【#四六级考试# 导语】九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
A Letter of Friendship
6188 Maple Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
May 15, 2003
Dear Ruth,
Why don't you write? Of course, you're busy with the close of school so near; but do take time to as sure me that you will be here for my birthday. You have a standing invitation to attend all my birthday celebr ations, and this is to warn you not to fail to attend this one. Mother says that you must stay at least two weeks — and mother must be obeyed.
Don't forget your tennis racket. The court is better than ever this spring. Don and Ted pronounce it "better than perfect" because they have done the perfecting. And by way of warning: Ted slings a mean racket this year — so you'd better be in practice. Ge plays rings around me.
Please write immediately to tell me when to park the family bus at the station. I must run now, or be late to English class.
Your pal,
1122 Maple Wood
Houston, Texas, 77002
May 22, 2003
Dear Betts ,
It's a shame that business has kept me from answering your last letter. Your note makes me feel guilty, and I pause in my mad rush to say — hold everything till that streamliner pauses at your station at half past five next Saturday afternoon. Tell your mother I may not "obey" in full, but that I'll make her glad to be rid of me. As for Ted, say I'm out of practice — but unafraid.
I'm five minutes late — but I'll make that committee meeting.
Good-bye till Saturday.
A Letter of Complaint (1) About the Thoughtless Train Conductor
Dear Mr. Worthington,
One rather annoying aspect of the otherwise satisfactory commuter train service from Lancaster to downtown Manchester is the playing of the radio over the loud speaker system.
This was particularly objectionable this morning on train 610 where riders were subjected to the incessant blaring of rock for nearly the entire trip. Evidently whoever calls the stops is unaware that the background noise of his radio accompanies his announcements. Worse yet, he apparently forgets to press his off-switch, and a thousand passengers are forced to hear this clatter.
Noise pollution on city buses is usually confined to an individual carrying a loud radio. Old smoky railroad does it on a grand scale. I think it should stop.
Yours truly.
A Letter of Apology
256 Weeton Road,
2nd floor,
Hong Kong
7th June, 2004
Dear David,
I am very sorry that I could not meet you last night. I hope that you did not wait too long outside the New York theatre. I had to look after my small brother until my mother returned home. She was a long time at the Doctor' Sand she arrived home very late. I ran all the way to the bus-stop , but I had already missed the bus. I decided to get on a tram and I arrived at the New York theatre at eight o' clock. I did not think that you would still be there because I was three-quarters of an hour late. I do hope that you will forgive me.
Your friend,