” The apple tree flower wasn‘t good enough to be the butterfly’s bride, either.
There was a pea flower. “Wow, she is very splendid!” Pea flowers were in elegant bloom with red and white colors. The Butterfly liked the pea flower because she was neither too lonely nor too dazzling.
“Hi, Miss Pea flower?” Butterfly flew closer to her to ask to be his bride. Then, he caught sight of a messy flower hanging on a leaf with a withered bean chaff. He ran away in a hurry after seeing that.
In this way, spring and summer passed. But the butterfly still could not find his bride. Autumn came. One day Butterfly smelled a strong scent while he was flying. There was a peppermint in the field.
“That‘s great. Even though peppermint does not have any flowers, her leaves have a very strong scent. Peppermint’s leaves are the same as flowers. I will make her my bride.” Butterfly flew next to the peppermint and asked, “Miss Peppermint, would you please be my bride?”
Then the peppermint said, “Mr. Butterfly, it is autumn now. You and I are too old. Don‘t tell me about ’being your bride‘ any more.” In the end, Butterfly could not find any bride.
【第四篇:Children‘s Prattle】
One day, some children got together and were talking to each other. They all lived in wealthy families. One girl spoke confidently, “My family is very rich. My parents studied a lot.”
One boy was listening to the girl and said, “ ’If your name ends with ‘-sen’, you will be miserable.‘ Well, I feel lucky I have no ’-sen‘ at the end of my name.”
Then, the girl spoke again. “You’re right. I have a friend whose name is ‘Martsen’, and his family is so poor.” Another boy said holding up his head confidently, “My father is in a high position. Everybody is afraid of him.”
At that moment, one boy was listening to this conversation behind a door. He was poor, and his name ended with ‘-sen’. He could not mix with the children because he was so poor.
‘This is so sad. I can never be a great man.’ He envied all the children in the room.
As time went by, the children all grew up. A millionaire was living in the town. A lot of people wanted to visit his house. “This is such a wonderful house. Whose house is this?”
The owner of the house was the poor boy. The boy grew up to be a great sculptor. Even though he was not born rich, and his name ended with ‘-sen’, the boy became a great man. The children in the room were all wrong.
【第五篇:The Daisy】
There was a house where various kinds of flowers were blooming in the front yard. In every May, spring flowers came into bloom beautifully. Tulips, roses and peonies boasted their lovely figures. The Daisy
A Daisy on a small part of the lawn close to the roadside and out side of the fence was also in bloom. She was very small. “Those flowers over there must be very happy. People come to look at them.” The small daisy envied the tulips, roses and peonies in the front yard.
Then suddenly, a tiny little skylark came over to the small daisy, and she danced around her and sang beautiful songs. “What a small pretty flower you are.” The tiny little skylark stroked the daisy, and flew away to the wide and blue sky. Now, other flowers envied the small daisy.
The next morning, the Daisy heard the skylark‘s tearful voice. The Small Daisy looked up at a cage hanging in the window. The skylark was crying in the cage. The Daisy wanted to help the skylark, but she couldn’t do anything.
After a while, two boys came over the fence, and crouched down near the Daisy. “This lawn is good.” Two boys poked at the lawn around the Daisy. They drew a circle around her and cut out the lawn.
Small daisy came to stand in the middle of the sod. “Well done. Should I pull this little daisy out?” “No, let‘s keep it there. It’s pretty.” Two boys brought the lawn and laid it down in the cage.
The skylark flapped her little wings and cried. But the small Daisy could not comfort her. “Water, I want to drink water. Everyone forgot to give it to me. Why is the air so impure and thick?” The skylark felt painful and pecked the lawn with her bill.
Until that night, nobody gave her some water. The skylark nodded her head to the Daisy. “Good bye. You will dry up and die like me soon.” The skylark was very thirsty and painful but she did not touch the Daisy. The Daisy was so sad. The skylark died laying her head next to the Daisy.
The next day, the two boys came back. They made a grave for the skylark with tears in their eyes. The Daisy was thrown away with the lawn on the street. “It was not the grave which the skylark wanted to have.” The Daisy said to herself.
【第六篇:Benu and Glenu】
There were two islands called Benu and Glenu around Holstein Castle located next to the Zeeland coast. On these two islands, there were forests, ranches, fields, churches and towns. These two islands were located close to each other side by side.
One night, there was a big rainstorm. The earth and sky were shaking and the ground seemed to crack, the church bells swayed and tolled by themselves, sea waves roared higher than ever before.
The next morning, Benu completely disappeared as if it had never existed before. Even now, on quiet summer evenings, some fishermen say they saw the white church tower of Benu under the sea, and others say they heard the church bell.
