
时间:2022-05-27 23:47:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】父爱就是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感受到温暖;父爱就是易泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘也依然纯洁明净。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  "There is only a father in the world, and a child with a father is like a treasure." when I sang this song, I couldn't help thinking of my birth.

  When I was first born, everyone said I was a "grinding spirit". I always sleep during the day. I can't wake up even if I make a noise. I open my big eyes to play at night. Every night after eleven o'clock, I wake up and cry. As soon as Dad heard my cry, he immediately ran over, picked me up from the cradle and played with me all night. I had no choice but to sing to me and coax me to sleep. I would close my eyes and start to sleep. At that time, my father was always exhausted. He also lost more than a dozen pounds of meat when living a black-and-white life, but he had no complaints.

  When I was in the first grade of primary school, the most unforgettable thing for me was that it was a cold night. I came out of my grandmother's house and suddenly it rained cats and dogs. The wind caught the rain and hit my face. It was cold and painful. I couldn't help shivering. "Is it cold?" Dad asked me. "Well," I replied. Dad immediately took off his coat, put it on me and picked me up. Suddenly, I feel so warm.

  On the road, it rained harder and harder, and the wind blew harder and harder. When I saw my father frowning and shaking constantly, I asked loudly, "Dad, are you cold?" Dad said, "it's okay!" I don't know how long it took to get home. I saw that my father had become a "drowned chicken". The rain ran down his eyebrows, into his mouth and into his body

  The next day, dad caught a cold. I asked my mother strangely, "didn't dad say he was okay? How could he catch a cold?" Mom smiled and said, "little fool, that's what Dad loved you and lied to you for fear of your illness." I suddenly realized that Dad's love is like this. Dad is so great!

  Until now, I understand that my father's love is silent, priceless and never asks for return. Under the protection of my father, I grow up happily and healthily. I really want to grow up quickly. I want to repay my father's love with my own actions.


  Everyone in life is praising the selfless maternal love, but forgetting the father's love silently dedicated in the corner! Father's love, father's love! Poetry recitation can't finish your sweat, add, subtract, multiply and divide, and can't calculate your endless love for me! I have meticulous maternal love for me. At the same time, I am also intoxicated in your generous mind, which makes my life full of joys and sorrows and sprays wonderful colors in my life.

I love your selfless mother, love your broad mind, you give me life; Give me happiness; I love my father's smile when you offer. You give me ups and downs and teach me the principles of life. I love you: that selfless heart! Grandma Bingxin once said, "father's love is not just in words, but in practical actions."

  Until now, I have never forgotten the snow day that makes people tremble... It was a snow night that made me sad. I braved the wind and snow to rush to the warm little home and saw my dear father warming by the fire. A burst of warm happiness blew in my heart... I was like a bird that needed to rely on, leaning on my father's generous shoulder and warming by the small and bright fire. I just thought: my father's love for me is warmer and thicker than this fire. My father worked so hard that I didn't think I was qualified to occupy the stove with most of my body, so I gradually moved my body aside so that my father could keep warm alone, so that my injured heart would be more lame. My father seemed to notice that my body trembled slightly in the corner. My father smiled at each other and entrusted his coat to me without saying a word. I looked at my father in tears, too excited to speak. My father thought I was getting colder and decisively took off his gloves and scarf and put them on my hands and head

  This pure white scarf and gloves are as gorgeous as red father's love. Selflessness, no illusory fame, and silent dedication are called fatherly love. Yes, father's love does not lie in words, but in practical actions.


  Father's love is often the most easily ignored, but it is the most unforgettable.

  It is often said that father's love is like a mountain, deep and solemn; Father's love is like an umbrella, ordinary and great. In my memory, father's love is vague, and I don't even notice his love.

  As the sun sets, the shadows of tourists are drawn long, while we are in the remote place of "Yilong" - the water world. We happened to pass by the iron cable bridge. It happened that we were going to pass from then on.

  Under the trembling iron cable bridge is a fast river. People who are not regular visitors are easy to be afraid to pass on the way. This is because the front section of the guardrail is very high, which will gradually become shorter in the middle, which can be touched only when people squat down, and then gradually become higher in the future. We were all surprised by the bridge. No one dared to cross it. Later, because of my big words, I was forced to go together. Just two steps away, I took the opportunity to slip away and came back. Dad saw that no one dared to pass, so he passed first. At this moment, the bridge began to shake. My father stood for a little while and made difficult progress. The back under the sunset was full of courage and strength. I strengthened my courage and became the second challenger. At first, I stepped forward with confidence. In the middle, my heart was full of fear. Look below, as long as I accidentally fell, I would die!

