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可行性报告(Feasibility Report)   Report on the Purchase of the Safest 1997 Sport Utility Vehicle   This is a report for any individual looking to purchase a 1997 sport utility vehicle with safety in mind. More and more families today want luxury and safety from their sport utilities. The purchase of a sport utility vehicle would need to take into consideration the following criteria:   ·Overall driving experience   ·Vehicle cockpit   ·Safety   ·Price   A.导言(Introduction)   在导言部分撰文人介绍写作背景,阐明报告要讨论的问题,并提出作决定的各种选择性方案---本文从四个方面提出比较点。   Comparisons   The four sport utility vehicles that will be considered are the Jeep Grand Cherokee, the Mitsubishi Montero Sport, the Ford Expedition, and the Ford Explorer.   B.比较(Comparison of Alternatives)   在这部分撰文人提供事实材料,采用比较的方法,以客户的利益为出发点充分论证每一种选择性方案的得与失。需要特别指出的是,在比较分析的过程中,应该给予每一种选择性方案同样程度的重视,不可凭自己的主观意志有所侧重,从而丧失客观公正性,降低报告的可信度。   Overall driving experience. (全面的驾驶体验)The Jeep Grand Cherokee rides more comfortably than most utility vehicles even with a full load. The ride is overall pretty quiet but there is an occasional gear changing sound from the transmission [1:56] . […] The Mitsubishi Montero Sport rides more like a pickup truck than a luxury sport utility. […]The Ford Expedition, despite its size, is a responsive vehicle. Sharp turning […] The ride[…]with a full load it gets better [1:57] .[…]Overall the Ford Explorer and the Jeep Cherokee performed above average compared to the other vehicles.   Vehicle cockpit. (车内座舱)In the Jeep Grand Cherokee the optional power seat helps tall and short people get comfortable, with a good view of the road. The rear mirror[…]. The steering […]. The Mitsubishi Montero Sport cockpit offers average leg and head room, and […] The Expedition […] The Ford Explorer is equipped with a six-way power driver's seat […]   Safety.(安全性能) Safety equipment on the Jeep Grand Cherokee includes […] The Mitsubishi Montero Sport is equipped with […]. The Ford Expedition comes with […] All compare the same in safety but the Explorer offers the child safety seat option.   Price.(价格) The Jeep Grand Cherokee tested price was $29,885. The Mitsubishi Montero Sport tested price was $29,554. The Ford Expedition tested price was $32,465 and the Ford Explorers tested price was 29,535 [1:55-58]. The Expedition is considerably more expensive than the other three, which have close to the same price.   Summary (概要)   The following is a summary of the comparison of the Jeep Grand Cherokee, the Mitsubishi Montero Sport, the Ford Expedition, and the Ford Explorer:   1.All four vehicles fall under the sport utility vehicle category.   2.The Ford Explorer and the Jeep Cherokee outperformed the other two in handling and maneuvering.   3.The Ford Expedition crushed the other competition when it came to the inside leg room, headroom, and overall instrument layout.   4.The Montero Sport and the Ford Expedition did not handle as well as the other two but made up for this in the overall comfort of the interior.   5.All three vehicles except the Ford Expedition had equal amounts of comfort for the driver and the passengers.   6.[…] 7. […] 8. […] 9. […]   Table 1. Testing results of the Jeep Grand Cherokee, the Mitsubishi Montero Sport, the Ford Expedition, and the Ford Explorer.   Category Jeep Grand Cherokee Mitsubishi Montero Sport Ford Expedition Ford Explorer   Performance 2 2 2 2   Comfort 2 2 3 2   Ride 2 1 3 3   Noise 3 2 2 3   Controls and display 4 4 4 4   TOTAL 2.6 2.2 2.8 3.0   Note: 1 - Poor, 2 - Good, 3 - Very good, 4 - Excellent   Recommendations (建议)   Based on the testing results previously discussed in this report and the ratings from Table 1, I recommend the following:   ·Purchase a Ford Explorer, which meets all the minimum safety requirements along with the added child safety option. The Explorer performs well in the luxury and the performance test and is reasonably priced.   C.结论(Conclusions) 与建议(Recommendations)   结论部分重申报告目的,扼要地概括每一种选择性方案的优点与缺点,并总结全文。建议必须建立在结论的逻辑基础上,是结论的合理延伸。   可行性报告目的(Purpose)   人员在做出重大决策之前,通常要求呈交可行性报告,从而正确认识现状,充分衡量各种选择的得与失。这就要求报告撰写人全面地介绍所有合乎情理的选择,并在此基础上,客观地评估每一种选择所可能牵涉的重要因素,例如成本、可靠性、时间限制、长远目标等。

