
时间:2022-08-04 00:55:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】感恩是一种对爱的追求,对善的坚守,对生命的尊重,对责任的执著!常怀一颗感恩之心,常怀一份感恩之情,它会让我们在学习的道路上奋勇前进,它会让我们的生活洒满温暖的阳光。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Everyone says "father loves like a mountain" and "father loves like tea". But I think Father's love is a cup of coffee that seems rich and bitter. If you add some sugar to him, he will be sweet and rich. You don't add anything. He's bitter, but if you taste it carefully, it's funny. And that's how Dad loves me. He's a great help to me!

  The tense and busy term of the end of the term is coming. My mother is running around looking for something to fill my brain - my mother is always concerned about my body. My father, who is in the bookstore, looks for my test paper - my father is always concerned about my study.

  Whenever I sit in my father's car, I always hear my father's nagging words. "The weather is much colder. Are your clothes enough? If not, go back and get some.". "When you get to school, don't patronize and play. Read more books. Efforts will always have good results." "Be careful during the exam. Don't write without reading clearly. A girl's heart is not thin at all"... I listened to my father patiently. Although my ears were here, my heart had already flown away. At that time, I always felt that my father was a mother-in-law, so wordy! What you say is useless! Until an important exam

  "OK, close the book". With teacher Chen's voice, the paper "brushed" from the front row to my hand. I can't help but feel soft and my heart beats fast. Suddenly, my father's words came to my ear: "don't be afraid when taking the exam. If you study hard, you will be able to do well." Maybe I'll remember it after listening too much, I thought to myself. Then I picked up my pen and made it

  Unexpectedly, I got 98 points in this exam. Dad's words are still useful, I thought to myself.

  As soon as I got home, I immediately took the paper and showed it to my father. A happy smile appeared on my father's face. In the evening, my father cooked a delicious dinner for me.

  Nice coffee with some sugar! But unsweetened coffee is also love!

  There are always times when I fail in the exam. When I take out my paper in frustration and report my grades to my father, my father's face suddenly pulls down, and the "storm" is coming. The bamboo stick hit me with a burning pain. My tears burst out.

  In the evening, my father analyzed the wrong questions for me and gave me several similar questions until I was all right!

  Father's love is like this coffee, sweet and bitter, which can only be tasted carefully.


  Father's love is like a mountain, tall and towering, which makes me timid and afraid to climb; Father's love is like heaven, rough and far-reaching, which makes me look up and feel pity, and I dare not roar; Father's love is like a river, slender and endless, which makes me dare not set foot in it. From small to large, I grew up with the care and company of my father, bathed in father's love, and let me enjoy the sweetness of life and the joy of learning.

  I remember once, I went for a walk with my mother and father in Wanda Square. Capricious, I didn't think it was necessary to wear more clothes. The temperature outside was very suitable for me. No matter how my father persuaded me, I stubbornly dressed cool and got on the car. After getting out of the car, my father found that I didn't wear a coat. He asked me anxiously, "is it cold, son?" Take off his coat and put it on for me. I said impatiently, "no, no!" But still defeated at the insistence of my father. I put on my father's clothes, which are as big as a costume. After putting them on, I tossed them a few times. If I add opera music, I can act. However, hiding under my father's big clothes, there is a warm current flowing in my heart, which is called "father's love". Seeing his father shivering in the wind, he suddenly felt that he was the happiest son in the world.

  On another occasion, my mother planted a pot of cactus. I was still young. Because curiosity defeated my fear, I reached out to touch the cactus. "Ah" I sent out a harsh scream. My father heard the sound and saw me sitting beside the cactus crying. Seeing this, my father asked anxiously, "silly child, does it hurt? Let my father have a look. It's a cactus. There are thorns like needles on it, does it hurt?" Under the comfort of my father, I gradually stopped my tears. My father sat in front of me and carefully squeezed out the thorns. Then, my father sat by my bed and coaxed me to sleep.

  As I grow older, I feel that father's love is like a sea, broad, deep and implicit; Father's love is like a mountain, steady, thick and dignified. Father's love is a ray of sunshine, which makes my heart feel warm as spring even in the cold winter; Father's love is Hong Qingquan, which makes my feelings even covered with years. The dust is still pure. Thank my father for letting me grow up in love.


  My father is an ordinary "office worker". Like others, he does ordinary things and lives an ordinary life in the ordinary world every day. But such an ordinary father can always bring me warmth and let me rely on.

  In ancient times, there was a saying: strict father and kind mother, but our family is just the opposite. My mother is very strict with me, but my father is obedient to me. Whenever my mother quarrels with me, my father will rush out to stop me and divide my mother into two sides. First, he will appease my mother's anxious heart, and then communicate with me to let me realize my mistakes in the conversation. Such behavior of my father not only calmed my mother, but also let me know my mistake. Both sides are perfect. Good father of China!

