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【#英语资源# 导语】当观看完一部影视作品后,一定有不少感悟吧,记录下来很重要哦,一起来写一篇观后感吧。但是观后感有什么要求呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Liu Wei, a seemingly ordinary name, has an extraordinary course. At the age of 12, he lost his arms after an electric shock. After suffering, his parents taught him not to bow to fate and taught him to swim. He bravely conquered fate and overcome unimaginable difficulties. On the road of the future, glory favored him. He won medals one after another and achieved his swimming achievements.

  When the blow that the body could not exercise violently came, he began his musical dream again. He used his inflexible toes to beat the black-and-white piano keys tirelessly, and earned the reputation of "armless Piano Master" with sweat and effort. Step by step, the lost arms turned into a pair of invisible wings to help him fly.

  He lost his arms, and his sad fate challenged him. He fought it bravely and became a winner. Bai Yansong asked him, do you complain about the injustice of fate? Do you hate God's injustice? He said a sentence that impressed me: "it's useless to stop complaining, stop hating, complain about the injustice of fate and hate the injustice of God. It's useless. You'll be happier if you face life positively."

  Listen, this song is the most accurate answer - "Hope". Yes, as long as we live, we have unlimited hope. No matter how miserable the fate is, it will not be hopeless. He used his experience of more than ten years to tell us the most refined sentence: living is everything, and living is practice. Facing the suffering of fate, the positive will turn into grief, the negative will be depressed, and finally die of depression.

  After reading his interview, I couldn't help thinking of myself. Liu Wei and I have the same experience. He is a limb deformity, I am a hearing loss; He does not give up pessimistically in the face of suffering, and I smile in the face of suffering. This is the same between us. But there is also a difference between us. That is, I don't have his indomitable courage. He practiced swimming when he lost his arms. He learned to play the piano with his feet when he couldn't move. It's difficult for ordinary people to do this! And I just learned to speak when I was hearing impaired. It was so difficult that I couldn't compare with him. Moreover, what I lack most in doing anything is perseverance. I can't stick to it when I learn. I shrink back when I encounter a little difficulty. How can this become a big climate?

  I'm glad I'm still alive! I'm glad I can speak fluent Mandarin now! I'm glad that the difficulties I face are much smaller than Liu Wei! But it gives me more reflection, learning and struggle! In the future, I will set a lofty ideal, take Liu Wei as an example, study hard, break through difficulties with tenacious perseverance and optimistic attitude, and let the invisible wings fly with me!


  This afternoon, we watched a TV documentary called "moving China". The documentary introduces ten touching stories. Some of the protagonists in the story are women, old and young.

  Among them, there was a little boy who moved me very much. His name was Liu Wei. He lost his hands, but he didn't give up. He felt that giving up was tantamount to failure. He worked hard and became a disabled and useful expert. Unfortunately, the disease came to him again, and he could no longer do strenuous exercise. His constant self-improvement made him determined to practice playing the piano with his feet, After practicing for several years, he finally played a beautiful rhythm. He always told himself that persistence is a victory. As for me, I have a pair of sound hands, but I often make mistakes in questions, and I can't even write well. What a person with two feet can do, I can't do well with my hands. Compared with Liu Wei, there is a big gap between me and him, Liu Wei's will is exactly what I need. I want to complete every learning task with strong perseverance.

  I was also moved by a little girl. Her name is Meng Peijie. She was abandoned by her mother since she was a child. Her adoptive mother got a disease when she was eight years old. Her adoptive father left home because of his irresponsibility. From then on, Meng Peijie took the responsibility of taking care of her mother. She saved money to buy clothes and food for her mother. She took care of her mother while going to school. Finally, she was admitted to college. She took her mother to a house close to the school and continued to take care of her mother. The spirit and morality of these people are so noble that never giving up is a valuable spirit, and filial piety to parents is the responsibility of every child. I will inherit this spirit and responsibility!


  Moving you and me, moving China, the world has eternal love... This popular song reminds me of how great it is to move China's top ten people! Lu Yonggen, a hardworking gardener, Yang kezhang, who gave up his life, Huang Danian, who loved the blessing of the country, and Huang Dafa, who made a commitment for more than 30 years... What moved me most was Wang Jue, a rural doctor who ignored his body, treated patients like his family, and insisted on donating money to charities.

  "Lan Xiaocao" is the pseudonym of Wang Jue, implying the combination of "ordinary grass" and "noble orchid". He donated as much as 300000 yuan to the orphan and widowed mother in urgent need of help, but he was found to have liver cancer and died in July 20XX. But he also lives in the hearts of the people forever.

