【#四六级考试# 导语】备考是一种经历,也是一种体验。每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
Such a phenomenon has brought many unfavorable consequences.
To begin with, parents are the direct victims, because children’s wasting time on campus means that parents’ wishes may never be fulfilled inthe future.
What’s more, it is extremely harmful to students themselves in that they may lose the best opportunity to lay a solid foundation for tomorrow’s career.
Last but not least, an unhealthy atmosphere will come into being in universities as wasting time becomes more and more common, which, obviously, goes against the aim of university education directly.
It is more than necessary that all of us joined in the efforts to fight against this notoriousphenomenon.
As to me, I am determined to make an all-around plan and strictly carry it out in order to live a happy and fruitful life on campus.
Moreover, I will try to consult teachers and peers so as to be more reasonable andenterprising.
Only when every one of us realizes the importance of time can we put an end to the adversetrend.
This phenomenon is most harmful to the academic circle and even the whole society.
In my opinion, their harmfulness can be summarized in the following three respects.
In the first place, the rights of the original copyright holders are cruelly violated.
In the second place, people will lose the impulse to create if there is plagiarism here andthere.
Last but not least, plagiarism will lead to the degradation of the whole academic circle,whichincludes not only the publications, but also people’s minds.
In my opinion, the government and the citizens should join hands to put an end to plagiarism.
On the one hand, the government should punish the plagiarizers severely lest they harm theauthors again.
On the other hand, common citizens should report such harmful phenomena as soon aspossible.
Only by the joint efforts of the government and the common people can we do away withplagiarism.
Without credit, one wouldn’t get the trust from others,let alone get help from others orcooperate with others.
However, nowadays the whole society is faced with “credit crisis”.
To begin with, business is threatened by the lack of credit and trust between enterprises andbanks.
According to a recent survey conducted by the People’s Bank of China,a total amount of 3240 billion Yuan debts were not paid off to banks by the enterprises in the year 2006.
In addition, lies often exist between friends.
For example, Xiao Wang—my neighbor—was persuaded to buy certain insurance product andturned out to find that he was cheated.
What’s more, we have heard lots of news reports that family members cheated each other fortheir respective benefits.
We should take measures to improve people’s sense of credit and establish stricter laws topunish the behavior of those who do not have credit.
Only in these ways can we hope to enhance the credit of the whole society.