  My father is a superb cook. Every weekend, my father makes my favorite chicken wings. The chicken wings made by my father are more delicious than those made in restaurants! Every time I eat chicken wings, I devour them. At this time, my father will always show a knowing smile and say, "this child, eat slowly, eat slowly, don't choke, the chicken wings are yours!" Whenever I hear this, my heart is always happy! "

  My father likes to take me to travel. Since I didn't remember much, my father took me to many places. Although most of them can't remember, with a little memory fragments, I know I was happy at that time!

  My father is now in his forties, and years have left deep traces on his face. Father is not as energetic as before. He is really old

  Father's love is like a mountain, deep and great; Father's love is like a sea, surging and heroic. I will always love my father and stay with him until he grows old.


  "Only dad is good in the world. Children with a father are like a piece of treasure. Without his teaching, there is no shortage of mistakes..." in this silent night, I unconsciously thought of my father, and I fell into meditation. Thinking of my father's voice and appearance, I cried.

  With tears in my eyes, I saw my father's face blackened by the wind and sand of life, the wrinkles carved by the knife marks of years, especially the increasing white hair, which made my heart seem to be occupied by something. Yes, it's not a taste. Back home, my father always likes to touch my neck with his thick and rough hands, which is a caress intertwined with kindness and severity.

  Whenever I am free, my father also likes to take me for a walk in the street. He always walks on my left hand for fear that I will be hurt a little. I don't know why, when I am with my father, I always have an unprecedented sense of security.

  I'm always the best in my father's heart. However, I'm always so dissatisfied with my study. Every exam will disappoint my father. At that time, my father's face lost his usual smile and became severe, but he never scolded me. Because in my father's heart, he knows that I have grown up and will understand the truth of learning. It is my father's special encouragement that makes me full of confidence in learning. My father asked a tutor to help me with my study. Every night, he always accompanied me. Looking at my father's red eyes, my heart was full of guilt. I swear to myself in my heart: I will succeed and I will not disappoint my father.

  Dad's love has always been like this, light and silent, but it has given me encouragement and made me confident to set sail

  A gust of wind woke me up from my memories. At this moment, the sky is dotted with stars and the earth is silent. Looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, I hope it can convey my deep thoughts for my father to him.

  This article writes about father's "kindness and strictness". Father's love is silent but everywhere. However, the narrative of the case is not specific enough, lacking the multi angle depiction of the characters' language, action, expression, psychology and so on, and failing to express the inner feelings of the characters through typical details.


  On the road of life, I am like a car. My father adds energy and makes me jump with his most special fuel - father's love. Father, like a driver, controls me and keeps me from going astray.

  My father's love for me is reflected in his meticulous care for my life. From the beginning of my birth, my father cut my nails and washed my hair. Until I went to kindergarten, my father still undertook this task, but my father's love for me was not doting. When I was three years old, my father let me eat by myself, and when I was 11 years old, I began to learn to cook home-made dishes and wash clothes, so I had a very strong independent ability. In the days of warming up for the exam, my father acted as my "Trainer".

  At night, when I arrive, he will accompany me. In summer, when there are many insects, my father will silently light a plate of mosquito incense for me to drive away mosquitoes; When I was young, I would bring a glass of milk and help me recover. One night, I was so tired that I fell asleep on my desk. When I woke up, I found a bowl of steaming dumplings on the desk with a note left by my father. I picked it up and read it. It said: Dongxing, my father is out of the car. Just now I saw that you slept so well and wanted you to have a rest, so I didn't wake you up. Eat the dumplings and go to bed early. Don't be too. " After reading it, my eyes were moist, and my heart secretly said, "Dad, thank you! I will work hard and get good grades to repay you." My final grades came out: Chinese 98, math 96. 5 points. I told my father the good news. My father didn't praise me and praised me as a good child. In my heart, I said to my father: without your support for me, there would be no success for me. I owe half of my success to you. Thank you!

  My father's love for me is reflected in his earnest instruction to me at ordinary times. I remember once, I had a quarrel with a classmate in our class and fought. After my father knew this, he was so angry that he raised his hand to hit me. I closed my eyes, but my father taught me, "you should think calmly when doing anything." endure the wind and the waves for a while, take a step back, the sea and the sky "this sentence should be kept in mind, you know?" Since then, I have learned to think twice and remember that sentence.


  Everyone should have a grateful heart. Flowers thank rain and dew, because it moistens the growth of flowers; The goshawk thanks the blue sky, because it gives the goshawk the freedom to fly.   I am grateful to my parents, because they welcomed me with tears and happy smiles and gave me meticulous care. Let me grow from a born baby into a thoughtful and independent little girl.

  I am grateful to my teacher, because she helped me open the door of knowledge, took me to travel in the orchard of knowledge, and picked golden fruits of knowledge. Let me grow from an illiterate child into a good student with knowledge and pursuit.

  I am grateful to my friends, because they gave me the joy of life, they let me know the value of friendship. They gave me warmth when I was lonely. They shared my sorrow, and I often shared my happiness with them.

