【#托福# 导语】托福写作越来越重要,写作一直是考生感觉比较难的部分,那么具体的如何来写呢?下面©文档大全网托福频道整理了写作突破的27分大关详细的内容,供大家参考使用,希望给大家带来帮助。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should spend more money in support of the arts than in support of athletics such as state-sponsored Olympic teams. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
In a society that changes as amazingly as ours, people are under more and more pressure due to the increasingly pontential of competation. Consequently, the general public as well as sociologists begin to wonder whether which is the best way for the government to release the tensive state of people between supporting the development of arts and supporting athletics. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to argue that government should spend more money in support of the arts than in support of athletics.
Indeed, there are certain merits contained in the plausible statement that supporting athletics do have some advantages. To begin with, it is imperative to pinpoint that spending more money on supporting athletics can improve the whole level of the athletics since they can buy more equipments for training, thus
However, it is, as far as practical experience and significance are concerned, more preferable to advocate that funding arts can improve the ability of appreciation of all the people. Prmarily, we can
这个童鞋终于开始说明政府支持艺术的第一个理由了,可是,注意,however这个标粗+波浪线的句子并不是理由,理由在that后面,那么,童鞋们请注意,独立写作需要用有限的字数表达更多有价值的信息,这个模版毫无疑义,所以请直接写“First,Funding arts can”
Simultaneously, the other persuasive justification is, in and of itself, self-evident. Supporting arts more can lead to the fashion of art, thus enhancing the creativity of people since people will have more creative thoughts after appreciating art piecies.
矫情,同样删去,直接写理由二就好。“Second,supporting arts more can”或许会有同学说,这不是为了凑字吗?句型还挺美的。没错,句型是挺美,但是这是无效信息,既不是分论点,也不是解释,更不是例子,无效信息必须干掉。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Young people should try different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.
In such a society that has already been overwhelmed by more and more chioces(choices) of majors for students, people started thinking (whether)the essence of education should be dabbling in one major deeply or knowing a lot widely. Though majoring in one region do bring people some advantages such as making people own incompetable(incomparable) knowlegde(knowledge), I still believe that it is more profitable for students to study more widely for having more predominances in the academic learning, the social connection, and the future job.
To begin with, it is a common sense that the interaction and interconnection between different subjects can not be eliminated. In this case, studying one major might bring benefits for learning another subject. Take myself, a student who is taking U.S. history course in advanced placement as an example: when I was in grade ten, I tried my best to recite the crucial time, cause, and effect of historical events and spent nearly three hours a day to prepare for the AP exam in May; yet, what is unfortunate is that I was not able to understand many academic terms in the economic regions such as mechanism, thus negatively influencing my understanding of some events and even caused misunderstandings and misconceptions. As a result, I only got three out of five in the AP test. However, I found it was obviously easier for me to study this course in grade eleven since I have already finished studying microeconomics in grade ten, thus saving plenty of time for me to study in the U.S. history while clarifying all kinds of terms, definitions, and significances without a hitch. Eventually, I got five points in the AP U.S. history exam when I was in grade eleven.
Secondly, there will be more likelihood for students to get along well and make more friends with others after taking different curricula. As the saying goes, “birds of the same feather flock together”, students would be able to have more topics to talk with others and make more friends if the students were learning widely. As a high school student, I cannot deny that the help and suggestions given by my friends are definitely helpful and indispensable. Once I was preparing for the presentation for my physics class in library and confused about how to explain Schrodinger’s Cat to my classmates, one of the students in the library suddenly passes by my seat and then went back. He asked me whether I was depicting the Schrodinger’s Cat by powerpoint. After communicating with Jack, the student who is majoring in theoretical physics, I suddenly got new pattern of presenting and new perspectives in physics, and later made friends with Jack. He offered me with many valuale (valuable) advice and help me deal with bugs, thus making my presentation perfect. As a result, I got full points in the presentation of physics class though it is nearly impossible for a student majoring in history to get such high scores in the core curriculum.
Last but not least, having various experiences is able to give students a better shot to find a optimal job in the future. To be specific, future employers will value the distinctive experience. Take my cousins as examples: my cousin John, a student graduated from Chicago University and double majored history and law, has learned and is able to speak appropriately in Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and German. In the pass(past) few months, he successfully found a job in one of the law offices in New York city with high salary and less work time due to the tremendous benefits he brought by his laguage (language) talent; however, my cousin Alice was only gifted in studying Chemistry and she gave up studying other subjects because of her disclination (disinclination). Yet, she has troubles in finding a desired job since there are too many students majored in Chemistry competing for the limited jobs. While Alice is still worrying about her tight budget and unfound job, John has already bought a BMW car for his father as gift by the salary he saved and he is planning to buy an appartment (apartment) in Manhattan near his work place without the help of his parents. It is obvious that students with more calibers can win success in the society with all kinds of competition.
All in all, despte (despite) that fact that immersing in one major do have some advantages, I prefer having valuable experiences in different regions, thus having a better chance to win success in not only the academics but also the job market.