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【#英语资源# 导语】幼小无助时,父亲的怀抱给我们温暖;青春叛逆时,父亲刚强威严给我们管教;长大成人时,父亲默默给我们支持帮助;父亲节到了,儿女们无以回报,祝父亲健康平安!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  My father is a gentle and sometimes very irascible father.

  I remember once, my father and I went fishing on a sunny day. It was 11 o'clock. My father and I set out to go fishing in the nearest river. It took me more than an hour to catch three small fish, but my father caught a lot of big and fat fish. My heart was angry and wanted to cry, so I went to my father and asked him, "why did I catch only three small fish when you caught so many fish?"? My father said to me: son, fishing needs patience. Don't think fishing is very simple. Do you think you put the bait in the water and there will be a fish on the hook right away? I'll tell you, of course, you can't catch it right away. You need to be patient, okay? At this time I seem to understand something. I immediately ran back to my position and waited for the fish to bite.

  After waiting for nearly 20 minutes, I finally got a fish hooked. At that time, I was so happy. When I caught him on the bank, I saw that the fish was really big. At this time, my father said to me: Yes! That's it. Can't you wait for a big fish? Dad wanted to say it, but dad caught a fish on his hook. It was also a big fish.

  In the evening, dad and I came home happily and ate a lot of fish. Dad said to me, am I really good to you? Dad suddenly asked a very strange question. I hurriedly replied: of course it's good for me! Dad may not be at home tomorrow. Remember to sleep well tomorrow alone. I said why, dad did not answer.

  Later, I learned that it was because I couldn't get along with the son of the boss of my father's company. One day, he scolded me and I beat the boss's son. My father went to talk to the boss about this. Because he couldn't talk, he also let the boss' son scold me. In a rage, my father scolded the boss and her son. In my heart, Dad seldom scolds, but he lost his job for me. I was very grateful to Dad that day. Then dad found a new job. But in my heart, I now really understand the scene of father's love!

  This is my father, a very gentle father.


  After mother's day, father's day came quietly. Our parents always work hard for their families and children. They have made countless efforts. And we have a father and mother's exclusive festival to celebrate for our parents on this day. But let's think, what our parents have done for us is just one day? Therefore, as children, they should take their parents' festivals as every day in their lives.

  For parents, we, as children, should never be far away. Whether it's mother's day or father's day, we should always think of the two elders, because without the hard work of our parents, we can't have the happiness of our children. Although mother's day and father's day are separated, the true meaning of the festival is to make people filial to their parents and not forget the traditional principle of filial piety. Parents who never forget the kindness of nurturing. As children, they should superimpose the sincerity and dedication of love on their parents. Every day of life is a parents' Festival, and there is no need to set more festivals.

  The greatest and most grateful people in the world are father's love and mother's love. However, in real life, how many people know when their parents' birthdays are? I have done a special questionnaire survey, and the answer is obviously not very optimistic. Mother's day and father's day do not tell us that as children, we should not forget that we will only remember to love our two elders when it comes to festivals. In fact, there are many ways to love. I don't think that when the festival comes, I will suddenly think of buying something delicious, drink and use for my parents... Parents don't need their children to do anything. Especially for elderly parents, when their children are not around, they usually make more phone calls, go home to see their parents, and chat with their parents. It is so simple. This is filial piety, and this is the return of love. Parents have raised their children for decades. In their later years, children should certainly support the elderly for life.

  A person who understands the obligation to honor his parents will have reason to be a good person on the road of life and take his own road of life. Only in his later years of life will he receive the same filial piety. Filial piety to the elderly is one of the behaviors we must do in our lives as children.

  Whether it is mother's day or father's day, we should not make superficial efforts, but let parents feel the warmth of love around them every day. Let parents live in the happiness of love.


  Perhaps, some people think that father's love is far worse than mother's love. In fact, father's love is as selfless as mother's love, and he doesn't ask for return; Father's love is a kind of quiet, invisible and refreshing emotion, which can only be realized by people with heart. Father is the pillar of the family, trying to make money, what hard, what tired just turned into sweat, unknown pay. How can this not be touching? Father, he is calm and calm, like a tall and straight ancient pine, standing upright despite the wind and rain. No matter what difficulties and setbacks he encountered, he would settle them one by one. Even if they were difficult, he would never give up, because he had children and a wife behind him. If he retired, they would face difficulties. Although he is sometimes despised by us, he never complains. He always waves his hand to leave today's mood and welcomes the new day optimistically.

  My father is ordinary, just like the old tree downstairs. Although I see them every day, I hear the sound of the wind blowing the leaves swaying every day. But I have never noticed that father's love is hidden behind the ordinary - paying silently. Give me a strong arm when I cry, and appear beside me when I need comfort and encouragement most to share my worries and solve my problems. He always pays for me without asking for anything in return. He regards me as his world. This is father's love.

