
时间:2023-07-26 13:33:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语口语# 导语】在职场中,英语口语的重要性不言而喻。无论是与同事沟通、与客户交流、参加会议或面试,都需要用到英语口语。但是在运用职场英语口语的时候要注意措辞、礼貌待人,避免引起误解或冲突。同时,要不断提高自己的英语口语水平,以更好地适应职场的需要。®文档大全网为大家整理了五篇职场英语口语情景对话,欢迎阅读!

1.职场英语口语情景对话 篇一

  a: i’ve been working hard for a whole year. i really need a break.我辛辛苦苦工作了整整一年。我真得歇歇了。


  b: that’s true. you need to take some time off to relax.真的。你需要抽出一些时间放松一下。

  a: you said it. i’m looking forward to my annual vacation.你说得没错。我正期待着年假的到来。

  b: when are you going to take your vacation?你什么时候开始休假?

  a: later this month. i can’t wait!这个月底。我等不及了!

  b: i really envy you. i’m not taking my vacation until december.我真羡慕你。我要到十二月份才能休假。

2.职场英语口语情景对话 篇二

  I: Which school are you attending?

  A: I am attending Hebei University of Technology.

  I: When will you graduate from that university?

  A: This coming July.

  I: What degree will you receive?

  A: I will receive a Bachelor's degree.

  I: What is your major?

  A: My major is Business Administration.

  I: How have you been getting on with your studies so far?

  A: I have been doing quite well at college. According to the academic records I've achieved so far, I am confident that I will get my Bachelor of Business Administration this coming July.

  I: How do you think the education you're received will contribute to your work in this institution?

  A: I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute.

3.职场英语口语情景对话 篇三

  I: Which university did you graduate from?

  A: I graduated from Hebei University.

  I: What subject did you major in at university?

  A: I majored in Economics.

  I: Tell me about the courses of your major in university.

  A: I take more than 50 courses in university, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing principles, sales management, statistics, and so on.

  I: How did you get on with your studies in university?

  A: I did well in university. I was one of the top students in the class.

  I: What subject did you minor in?

  A: I didn't minor in any subject when I was in university, but I attended English and computer courses. And I am currently studying finance in a training school.

4.职场英语口语情景对话 篇四

  I: What kind of character do you think you have?

  A: Generally speaking,I am an open-minded person.

  I: What is your strongest trait?

  A: Cheerfulness and friendliness.

  I: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?

  A: They say Mr. Sun is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.

  I: What personality do you admire?

  A: I admire a person who is honest, flexible and easy-going.

  I: How do you get along with others?

  A: I get on well with others.

5.职场英语口语情景对话 篇五

  Mary: Good morning, this is Mary.

  玛丽 :早上好,我是玛丽。

  Jane: Good morning, this is Jane. Th is is Apple Co. Ltd.


  Mary: Hello, Jane! Is that the Human Resource Department?


  Jane: Yes, this is. May I help you?


  Mary: I had an interview with your company two weeks ago. I am calling to ask about the interview result. I hope you can give me a positive reply.


  Jane: Oh, the results have come out, and I can tell you....Yes, I find your name. You are hired. Congratulations!

  简:哦,结果出来了,我可以告诉你… 是的,我找到你的名字了。你被录用了。祝贺你!

  Mary: Thank you! I am glad to hear that. When would it be convenient for me to start working?


  Jane: Next Monday morning.


  Mary: What is the starting salary for me?


  Jane: Your starting salary is 2500 yuan a month, and after you become a permanent employee, it will be higher.

  简:你的起薪是每月 2500元,转正之后,工资会高点。

  Mary: I appreciate the offer. I will come on time next Monday. See you then!


  Jane: See you!

  简 :再见!
