

时间:2022-05-04 14:23:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

at heart 从内心上,本质上 at home in/with擅长 at issue 争论 at one heels 紧跟着 at one word 马上 at one's fingertips 了如指掌 at one's own charge 自费 at one's service 听候某人吩咐 at random 随机 at sight 一见就 at table 在吃饭 bawl out 碰钉子 bean pole 高佬 beat gums 空洞无物的讲话 beat him on the spot 当场把他打败 beat one's head against the wall 白费力气 beat one's brain (out) 做事困难,伤透脑筋 beat sb to the draw 抢先某人一步 beat someone by miles 远远强于某人 beautiful but dumb 木美人 bee line for beef 抱怨 before you know it 很快 behind the scenes 幕后人物 belch (to) 大声而且粗鲁地打嗝 bell the car 为了众人的利益而承担风险 bend over backwards 竭尽全力 bet on it 有把握 bet your life 你绝对错了 between a rack and a hard palce 进退维谷 between ourselves 秘密地说 big headed 傲慢/自大 at a dash 一气呵成 at a full jump 全速的 at a /one stroke 立即/一举 at all event 总之 at anchor 停泊/抛锚 at bay 陷入绝境 at best 不过/充其量 at call 随叫/随要 at close hand 在近处/不远将来 at cross prupose 目的相反 at daggers drawn 势不两立/剑拨弩张 at ease 自由自在 at fault 出毛病/出故障 at fewest 至少 at first blush 乍看/一看 at full blast 全速地/大规模地 at the backe of one's mind 在心里 at the bottom of furtune's wheel 倒霉透顶 at the end of one's rope 忍无可忍 at the firt face 乍一看 at the longest 之多 at the peak 价 at the point of the sword 敌意/剑拔弩张 at the point of 临近...的时刻 at the tip of one's tongue 话说到嘴边了 at the top of one's lung 大声说话 at will 随意 at worst 在最坏的情况下 at your disposal 由你支配 at your earliest conenience away with it 停止/挪开 B.T.O. big time operator 浪费时间 back in the saddle 重整旗鼓 bad hair day 头发不整 ball up/fold up/bust/flop 失败 bally-ho 大吹大擂 bang up 了不得 barf up one's guts 翻肠倒肚地呕吐 bash 大型派对 basket case 过渡紧张/精神将要崩溃 big style 大派头 big time 很 bomber 巨型女人 <