  "Ah", I suddenly lay on the bridge and didn't dare to get up. My eyes were full of pity and helplessness. I wanted my father to help me, but he turned a blind eye. I was afraid and very, afraid of dying at any time, and hated my father's indifference. I stood up slowly with tears in my eyes. At that moment, I almost ran past with my eyes closed, and then sat down without expression or words.

  When we were going back, I pushed away my father who wanted to cross the bridge first and said, "I'll take the lead!" Before the words fell, I summoned up the courage and walked forward. When I got to the middle, the bridge suddenly trembled violently. I knelt on half my knees and almost fell on the bridge. Dad shouted, "can I help you?" I said ruthlessly, "no!" He walked past angrily.

  In the evening, my brother and I were watching the stars outside. My brother suddenly said, "your father didn't mean not to help you today, but to make you strong. Moreover, your father survived in dizzy high school just to keep you from being afraid." In an instant, I looked at what my brother wanted to say, choked again, and tears fell down my cheeks.

  Why is fatherly love so difficult to understand!


  The night is like a veil, which quietly covers the whole sky. The moonlight is like a firefly. Some light and shadow appear slightly from the gauze, light and ethereal.

  Tonight, the house was so quiet, but I always felt that something was missing. My father's frequent calls every day and night no longer continued.

  In fact, my father is a man of few words. He will never nag endlessly from morning to night. When there were only us at home, he would tell us a few times at most. But my father has always had a habit of calling my name intentionally or unintentionally.

  My bedroom is only separated by a wall from my father's study. Every night, I can always hear my father next door call my name, one after another, accompanied by the sound of tapping the keyboard, which seems to have a sense of rhythm. Such a call sounds very disturbing to me. Sometimes I can't help but ask my father impatiently what's the matter, but often at this time, my father never speaks again.

  I asked my mother for help, but I got the answer from my mother. When I was a child, my father drifted away all year round for his career, and life was lonely. When I was alone, I called my name and thought of my distant home alone. In this way, I fell this problem over time. I can't help feeling a little moved, but I still feel strange in my heart. I always feel that a person's life is lonely, but it's not so.

  My father was on business tonight, and there was no call at home. In such a big room, only the gears of the wall clock ticked. This silence makes me a little afraid. It seems that the whole world has only me, cold and cold. Originally, a person's night is so lonely. My father suddenly appeared in front of me. In the same quiet night, did my father sit under the fluorescent lamp? There are no familiar footsteps in my ears, perhaps only a faint light with a trace of temperature. Therefore, he can only call me and look forward to it. Only when he is sure that he can no longer wait for a response, can he bear to miss and return to one's loneliness again. I couldn't help calling my father gently, but I waited for a more confused silence. I seem to understand something. I know the heart of my father when he calls me day by day, the lonely and missing heart that used to be in thousands of nights.

  In retrospect, my father's call really gave me a lot of comfort. In the middle of the night, my father's call in my ear will always remind me that I am not the only one in this family, and my anxiety will dissipate.

  The room was still so quiet, but I heard my father's call, deep love.


  Father's love is the sunshine in the morning, which lights us up. When you get up in the morning, you hear your father gently say "good morning". When it's windy and rainy that day, my father drives a car to see me off, so as to avoid me getting wet by the ruthless wind and rain. This is my father's deep love for us. In a word, it's nice to have a father's love company!

  When I was a child, father's love was the quiet sound of opening the door when I came back.

  My father is a self-employed man. He gets up early and gets up late every day, goes out early and returns late, just to create a good environment for me and let me go to school. Therefore, whenever I hear my father's quiet sound of opening the door, it is the happiest time of my day. At that time, I always listened to my father's quiet opening of the door in the warm quilt and the gentle words: "is my son asleep?" At this time, lying in the quilt, I will feel a warm current flowing all over my body.

  Father's love shines on us like the sun, but we never spare no pains. It's nice to have father's love with us every day!

  When I grow up, my father's love is the gentle advice.

  I am a stubborn child. After I was in grade two, I didn't allow my father to send me to school with my schoolbag on my back every day. The school is close to my home, so I insisted on walking to school every day. Of course, except for the wind and rain, whenever I go out, I always hear my father's gentle advice "be careful on the road, watch the car, don't cross the road, take the crosswalk, don't worry, there's enough time". At that time, I didn't think so. When a big man talked so much about what to do, I always replied casually: "Oh, I see.". Until now, I understand that my father's annoying exhortations are all about me, full of strong fatherly love.

  Now, father's love is that cup of strong coffee.

  Since I went to junior high school, the pressure of study has increased. I have to finish my homework very late every day. At this time, my father would bring me a cup of strong coffee and then ask me if I was under pressure to study. After that, he will always leave, afraid to disturb my study. I drank that cup of strong coffee and felt the strong fatherly love, mellow and lasting.

  Father's love is the most real and beautiful love in the journey of life; Father's love is also the purest and strongest love in the world. Every day with father's love is beautiful.