  I remember when I was in the fourth grade of primary school, I accidentally hurt my classmate. After the teacher called, my father left his work and rushed to the hospital in time. When I saw the classmate, I was trembling with fear. I said with tears on my face: "it's OK, as long as you don't mean it...". After returning home, my father had a talk with me, which made me remember to be careful in everything.

  Father's love is invisible and silent, just like he comes to my bed every night to help me cover my quilt; Like an umbrella sent every time it rains; It's also like a tutor who points out my difficulties. It is not like maternal love that can be expressed in words. It is an ordinary and elegant love.

  He has always been my role model. Although he is the youngest son in the family, every week he will go home to see the old man, bring some delicious food to the old man, buy medicine for his grandmother, chat with his grandfather, and carry water for his grandmother... Every time he asks why, he says, "other children are far away, busy, and have no time to go home. When it comes to providing for the aged, treat him as an only child."

  Since we bought a car at home, my father took us on a self driving tour every year. He was both a driver and a guide. He sang and harvested all the way, making me feel full of love

  Over the past ten years, countless times, my father accompanied me with his silent and invisible love. Until today, I understand that father's love is a cup of tea. Although it is plain, as long as you taste it carefully, it will be a sweet and unforgettable sweet spring.

  Dad, it's nice to have you!

  Love you forever - Dad! This is your son's holiday gift!


  Someone said that father's love is a mountain, lonely, but it can give you strong support; Father's love is a lamp, always there, but it can give you infinite warmth. Father's love is not as tender and considerate as mother's love. But it can always guard you silently and give you spiritual support.

  My father is like his father described by Zhu Ziqing, but his situation is different and his times are different. My father was an ordinary farmer, so when I was a child, I always followed him and helped him wander around the fields with his vegetable basket. I remember at that time, when my father was picking vegetables, I squatted on the ground and stepped on those big black ants. My father always threatened me by saying that the ants would bite. So I was scared to jump around, but my father looked at me with a wide grin and wiped his sweat with his wrist that was not glued with loess. So when I was a child, I had the impression that my father was a tall and powerful man with a dark face. When he smiled, he would show his smoking teeth. When he went to the vegetable field, he would sweat his clothes.

  When I grew up, my mother and I lived in the county town, and my father and grandmother lived in the countryside. In order to enable me to receive a better education, but also for my adult, my father let my mother and I live in the city. During the whole period of primary school, my mother was also working, so I learned to be independent and how to live independently under such conditions. In order to facilitate communication with me, my father would call me every night to say hello. This habit has lasted for six years since I grew up. In these thousands of days, calling is the way my father supports me and teaches me. When I had a conflict with my mother, he would talk to me on the phone for dozens of minutes to persuade me and teach me. When I encounter difficulties, he is always the first to teach me how to solve them and how to avoid being punished again next time.

  Now, my father borrows me every day and sends me to school. In winter, motorcycles are always unimpeded. Coupled with the biting river wind, it is extremely cold. But my father will come to pick me up whenever he has time, whether it rains or snows. Really, leaning on my father's back, I don't feel a wall that can protect me from the wind and rain. But a fire that never ceases to give me light and show me the way. Although my father has long been young and old, wrinkles and ravines have already covered his cheeks, and white hair has already grown on his head, I can still feel the infinite power from him.

  I know that my immature language can not express my father's wordlessness, depth and greatness in my mind. But I know that there will always be a fire and beacon in my heart. It has always been there, giving me motivation, that is my wordless father's love.


  In the twinkling of an eye, the annual father's day will come again. I greet father's day with excitement and gratitude

  A few days before father's day, I made all the preparations: a gift, a letter filled with sincere words, put the letter and gift in a big gift box, and then my own preparation, so I was excited and anxious to wait for that day.

  I sat on the bed and began to think about the father's day last year:

  In the morning, the weather was sunny, and a few birds were singing songs with melody, which was very beautiful. That day, we got up early, cleared our things and got ready to go.

  At home, my father is a very playful person. Every father's day, our family went to some interesting places, so this time, we were as usual. It was not long before we reached our destination - Shiyan lake. The Shiyan Lake scenic area is very beautiful, and there are many entertainment facilities, which makes me happy. My father was surprised when he saw my face, and he also laughed. It was almost 12 o'clock when we entered the Shiyan lake. We had to find a restaurant. I sat next to my father and ordered all the dishes that my father loved to eat. I also ordered a large bottle of drinks. The meals were served. We waited for my father to start first, and then we started. Because we were playing at other times except at noon today, so I opened my backpack, took out the gifts, and quietly called for my father. My father's eyes lit up when he saw it, Then a "wow" sound came into my ears. I handed the gift to my father and said, "happy father's Day!" Dad kindly replied, "thank you, my baby daughter." At that time, I found a few tears in the corner of my father's eyes. I gently put the paper in my father's hand. We looked at each other and smiled. The sun was shining on our faces through the window, just like the sunflowers opening to the sun.