  Wang Jue is a great hero. We should all learn from him. Although we are not able to donate a lot of money to people who are not living well, we still have to do our best to spend all our pocket money. Try not to spend indiscriminately. Think of the poor, even a penny should be cherished. If you don't use it properly, you can save a little more and donate it to children in mountainous areas; If the clothes are small or old, don't throw them away for nothing. Use the waste cloth to make some practical gadgets or put them in the "giant panda". The staff will process them and send them to people with difficulties

  In life, we should help others and warm others. Remind others when they see something falling; Bus or subway stations offer seats to the elderly; When I see garbage on the road, I try to pick it up and put it in the trash can; When a friend is discouraged, care for him and encourage him; If others are inconvenient, help them open the door or carry something.

  In school, we should unite our classmates and respect our teachers. If the teacher is too busy, he should volunteer to help and do what he can, such as managing his classmates and correcting his homework. Students can't do the problem, just help if you can, and guide patiently; If a classmate is uncomfortable or sad, tell the teacher or comfort him.

  Start with small things, convey love and warm others. Let's join hands to help people in need and add a little love to the world.


  Today, under the teacher's organization, we watched moving China. Many fragments of the program left a deep mark in my mind. Yuan Deqi's story made my heart restless for a long time.

  The thing is, he used to live in a happy family, but his mother died when he was very young, his father was in prison, and he lived with his old grandparents. Grandpa was seriously ill and had a bad temper. In order not to make grandpa lonely, he played chess with Grandpa. In order to maintain the life of the three, grandma got up early every day and picked up garbage everywhere. When he was young, he saw it in his eyes and hurt in his heart. As soon as he had time, he helped his grandmother do what he could. He didn't forget to pick up some garbage when he came home from school at noon. In the face of his classmates laughing at him for picking up garbage and saying that he smelly and had no ambition, he not only didn't feel sad, but said more righteously: "no matter what I do, as long as I can help my grandmother share the family burden and make my grandparents comfortable through my hard work, I'll be happy even a little!"

  Yuan Deqi can use his weak shoulders to share the burden of the family and want to make the dependent grandparents live comfortably. It's really shameful to recall my past behavior.

  I remember it was a sunny weekend. Our whole family did a big cleaning together. While we were busy, a bug flew in. I didn't even think about it. I beat it to pieces with a broom. "Clean it up!" Dad said to me as he continued his work when he saw the bug. I looked at the bloody bedbugs, smelled a pungent smell, and quickly avoided... Now I want to come, I'm really ashamed! Why is he not afraid of stink and dirt at the same age?

  Why does he try to share the burden for his grandparents, but I never want to share the family burden for my parents who work day and night? Why can he consciously get up early and help grandma do what he can, and I am still like a greedy little lamb, living a life of opening my mouth for food and reaching out for clothes All this makes me feel ashamed, makes me understand how difficult he is, and makes me see the gap between me and him. In this way, I'm like a parasite in the greenhouse. I'm really worried about my future!

  As the saying goes: sheep have the grace of kneeling milk, and crows have the meaning of back feeding. From now on, I will try to change myself. In the future life, I will not be afraid of dirt, hardship and fatigue. I will do some housework for my parents within my ability; I also want to listen to my parents and make them happy; I want to study hard, master excellent skills, and create a happier life for them with my hands in the future!


  After watching 20XX moved China, it seemed to relive the thrilling year that had just passed. My heart was shaking, but I was speechless. These more than ten people are the epitome of every person who tries to break the earth for rebirth in more than 360 days, holding up thousands of hopes with their lives: those who raise a short knife towards disease, collide in the torrent, pick up stars in the dark, warm in despair, flying through the air, twinkling in the universe, passing on firewood and fire in paper, and pregnant with vitality in desolation

  Through the ages, countless people with lofty ideals and benevolence have advanced one after another, but for the courage of their hearts and the future of China. Mr. Lu Xun said, "since ancient times, there have been people who work hard, people who work hard, people who ask for life for the people, and people who sacrifice their lives for the country. They are the backbone of China." I listened and watched, tears filled my eyes. I sat on the backbone of China, watching the rising sun burning, watching the bleeding flowers in the dark, and listening to the thunderous thunder exploding in the trembling sky.

  Those of us, born in a utopia surrounded by flowers, have never seen the Japanese Bayonet, nor have we seen our companions fall beside us. Even before 20XX, we are still lamenting and beating our chest and feet about the disaster and dilapidation shown on the white screen. What 20XX brings is death and fear that I can see when I open my eyes, but when we fall into Purgatory, we catch the stars in our hearts in the mud and condense into a sea of stars.

