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A: I have to an operation, a valve in my heart is broken.
B: That sounds serious.
n. 1。阀,活门;2。(心脏的)瓣膜,(管乐器的)活瓣

A: You have been looking into that mirror for half an hour.
B: I am just practicing my vanity.
n. 1。自负,自大,虚荣;2。空虚,无用,无价值

A: Have you finished painting the door?
B: Yes, now all it needs is a varnish.
n. 1。清漆,罩光漆,凡立水;2。光泽,光泽的表面
vt. 1。给……涂清漆,使光亮;2。粉饰,文饰,掩饰(over)

A: Do you have a vase of the flowers?
B: No, will this bottle do?
n. 花瓶

A: Where did you put the expensive diamond?
B: I locked it in a vault in the bank for safe keeping.
n. 1。储藏室,金库,保险库;2。墓穴,教堂地下室;3。撑杆跳;4。拱顶
vt. 用手支撑跃过,撑杆跳过

A: Would you like beef or chicken for dinner tonight?
B: Neither, I am a vegetarian.
n. 素食者,草食动物

A: Why are you covering your face with a veil?
B: Because I’m a Muslim and it is part of my religious practice.
n. 1。面纱,面罩;2。遮盖物,掩饰物
vt. 遮盖,掩饰
draw a veil over 避而不谈,隐瞒

A: Did you give blood at the hospital?
B: Yes, but the nurse had difficulty finding a vein.
n. 1.静脉,血管; 2.叶脉; 3.纹理,纹路; 4.方式

A: Do you know what velocity the wind was yesterday?
B: No, I didn’t listen to the weather forecast.
n. 速度,速率

A: I wore a velvet dress to the dinner party.
B: I am sure that you looked very elegant.
n. 天鹅绒, 丝线

A: I finished my book with a vengeance.
B: I am sure you are glad that it is finished now.
n. 报仇, 报复, 复仇
with a vengeance 猛烈地, 激烈地, 极度地

A: Sorry for screaming at you.
B: It’s OK. I understand that you just had to vent your anger.
n. 1.通风口,排放口; (衣服底部的)开衩
vt. 表达,发泄(情感等)
give vent to 表达,发泄(感情等)

A: Can we open a window to ventilate the room?
B: Sorry, but the window is jammed.
vt. 1.使通风; 2.把….公开, 公开讨论

A: My boss always shouts verbal abuse at me.
B: Is there anything that you can do about it?
a. 1.口头的; 2.用言辞的, 用文字的; 3.动词的

A: Has a verdict been reached in the case?
B: Yes, the man was found guilty.
n. 1.裁定; 2.定论, 判断性意见

A: Our car nearly skidded over the verge of the cliff.
B: You were lucky that you were able to stop in time.
n. 边,边缘
vi. (on) 接近,濒临
on the verge of 接近于,濒临于

A: Do you know the next verse of the poem?
B: No, I have a terrible memory.
n. 诗,诗句

A: What countries were playing in the match?
B: It was France versus Holland.
prep. 1.以…为对手, 对; 2.与…相对, 与…相比之下

A: I’m cold!
B: You are not wearing enough clothing. Here is a vest to keep you warm
n. 背心,马甲, (无袖的)防护衣
vt (in) 授予,赋予, 给予(权力,财力等)

A: Did the law get passed by the government?
B: No, it was vetoed at an early stage.
vt./ n. 否决

A: Are there any hospitals in your vicinity?
B: No, the nearest one is an hour away.
n. 周围地区,临近地区
in the vicinity (of) (在…)附近, (与…)接近

A: That dog looks vicious.
B: Oh. he won’t bite. He is actually very friendly.
a. 1.恶毒的,凶残的;2.剧烈的,严重的

A: This drink tastes vile.
B: If it is so awful then, don’t drink it.
a. 1.极坏的,恶劣的; 2.卑鄙的,邪恶的; 3.肮脏的,污*的

A: Did you find out who was the villain in the story?
B: No, I still haven’t finished the book yet.
n. 1.反派演员, 反派角色,反面人物; 2.恶棍, 流氓, 坏蛋; 3.造成弊病的人(或物), 问题的起因

A: We sailed into virgin territory.
B: It must have been fun to explore previously undiscovered land.
n. 处女,未婚女子
a. 1.未经开发的,未经使用的,未经触动的; 2.处女的

A: Did you go to Russia for your holiday?
B: No, I was unable to get a visa.
n. 签证

A: What are you thinking about?
B: I’m trying to visualize my future.
vt. 想象,设想

A: Mr. Evans is very vocal.
B: Indeed, he is always talking.
a. 1.喜欢畅所欲言的,直言不讳的; 2.嗓音的,发声的
n. [常pl.] 声乐节目

A: Did you go to university after school?
B: No, I received a vocational education in a technical college.
a. 职业的,业务的

A: Short hair is in vogue at the moment.
B: Oh, I didn’t realize that I was suddenly fashionable!
n. 流行,风行, 时髦
in vogue 流行

A: My day seemed void of meaning.
B: Perhaps tomorrow you will have a better one.
a. 1.无效的;2.没有的,缺乏的
n. 1.空虚感,寂寞感; 2.真空,空白
vt. 使无效

A: I never know if Martin is happy or angry.
B: Yes, he is particularly volatile at the moment.
a. 1.动荡不定的,不稳定的; 2.易变的,反复无常的,暴躁的; 3. (液体)易挥发的

A: That was a fantastic shot!
B: Thanks, volleys are my favorite stroke in tennis.
n. 1.群射,排枪射击, 群射的子弹; 2. (质问,咒骂灯的)连发,迸发
v. 1. (足球)截题(凌空球), (网球)截击(空中球); 2.群射,齐发

A: There was vomit on the pavement.
B: Disgusting! I wonder who got sick.
v. 呕吐

A: You have a vulgar sense of humour.
B: But you still laughed at my jokes.
a. 1.粗野的,下流的; 2.庸俗的,粗俗的,不雅的

A: You have another dose of the flu.
B: Yes, I have been vulnerable to illness this year.
a. 1.易受伤的,脆弱的; 2.易受攻击的,难防御的