  When people recite poems praising their mother, when people praise their mother's great spirit, and when people thank their mother for giving him life, can they think of an unknown father?

  I always thought my father didn't love me at all. He was always busy with his work. When I opened my eyes in the morning, he had left the house; Sometimes in the evening, only my mother and I have dinner alone. When he comes back, he is always full of wine; When I got good grades, I showed it to my father happily, hoping to get his praise. He always waved impatiently, "I know, go to study.". But one thing made me understand how much my father loved me.

  That day, my mother chased me angrily because I did badly in the math exam because of my carelessness, which made me cry and run away. At this time, my father just came back. He grabbed my mother and kindly asked her what was going on. My mother scolded me angrily and crying. My father comforted my mother, asked her to have a rest, grabbed my hand and took me into the bedroom.

  He asked me to sit by the bed, carefully wipe the tears and runny nose on my cheeks with a towel, and said calmly, "I always thought you were a smart child. Every time you achieved good results, I saw it in my eyes and kept it in my heart. I have always been proud of your smart and hard-working son, but this time you have disappointed me too much. You are not unable, but you are too proud!"

  Dad paused and then said, "Dad gets up early and works in the dark every day. He also wants to make more money and create good living conditions for you. It's not that he doesn't care about you, but that I know you won't let me down. But now it seems that you're still too ignorant and don't understand the difficulties of adults."

  Dad also told me a lot. His big hand held my little hand tightly and warmed me with his body temperature. I thought of the hot breakfast my father made for me every morning. No matter how late I came home, my father would always call to ask me about my situation. For a time, a hot stream flowed in my heart, and I felt my father's love like a mountain.


  My father's care and love for me can't be expressed in words and figures, and if we pay a little to my father, my father will feel very sweet.

  My father is very strict with me.

  I remember one time when we had a math test. At that time, I finished answering the questions and felt that I had great confidence in getting a high score, so I handed in the paper. After the test, dad said, "you must bring me more than ninety points!" Dad was skeptical. I was in a good mood on the day of issuing the paper. The teacher read my name and said, "ye Mengqing, 78 points." "What?" I couldn't help crying out. It was a bolt from the blue. 78 points, what do you think I should tell my father! When I got home, my father read my test paper, "pa -" a loud slap hit me in the face, and I walked away crying. At night, my father sat on my bed and I didn't sleep, Dad said to me: "Qing'er! Dad shouldn't hit you at noon. He's too impulsive and can't contain his anger. However, it's not necessarily a good thing that you're overconfident. If you check carefully at that time, you'll get a good score in the exam. Dad is an hour of fun and doesn't want to go to school. He goes fishing all day and strolls with his classmates. When he grows up, he knows the value of knowledge. But the years are unforgiving. You're going to junior high school and the whole family attaches great importance to you , I just slapped you. You must study hard! " Speaking, I heard a hard swallow. Under the dim light, I saw two lines of tears on my father's face, and my father cried

  My father is very concerned about me.

  When I was in the third grade, as soon as I heard the march of radio gymnastics, the students in our class would swarm into the classroom. Li Yifei ran quickly, and I compared with him. They ran from the third floor to the first floor together. My competitive spirit was instantly aroused. I jumped and surpassed Li Yi. But when I landed, my foot twisted and I couldn't get up on the ground. I not only lost face, but also sprained my foot. It was all the disaster caused by my competitive heart! My father carried me to the hospital, so there was the one in front: my father walked on the road with me on his back. I was very cold and asked, "Dad, are you cold?" The father said, "I'm not cold." But I clearly heard my father's teeth trembling with cold.

  This is the father's love, which can make the father cry, make the father sweat, and make the father talk about the power of cold as warm! The great and selfless father's love is like a house to shelter the children who have a father in the world.


  Father's love is a huge flame that burns itself and illuminates the way forward for children. Fatherly love is deep and always affects my feelings in silence

  When the word "class is over" pops out of the teacher's mouth, it means that my class this Saturday is over. The students rushed out of the classroom happily, but I looked out of the window at the intermittent rain, and my heart fell to the bottom of the valley. Without rain gear, I had to go home alone. I had to go ahead in the rain. Thinking of this, I stepped out of the door and let the rain hit me, as if I didn't feel it.

  Walking on the street, the gentle breeze and drizzle suddenly turned into a violent storm, the leaves clattered and the cold wind blew. The pedestrian was so cold that one hand tightly pulled his coat and the other hand grabbed the umbrella to speed up his steps.

  The cold wind rolled a little rain on my face and hit my face. It was cold and piercing. I couldn't help trembling. Slow down and brush the rain off my face with my hand. I looked around. The street was empty and there were a few people on the road occasionally

  The car sped by, splashing a few muddy water on my lower leg. My heart immediately felt like being gouged out, painful, desperate and without a trace of warmth. At this moment, the home not far away seems to be far away.