  We, who live on a high platform piled with blood, are lucky to be the eyes of our ancestors. We see that there are no more famine and refugees in our country. We have the most united people and the bravest soldiers. No matter how much suffering we face, whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, holding up the sharpest weapon and the strongest shield, no matter where we are, as long as we stand in one place, we are invincible.

  But it is still us who will eventually take over the fire of our ancestors. Even when the mountains and rivers are Yanqing and the world is peaceful and prosperous, we should break away from protection, burn ourselves in those truths and rush forward one after another. We are lucky to be the courage of those who are ahead. However, the young eagles are getting more and more plump. How dare we trust our ancestors to be shade and complete behind others. In the excitement, in the roar, from the past to the future, countless blazing heart fires are endless.

  The prosperous age is on the side, the young Phoenix is clear, and the wind Peng is lifting. Some of us take ourselves as a shield to protect the country, save the people, defend the border and defend the border; Some people devote themselves to innovation and entrepreneurship and ride the wind and waves in the world of science and technology; Some people take a pen, sow hope in the desolation, and break light in the darkness; Some people wear Chinese costumes, songs and operas, and continue to inherit and prosper civilization; Some people are willing to make their own efforts to pave the way for poverty alleviation... The veteran is not dead, and the firewood and fire are handed down from generation to generation. It is time for us to take over the glorious responsibilities and responsibilities on the shoulders of our ancestors, become the new backbone of China with lingyunzhi, become a young wave of light when there is a heat, and become young soldiers walking with the country.

  I thought, when will the torch be handed over in the future? Looking back on the past half of my life, I shouted "fortunately, I will not disgrace my life".


  Today, I was very encouraged after watching moving China. There are many great figures in it, such as Chen binqiang, he Yue, Gao Shuzhen, Zhang Lili

  I like Chen binqiang best. He is a very filial person. He is a middle school teacher, but he carries his mother to school every day. This is because his father died and his mother had Alzheimer's disease. After class every day, the first thing he does is go back to the dormitory to take care of his mother, day after day, year after year. In this way, Chen binqiang was recognized by moving China.

  After reading it, I was deeply moved. I'm ashamed because I'm not very filial to my parents. This must be changed. In the future, no matter what I do, I will first think of my parents, not make them angry, and be a filial and obedient child.

  From now on, I want to do my own things by myself. I can't always think about myself and help my parents wash the dishes

  Believe me, I will be a filial child.


  Through this year's moving China program, I met Zhu Guangya, Hu Zhong, Xie Xiaojun, Liu Wei and others... Among them, the armless pianist Liu Wei moved me most

  Liu Wei's childhood was dark. At the age of 10, his arms were hit by 100000 volts of high voltage, and he lost his arms ever since. But after disappointment, he perked up and joined the disabled swimming team. Because his hands could not keep balance, he sank into the water again and again and raised his head again and again. He fought against fate tenaciously. Finally he won the swimming champion for the disabled. But fate made another cruel joke on him - he had a serious infection and couldn't do any more vigorous exercise, so he had to give up swimming. Then he found the direction of life again - playing the piano with his feet. As the thumb often has keys, you have to stand up and play again. After a year's efforts, his level of playing the piano with his feet reached the level of level 7 of others using the hand piano. God was so unfair to Liu Wei, but he survived. He was so positive and optimistic about life. He said that God took his hands to let him embrace the world in a better way. But some people have sound limbs and abandon themselves in some setbacks. Such people often accomplish nothing. Life is like plasticine. It takes away a part of you, but you can make yourself more perfect with your efforts.

  The word "living" often appears in Liu Wei's words, because living is the foundation of all things, and everything is a bubble without life. Living is the basis of pursuing all beauty. Only living can create miracles.

  As long as a person has perseverance, faith and strong will, what hardships can't be endured, what difficulties can't be overcome, and what ideals can't be realized? Remember: as long as you work hard, everything is possible! Like Liu Wei stepping on his infinite scenery and his beautiful world!


  After watching the award ceremony of moving Chinese characters, I deeply understand the example that Chen binqiang's filial piety to his mother is more important than his own interests.

  Chen binqiang's mother is very upset and suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, the great responsibility of taking care of her mother falls on Chen binqiang. He should not only take care of his mother, but also go to work on time. As a teacher, he should have a strong sense of responsibility to his students. When he went to work every day, he tied his mother with a cloth belt, and then walked more than 30 kilometers to the school. After work, I have to cook, feed and take a bath for my mother, and comfort my mother to sleep at night; He had to take his mother to the toilet regularly at night. He slept only five hours a day. He had to get up at 5 a.m. and make a plan for the day. Write the time of the day in black and white, and arrange it fully. It can be described in one word: race against time.