  After dinner, I went out with my drink in my arms, but I accidentally fell to the ground with a "bang". A feeling of pain spread from my legs to my whole body. It was very painful. When my parents saw it, they rushed over with an arrow, and then helped me to sit on a nearby chair. Because it was really painful, I couldn't stand still. Finally, they discussed with my father to carry me on his back. I put my arm around his neck, Before long, I could feel the temperature on his body. I put my head on his shoulder and slowly fell asleep

  Now, every time I think of this day, my heart will be filled with warmth, but I also think that that day did not reflect the true meaning of father's day. I regret it very much, so I decided to make up for my father again on father's day. Finally, I want to say to my father on that day: happy father's day, Dad!


  "My father gave me a blue sky and fertile soil. My father is the eternal sun in my life!" When I woke up in the morning, I suddenly remembered that today was father's day, but my mother told me that my father had to work overtime early in the morning because my unit had something temporary to do.

  My father is so busy every day that there are almost no Sundays in his office. But no matter how busy or tired, when I got home, my father always checked my homework first.

  If there were no mistakes, my father would happily praise me: "you are great, son. Keep trying!" If a mistake is found, my father will not criticize me, but let me read the question carefully word by word. When I fully understand the meaning of the question and write the correct answer, my father will touch my head with his warm big hand and say: "careful and attentive will eliminate the mistake, and my father will believe in my son's strength!"

  No matter how busy dad is, he never gives me any discount on his fatherly love. He always finds time to read extra-curricular books with me and listen to my stories; Playing chess with me taught me the methods and steps of playing chess; On weekends, he accompanied me to the park for a walk, helped me learn to ride a bike and wear roller skates... I grew up step by step in the sweat of my father.

  There is a kind of love, which is wordless and implicit. At that time, it is often impossible to tell in detail. However, the more you experience it in the later days, the more it tastes. You will never forget it all your life. It is the broad and boundless father's love.

  I was deeply moved by my father's most plain and sincere love. On this special day of father's day, I must repay my father's love for me. I must let my father have a happy father's day.

  With a grateful heart, I picked up the phone, dialed my father's mobile phone, and said loudly: "Dad, today is your holiday, I wish you a happy holiday! I love you!"


  With the progress of the times, western festivals flood into China like a flood. Valentine's day, mother's day and Christmas are often talked about, but father's Day is neglected.

  Maybe people forget, maybe they ignore, maybe they have never noticed. Among the greeting cards flying all over the world, there is only one less for father, and one less for father in the endless blessings. Father's tolerance and magnanimity took care of everything and never cared about anything. But when I looked at my father's gray sideburns, crow's feet and rickets, I felt a little guilty.

  Once upon a time, I was always spoiled in front of my father. When I was young, my father was always duty bound to bear my weight during the lantern show on October 1, and let me ride on his neck to "stand out from the crowd" and have a panoramic view of the Bund. My father tried his best in the crowd and fought alone in the crowd. The moving scene was still clearly imprinted on my mind.

  Once upon a time, when I was wronged, my father's broad chest was my shelter. Young and vigorous, I don't know the world. My stubborn character makes me run into a wall everywhere. At this time, my father smiled and gently wiped away the tears on my face and talked with me. Talk about the relationship between people, talk about the meaning of life, comfort my wound, and tell me what people live for.

  Once upon a time, when I fell into an inexplicable complex, my father raised the navigation light for me, led me out of the annoying vortex, and summoned up the courage to stand on the starting line of the competition.

  Once upon a time, the father was mixed with annoying family conflicts, and he struggled to support and maintain the family in the face of his wife and mother. I saved some private money from breakfast and lunch and sent it all to my poor brother in the countryside, but I was reluctant to add a new coat. People in my unit almost regarded him as an "old antique".

  When people sing the praises of their mother, I think of my father. Can we forget our father?

  My father is great. I love my father, but I have never expressed my love. If I lose such an opportunity as father's day, I am afraid I will leave more than regret.

  Someone once said, "when I was a child, my father was omnipotent; when I was young, my father was antique; when I was middle-aged, my father was superfluous; when I was old, the most common thing I said was" when my father said... "Why didn't I know how to cherish when I had it, and I didn't feel his value until I lost it? Seize the opportunity to buy a bunch of carnations on the third Sunday in June this year, send a greeting card, send your love, and say, "father, I love you!"


  Father's Day is coming soon. I plan to give my father a surprise on father's day to express my love for him. To thank him for his care and love for me for so many years.

  I especially want to give dad a surprise. There is no good idea after thinking about it. At this time, the mother suggested: "you give dad a certificate." That's a good idea! I decided to start early tomorrow morning.