  I am grateful to the people who scolded me. They made me realize my mistakes, made me grow up while constantly correcting my mistakes, summoned up courage and moved in the right direction. It was they who made me understand: "the fruit that has not experienced wind and rain will not be sweet, and the life that has not experienced failure will not be complete."

  I am grateful to those who have been helped by me. They gave me the opportunity to repay others, and also made me realize that helping others is wonderful.

  With some longing and gratitude, I believe that the future steps will be more solid and powerful.


  Grass Thanksgiving trees, trees Thanksgiving land, land Thanksgiving raindrops, raindrops Thanksgiving clouds. In the world, we should all be grateful to those who support us.   Every child's parents support their children to do one thing after another by themselves. Sometimes, when we do things, we have some difficulties or setbacks every time. Every time we have problems and difficulties in doing things, our parents will always stretch out warm hands to know the problems for us and help us through all difficulties.

  I remember once, at noon, after dinner, I seriously wrote my math homework. I was writing. Suddenly, a difficult problem stuck me. I thought for a long time and didn't think of it. I was very upset. My mother seemed to see through my heart, gently came over and taught me patiently until I understood. I came to understand how much my mother cares about me and how much I need my mother's help!

  Our parents' selfless help to us can never be repaid when we grow up. Although it can not be repaid, we should listen to our parents from an early age, don't make our parents angry, and study seriously. Only in this way can our parents know that their efforts to us are not in vain.


  "Grateful heart, thank you, accompany me all my life let me have the courage to be myself." Yeah! It is teachers who teach us knowledge from the moment we walk into school. The teacher is hard gardener for our motherland day and night, the teacher for us to pay so much. Isn't it worth paying them back? Respect for teachers is the most important thing, and teachers put a lot of time and energy into it. The teacher should carefully design each teaching plan, carefully better each lesson, carefully correcting each homework, the teacher's work is hard. We should help our teachers more and let them have more rest.   Remember once, you have a hoarse throat, but you are not at home well recuperation, but ran to the school for our class. Teacher, your love, the sun is generally warm, the spring breeze is generally genial, the spring is generally sweet; Your love, more severe than a father, more delicate than a mother's love, more pure than friendship. Your love is the greatest, the most selfless, the most sacred. In class, I can't help but hear you emit hoarse voice my heart is like millions with needles into the same pain. Your career is great, glorious, is selfless, you should be proud of you have this spirit of love industry! Teachers are the guiders on our growth path. The teacher teaches us to do things, teach us to be a man, guide us to walk the road of life, when we encounter setbacks, the teacher help us hold up the sails of forward; When we encounter confusion and confusion, the teacher is for us to guide the maze; When we are proud of our achievements, the teacher's timely guidance makes us awake.

  "Come with a heart, not half a blade of grass." This is the teacher teaching tireless, selfless dedication. This selfless, great love gave us warmth and strength, prompting every student to achieve their own pursuit, to reach the other side of the ideal teacher I will always remember you!


  Today, I went to school with my schoolbag on my back. As soon as I entered the classroom, I saw some greeting cards on the teacher's desk. Suddenly, Xu Zhaowen in front of me said, "did you bring a greeting card to the teacher?" I said, "what holiday is today?" Xu Zhaowen said, "today is Thanksgiving." I said, "Oh, I don't know." Xu Zhaowen said, "remember later!" I said, "well." although I didn't send a greeting card to the teacher, But I silently thank the teacher in my heart: thank the teacher for cultivating me and letting me learn a lot of knowledge; Thank the teacher for loving me, let me know how to be a man, let me know what is mutual love and respect.   As soon as I came home from school in the afternoon, I hugged my mother and father and said, "happy holidays, mom and Dad!" my mother said, "what holiday is today?" I said, "today is Thanksgiving. Thank my parents for raising me. I want to love my parents as much as my parents love me." my mother said excitedly: "Oh, today is Thanksgiving. My son has really grown up and knows how to be grateful." his mother said, "we should thank a lot of people." Yes, I thank nature for giving us a living environment, the great motherland for giving us a warm everyone, the hard teachers for educating us to grow up, and my dear classmates for growing up with me


  Today, when I came home from school, my mother said, "guess what festival it is today?" I said, "I don't know." my mother told me, "it's Thanksgiving." the fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is to let us respect the people around us and thank everything around us. There are many people I want to thank in my life, especially my mother.   My mother gave me precious life and worked hard to raise me. It's not easy. This afternoon, my mother took me home from school and hurried to cook. Looking at my mother's hard work, I wanted to help her do something, so I finished my meal quickly today and took the dishes and chopsticks in my mother's hand. My mother was surprised and asked me, "what do you want?" I said, "help my mother wash the dishes and chopsticks." then I took the dishes and chopsticks and ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes carefully, My mother ran to the kitchen with a smile and said, "my good daughter is really sensible." I said happily, "thank you, mom. This is what I should do."

  This is what I do for my mother on Thanksgiving. My mother is very happy and I am very happy.

  Wish all parents in the world health! Happy!