The legend, ‘Benu is laying down deep under the sea waiting for Glenu’, spread across the whole town, and when rainstorms rose up, the children of Glenu shivered and heard the sound of waves with fear.
“Is Benu going to take Glenu away under the sea tonight?” The children used to be terrified with this thought and muttered prayers, and went to bed. But the next morning, Glenu was still there. Forests, fields full of fully ripened grains, and picturesque farmhouses are all still there.
But Glenu was looking forward to the day. Even though it does not know how many days it has to wait, Glenu knows that someday it will disappear before anyone is aware of it.
Suddenly one morning, the Glenu that was there had vanished. Even the day before yesterday, wild swans were swimming through the sea between Zeeland and Glenu, sailing boats were passing by smoothly, people were riding horse carriages which splashed water and went to Glenu, but one day Glenu vanished forever.
When you travel far away from Holstein for 10 years and come back, forests may be surrounded by an open and green plain, and you may smell the hay. You may doubt your eyes looking at where you are and the houses that you‘ve never seen before. Holstein castle will still be glittering its golden spire, but the castle will look as if it moved 1 mile to the inland. You will reach the shore crossing forests and fields, but there is no island in your sight but a boundless ocean, you will ask yourself this,
“Did Benu finally take Glenu? One night, did the rainstorm that shakes the sky and earth really move Holstein castle 1 mile inland?” However, the rainstorms will never arise, and this will happen at noon in bright sunlight.
It will be men who will build banks around Glenu, linking Glenu and Zeeland draining the sea. And then, they will turn the place into a rich plain
As the legend says, even though Glenu will vanish, Zeeland will be broader. It is not Benu that will take Glenu away, but it is Zeeland that will hold Glenu with its long and wide bank.
【第七篇:The Toy Soldier】
Some toy soldiers made of brass were standing on a shelf of a toy shop. One of them had only one leg.
The Toy Soldier:
The shop had also a castle made of paper. A beautiful paper ballerina stood in front of the castle gate.
The toy soldier with one-leg loved the ballerina. He wanted to dance with her, but he couldn‘t ask her because he only had one leg.
One day, a little girl bought the ballerina and took her to her house. The toy soldier was so sad. That night, the wind blew very hard. The toy soldier fell down to the street because of the wind. Some naughty boys found the toy soldier.
“Look at him! This toy soldier has only one leg. Let’s throw him into the river.” The boys threw him in the river. When the toy soldier was drifting down the river, a big fish came over and swallowed him in its mouth.
After a while, the fish was caught by a fisherman‘s rod. He sold the fish to a woman. She cut the fish while preparing dinner after she came back home. She found the toy soldier inside of the fish. The woman was surprised. “Oh, what is this?” She gave him to her daughter.
The girl took him to her room. At that moment, the toy soldier saw the beautiful paper ballerina. “Toy soldier, How did you come to this house?” They were so happy to meet again. The Ballerina said, “Frankly speaking, I like you. Stay here with me forever.”
The toy soldier was so happy when he heard that. But the naughty girl thought the toy soldier and the ballerina didn’t make a good match.
“Oh, I hate the ugly toy soldier!” She threw him in to the fireplace. Flames were all over his body. “Good-bye, Ballerina!”
At that moment, the wind blew and took the paper ballerina to the fireplace, too. The toy soldier and the ballerina were burned together.
The next morning, the woman found a heart-shaped piece of brass in the fireplace. It was the symbol of the toy soldier‘s and the ballerina’s love.
【第八篇:The Birth Of Poetry And Art】
When Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, there was an incident when the flames of a blazing sword of an angel, who had sent them away, burned a birds‘ nest.
The birds were all burned to death, but a new bird was born from one of the ruddily heated eggs. This means that the unique ’Phoenix‘ was born.
The phoenix builds its nest in Arabia, and there is a myth that it set fire to its own nest once every 100 years. Among those ruddy eggs heated by the fire, a new Phoenix comes to be born again.
The phoenix flies as fast as a ray of light, its feathers are of dazzling beauty, and the sound of its voice is very sweet.
When a mother sits next to her baby’s cradle and dandles the baby, the Phoenix comes down to the baby‘s pillow, and the glaring feathers of Phoenix make a halo around the baby’s head. The phoenix flies around rooms of poor people, sprinkles sunshine, and carries the fragrance of violets into the rooms.
The phoenix stays not only in Arabia but it flies around the far North Pole, broad field, above the rivers where the sunshine falls in coal mines and in our front yards where beautiful flowers bloom.