  The next day, I got up early and quietly began to prepare all kinds of equipment, including paper jam, non-woven cloth, double-sided tape, ribbon and scissors.

  I cut two cards first, one is the same size as the inner page of the ordinary certificate, and the other is a little larger. Then, I cut a piece of red non-woven cloth according to the size of the large cardboard, and then paste the non-woven cloth onto the large cardboard with double-sided adhesive tape. Then I spread out the Yellow non-woven cloth and began to do the most important work - cutting out the word "certificate". Cutting characters is not so simple. If you are not careful, you will make the characters "disabled". I was very experienced. I cut out the words intact and pasted them on the cover. Next, I pasted ribbons on the four corners of the award, then stuck the four corners of the small cardboard between the ribbon and the large cardboard, and then wrote "Congratulations ××× Won the father of the year award. The certificate is finally ready! I'm so excited. I can't wait to send it to my father!

  In the morning, I took my certificate to school and was praised by my teachers and classmates. I was embarrassed and would giggle. Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally came home at noon. My mother and I agreed to act separately. My mother searched the Internet for the march for the award. I prepared the certificate and went to the kitchen to call my father out. I asked my father to close his eyes. In the sound of music, my mother began to preside over the award ceremony. When she said, "now, Qiaoqiao will present this year's dad award to ×××” I quickly took out the certificate from behind and let my father open his eyes. Dad was stunned at once, with a blank expression. Mom clapped and reminded dad, "hug the presenter!" Dad took the certificate and kissed me. Then he went straight to the kitchen and shouted: "fire..." haha - "my mother and I laughed at each other. The surprise on my father's face after he received the gift was an affirmation of my gift. I love my father and this father's day.


  There are two days left for father's day. My heart is beating rapidly. I can't think of any gift for my hard-working father!

  So this morning I will carry out a mysterious secret operation.

  Just before six o'clock in the morning, I hurried out of bed and hid. It was a very inconspicuous corner, so I could see outside, but I couldn't see outside. When dad got up, I watched his every move to see if I could find a gift for him in his life.

  However, my father was almost nothing special in the morning. He washed his face and brushed his teeth the same as before. At this time, my father saw me looking at him in a corner. He was puzzled? "Jian Gang, come here!" Ah! Dad found my hiding place, so I had to be obedient He walked to his father. "What are you doing there?" Of course I can't divulge this big secret, so I said "play!"

  "What fun is there?" Dad asked, "don't be there again!" I was better off obeying than deferring. I quickly replied, "Oh! Oh!" I was scared to death. I thought I could wear a gang! Fortunately, I am smart.

  At nine o'clock in the morning, I discovered the secret that my father seldom smiles because of his work, so I must make a mysterious gift to my father before father's Day!

  At this time, I saw one in front of me, that is

  When my father was off duty, I flew behind him and jumped on his back. Now my father had a coke and played with me.

  Because I thought that I was the one who could give happiness to my father, because we were all my parents. My parents loved us, so we should also give love to our parents. My parents gave us gifts. We looked very humble, but after all, it was the love of my parents! We give our parents a gift, but they are very happy. That is because it is a respect and a love we give to our parents, so we should repay our parents who work hard for us with good grades!


  As people have praised for ages, father's love is as heavy as a mountain. Deep but hard to find. Maybe it is. Otherwise, why did I count my father's wrinkles and cry yesterday.

  Two years ago, my father was laid off. It seems that the originally happy family atmosphere is gradually gloomy. Dad didn't care about his face, so he set up a stall across the street from my school. In the past, the "double happiness" of "advanced" has also become "Hongta mountain". His temper is becoming more and more strange. He always scolds you or invites you to eat "fried meat with bamboo shoots".

  But I found a secret: he peeped at my diary! I was very angry at first, but then I became more and more indifferent to this matter and alienated from him. It rained heavily a few days ago. I knew that his career and habits had changed, but his love for me had never changed

  That day, a lightning that cut through the sky "Hoo" lit up my feet. It accurately told me that a torrential rain was coming. Sure enough, the rain drops the size of beans became dense from sparse, and the array became larger from small. My mother asked me to send umbrellas to my father who didn't bring an umbrella. I reluctantly pulled out two umbrellas from the umbrella tube and stepped into the rain curtain

  I saw a middle-aged man with a bent back. My intuition told me that he was my father. Where is his straight waist? I suddenly felt a twinge of nostalgia. What is he doing? I approached him, holding a handful of coins in his hand, and asked the salesgirl in the bookstore for a Chinese-English dictionary. Chinese English dictionary? I remember I said in my diary that I wanted a Chinese English dictionary. It turned out that

  I held hands, leaving only a large and a small figure in the rain curtain.

  Dad, I know you've been in a bad mood since you were laid off, but I know that you love me anyway, just like before. Your love like a mountain, my daughter understands!