  Patted my head and pulled out a bitter smile from the corners of my mouth. I continued to drag my nearly numb body forward, and a stream of sour and astringent rushed to my heart.

  Suddenly, there was a light bell behind me. I looked around. The familiar figure and bike broke into my eyes. It was my father. My heart was shocked. I was dazzled. He had endless things to do every day. How could he pick me up at this time?

  "Hey, silly boy, why are you stunned? Come on!" In the twinkling of an eye, the bicycle has come to me. My father's whole body has been soaked by the rain. His frosted temples are particularly dazzling in the rain, and a few drops of rain are accumulated between the wrinkles. I sat in the car slowly, subconsciously hugged my father's waist, put my face on my father's wet back, stubbornly raised my head and bit my lips to prevent tears from flowing out of my eyes

  Later, my mother quietly told me: "that afternoon, your father just came back from the meeting and found that it was raining heavily. He was worried that you would get sick when you came home in the rain, so he rushed out to pick you up as soon as he got home and asked me to keep it a secret afterwards..." his words were still in his ears, but his tears had blurred his eyes.

  This is probably the father's love, quietly, but it affects my feelings all the time


  Everyone says that maternal love is the greatest love in the world, but I don't think so!

  One day, as soon as my father stepped into the house, he heard my voice shouting, "playing the piano is too tired. I have to practice every day. I don't want to learn! I don't want to learn!" I cried and said. Dad put down his briefcase and said gently, "don't cry, don't cry! If so, would you like to walk and chat with dad?" I had to go out with tears and snot.

  At first, I kept my head down and kept muttering, "I'm too tired to play the piano every day. I don't want to learn, Dad." But my father didn't answer me, but said, "you see, Aunt Zhang's dog 'Yangyang' seems to have gained weight, and Uncle Wu's little sister can speak..." slowly, I found that complaining and tears were useless to my father, so I had to walk with my father silently.

  When we were tired, we sat on the stone bench on the side of the road to have a rest. My father said earnestly, "nono, why don't you want to learn the piano?" I finally waited until my father asked this question and couldn't wait to blurt out: "learning the piano is too tired. It's always boring to practice, practice and practice again. It's really boring!" Dad thought for a while, smiled and said, "do you remember holding your Uncle Chen when you were a child?" I just looked down and said nothing. Dad looked at me and then said, "he's the manager of a construction company now!" Hearing this, the scene of Uncle Chen moving bricks and reinforcing steel bars on the construction site kept emerging in front of me. I looked at my father with a puzzled face. My father seemed to see my mind, "it is Uncle Chen who rushes to do all the dirty and tiring work, so that he can know every process of construction like the back of his hand and have today's results." Suddenly, my face was hot. Compared with Uncle Chen, I was very ashamed. My father was telling me a truth: success is accumulated from the moment I decided to do it without fear of difficulties. Since then, "the sword edge comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum flowers comes from bitter cold" has become my motto.

  Father's love is hidden and deep. Although it is not as gentle and delicate as mother's love, it has taught me a lot of truth on the road of life.


  I have a strict and competent father. As the saying goes, "father loves like a mountain". No matter how strict the father is, he will be willing to shed sweat and pay the truth for his children.

  I remember when I was 6 years old, I was severely criticized by my father for watching TV. I went upstairs silently with resentment, walked back to my room, slammed the door and locked it, and then I got down on the bed angrily.

  I lay on my bed and thought: why should I be stopped from watching TV? Is my position so humble in my father's mind? Then don't be a father and son! Make a clean break and leave it clean! I was angry and roaring, mistakenly thinking that my father was the source of all evil and my enemy. The more I thought, the more angry I became. I couldn't help kicking the bed board with my feet to vent my anger, but my mood didn't become as comfortable as I thought, but only exacerbated the pain of my feet. I turned over and couldn't calm down my mood for a long time.

  After a few hours, my mood gradually calmed down, my anger subsided and my anger subsided. I walked slowly towards the door. Ah! The door was locked by me. At that time, I was like an ant on a hot pot. In an instant, I was at a loss, "what should I do?" I asked myself. I used all my life to shout for help. My father heard my cry for help and hurried up, but his father was helpless in the face of the solid door.

  I really felt scared, stiff all over, fear spread a little bit, and hope was gradually replaced by despair. I lost my voice and cried bitterly. My father heard my cry and was burning with anxiety. While dialing the phone, he kept comforting and encouraging me outside the door.

  Finally, the police uncle broke the door open, and I rushed into my father's arms, only to find that the corners of his eyes were already wet, but his face was full of a reassuring smile.

  Parents sometimes blame and scold, all based on a starting point, that is love. Every look in their eyes is full of beautiful and moving stories about "love" one after another.