On the carriage of the Greek tragic poet, Thespis, the Phoenix became a talkative crow, for the troubadours of Island it played the harp disguised as a swan, and on the shoulder of Shakespeare the phoenix whispered “eternity” as it was the Odin‘s crow. The phoenix sang beautiful songs, and people kissed its shining fallen feathers from its wings. Even though the Phoenix came from glorious Paradise, people may not see the Phoenix because they are busy with seeing sparrows.
The bird of the Paradise! Born once every 100 years, dies in flames! When it was born under the tree of wisdom in the garden of the Paradise, God kissed the Phoenix and gave him a name. That was “Poetry and Art”.
【第九篇:A Princess and the Green Pea】
A long time ago, there was a prince of a country. When he grew old enough to marry, he decided to find a princess who was going to be his queen. So he started to travel all around the world.
The prince visited many countries and searched for a beautiful and kind princess, but no princess seemed good enough to be his bride. “There is no great princess in this world.” He was disappointed and went back to his country spiritlessly.
One day, there was a frightening night of thunder, lightning, and very severe rainstorms. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the castle. “Who is it in the middle of this stormy night?” The king went out his room and opened the door by himself curiously. A girl in shabby clothes was standing in front of the door. Even though she looked tired from the severe rainstorm and the strong winds, she was beautiful and looked clever.
She was soaking wet with rain. “I am a princess of your neighboring country, but I got lost. Could you please let me stay in your castle tonight.” She asked him politely. The king was surprised to hear that the shabby girl was a princess, and he allowed her to stay in his castle out of pity.
But the queen thought the girl was lying. ‘Is the girl with those shabby clothes a princess? I am sure she is not a princess, but let her stay here with us tonight for the moment.’
The queen thought to herself like this and went into a guest‘s room. She took all the sheets off the bed, and put a grain of a green pea on the bed. Then, she covered the bed with twenty layers of blankets and another twenty layers of soft bird feather blankets. The girl fell asleep in that bed.
The next morning, the queen asked the girl, “Did you sleep well last night?” Then, she answered, “I appreciate your kindness, but there was something under the blankets. It hurt me so much I could hardly sleep last night.”
The queen was surprised at what she heard, and she thought that the girl must be a great princess. If the girl was so sensitive that she could not sleep well because of a green pea even under many blankets and soft bird feather blankets, she must be a noble princess. They found the noble princess accidentally. The prince was happy when he heard the story.
The prince made the princess his wife. The green pea was displayed in a museum. If someone had not taken the pea away, maybe we could have seen the pea in the museum.
【第十篇:The Angel】
When a good kid dies, an angel with white wings comes down from the sky. The angel embraces the kid, and flies around everywhere showing him beautiful things. She takes him to places where there are beautiful flowers and angels sing. The kid feels so happy in the angel‘s arms.
“Sweet Heart, what kind of flower do you want to plant in the garden of Heaven?” The angel asked the kid. “Well, what do I plant?” The kid and the angel searched for good flowers for the garden of Heaven.
Under the angel and the boy, there was standing a delicate and beautiful rose bush. But a naughty boy was torturing the rose bush. “Angel, Let’s plant the rose bush over there in the garden.”
The angel kissed the good kid‘s head. “Yes, you are right. Let’s bring the bush and plant it in the garden.” The angel held the rose bush and the kid in her arms and tried to go back to the garden of heaven.
On the ground were piles of garbage and dust. Broken pieces of plates, an abandoned flowerpot and rootless wild flowers were all over the ground. The kid said, “Angel, let‘s take the wild flowers, too.” The good kid embraced the wild flowers in his arms. Then, the angel talked to him sadly, “A little boy who is very sick is living in the basement. He has been staying in his bed because of his sickness, since he was a little baby. He can not see any sunlight and has to stay in his room.” “Angel, let’s meet the boy before we go back to Heaven.” The baby asked her. “What‘s wrong?” “You’ll see.”
The angel went to the small basement room with the kid, rose bush and the wild flower. The sick boy kept coughing in the dark room alone. “Ah! I wish I could walk and run outside, and I want to see the beautiful flowers too.” He seemed dizzy and went back to his bed leaning on the wall.
“Angel, can I give him this rose bush and the wild flowers? These are the only things I have.” He asked the angel. “Then, what are we going to plant in the garden of Heaven?”
“There are lots of beautiful flowers in the garden. The garden will still be beautiful without this rose bush and the wild flowers.” The angel was impressed by the kid‘s warm heart. “Ok, Let’s give these flowers to him.”
The angel gave the sick boy bright sunlight and the cool breeze. And then she also planted the rose bush and the wild flowers. The sick boy cried for joy.
The angel and the kid went back to Heaven. The angel told the story about what had happened to God. “What a nice kid! I will give you a present.” He gave him a pretty pair of white wings on his back. After that, the good kid became an angel.