美式英语 舌头训练|美式英语训练第90期:第8章练习1

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Exercise 8-1 :

Comparing and

Look at the chart that follows and repeat each word.

We are contrasting the sound first column

a strong, nonreducible sound, ooh,

that is made far forward in the mouth,

with the lips fully rounded

with the reduced sound in the second and fourth columns.

1. booed book

2. boo bushel

3. cooed could

4. cool cushion

5. food foot

6. fool full

7. gooed good

8. who'd hood

9. kook cook

10. crew crook

11. Luke look

12. nuke nook

13. pool pull

14. pooch put

15. shoe sugar

16. suit soot

17. shoot should

18. stewed stood

19. toucan took

20. wooed would

美式英语训练第90期:第8章 练习1.doc
