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【#四六级考试# 导语】因为坚持,才会有破茧成蝶这样美好的故事。作为备考人,我们也想为自己争取一个完美的结局。为此,®文档大全网为大家准备了“2020年6月英语六级考试写作易考范文3篇”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!


  During the period from 1997 to 2007, the number ofmarriage decreased from 9.51 million to 8.48 million,while the number of divorce rose from 0.8 million to 1.21 million.

  We believe that three reasons may account for thisphenomenon.

  First, young people of marriage age are becomingfewer and fewer because of the family planning policy adopted sincethe late 1970s.

  Second, the current society is one where fierce competition takes place everywhere, and many young people can’t and won’t get married before they embark on a promisingcareer.

  Third, today’s people put more and more emphasis on independence and freedom— they won’t get married before they find an ideal partner, and they will not hesitate to say goodbye when the spark of love dies down.

  The great change, in my mind, signals the fundamental shift in people’s view on family andmarriage.

  This trend will probably continue as contemporary people pay more and more attention tohigh-quality marriage.


  During the period between 2003 and 2007, piratedsoftware users declined abruptly from 5000 to3000,while authorized users increased sharply from4000 to more than 10 000.

  Several reasons can account for this phenomenon.

  To begin with, compared with pirated software, authorized software can guarantee both highquality and good after-sale service.

  Apart from that,authorized software is becomingcheaper and cheaper—

  more and more people can afford them as a result.

  However, there are still a number of people who buy pirated software, generally for tworeasons.

  On the one hand, they take it for granted that pirated products are cheaper than authorizedones.

  On the other hand, they don’t realize that their behavior will do great harm to the wholesoftware industry and national economy.


  Floating population draws more attention nowadays.

  According to the chart, Guangdong province is of the largest floating population among theseprovincial regions.

  Tianjin, Jiangxi, and Chongqing have a relatively small quantity.

  What causes the difference?

  The reasons may be various.

  Firstly, the economic factor plays a dominating role.

  From this chart, Guangdong, a leading region economically among all these, is of a floatingpopulation larger than the sum of Tianjin, Jiangxi, and Chongqing’s.

  To be more specific, compared with the other provincial regions, Guangdong is a place ofmanufacture, which, to a high degree, is labor-intensive.

  In addition, it might be related to the geographic features and land area of a certain region,

  which affect traffic possibility and labor demand volume.

  Guangdong is a case in point again, since it has better transportation situation and is bigger geographically compared to the restregions here in the graph.

  Whatever the reason, the floating has caused many a new issue, not only to floatingindividuals, but to the source and target regions:

  How to keep the family life normal and stable?

  How to take care of the “left-behind children”?

  How to protect the rights of the rural laborers now in urban areas?

  How to settle the swelling population in cities?

  These have become a social issue asking for urgent solution.