  The grace of our parents' upbringing is something we can't repay in our life. When we came to this world, our parents began to be busy. Everything they do is for us. They would rather suffer by themselves than let us suffer a little. Their love for us is selfless and great. They are the creators of our lives. They let us enjoy everything in the world; They made us so happy. Shouldn't we repay them?

  No matter how the times develop, filial piety to parents is an eternal truth. When a person comes to the world, he will always get acquainted with others and produce family affection, friendship and love. Among them, it is too strong to be broken. Only the family affection of his parents is broken. Therefore, regardless of poverty or wealth, filial piety to our parents is our responsibility as children!

  Contact yourself. To be honest, I am a filial child, filial to my parents and respect the elderly in the eyes of my family. There are many examples to prove that I am filial. Just write a few here: at home, I will try my best to do the housework within my ability, and I can also help my father's work. Although this is not a big deal, it is also a way to repay my parents; My grandfather is now ill in bed. Although I can't take care of my grandfather like Chen binqiang taking care of his mother, I can do some relaxed things, such as pouring water, bathing, washing clothes, etc. I have done these.

  Filial piety doesn't need glory and wealth. It's just a cup of hot tea, a greeting and a caring look. Parents will feel very happy.

  Now while our parents are still healthy, let's be filial to our parents.


  Today, the school organized us to watch the top ten people video program "moving China". The stories of ten people from all walks of life gave me great shock and strength. Different from other entertainment programs, these characters set us a noble and upright example. They set an example for us with the shining points of life, their persistence in life, their silent dedication to their career, and their desperate struggle in critical moments.

  Although I don't quite understand how much these characters have contributed to the country and society, I can realize how difficult it is to be like them. What I feel most is decades of persistence: for example, Zhong Yang, a scientist who has worked in Tibet for 16 years and collected tens of millions of plant seeds for the National Germplasm Bank; Ma Xu and his wife, who have accumulated huge sums of money for decades to donate to education; Wang Jicai and Wang Shihua, who have defended the island for 32 years; Zhang quwei, a grass-roots cadre who sticks to the front line of poverty alleviation... They are all doing their work well and perfect for a long time, even for a lifetime, so that others can't do it, and the people all over the country are moved by it.

  Mr. sang often teaches us that it's not difficult to do it for a while, but to stick to it. I often can't do it, such as reciting, dictating, physical exercise, memorizing words, etc. It's not difficult to do these things all day. It's easy to do them well, but it's difficult to recite, practice and remember every day. The difficulty lies in my laziness, carelessness and perseverance. Life is not a 100 meter sprint, but a long-distance race, It takes a lot of effort to do a meaningful thing well.

  As Xunzi, an ancient thinker, said, "if you don't accumulate small steps, you can't reach thousands of miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become a river and sea." today's film viewing makes me more aware of the importance of persistence. I am now a sensible big boy in the middle. From now on, I should learn from those who know how to stick to it and do everything well over time.


  Moving is an incomparable shock in the heart. There is no lack of love in this world. It is everywhere, but it is so subtle that people can feel every cell of the whole body.

  Such an award speech: "when I was a child, this cloth belt was maternal love, and my mother carried you with it. When I grew up, this cloth belt was the son's affectionate, and you carried my mother with it. One day, my mother's memory went away, but love will not, it will be passed on from generation to generation in the children's arms." these three words really touched me. I was thinking, why doesn't Chen binqiang take a new bandage? Looking back on that scene, he made a detailed schedule for his dementia mother. He was always with his mother for her care and safety. He took his mother to work and live with that bandage. Every time I saw the picture of him tying a bandage for his mother, I knew that what he tied was not a bandage, not a simple rope, a body tied together, a love tied together, but also a mother's and son's heart.

  Such pictures always float in my mind and fade away for a long time. This reminds me of myself and knows more about Chen binqiang's love. In my life, I always fear that my parents will have an accident. I think what should I do if one day they will leave me? Although I have independence, my parents' love will never be independent for me, because my parents' generation will not have the same repeated love, which is different. So afraid, afraid to lose them. Everyone is afraid of losing what is important. So I understand Chen binqiang's meticulous love for his mother, which is not only a return to his mother, but also a deep love for his mother.

  What Chen binqiang has done makes me more convinced that love can fill everything in this world. What he did for his mother made me feel that "filial piety is more incomparable and reserved". Love can make people give up everything. Life may not be difficult, perhaps the taste of love at that time, we need to taste every taste, we can achieve our growth.

  Be grateful and put love in your heart. Because love is everywhere, we need to show the value of love and make love everywhere.

