
时间:2021-08-09 23:53:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】皓月当空思念浓,桂花飘香暗浮动。经年相别各西东,你奔我忙难相逢。美好生活双手中,幸福日子不落空。心香一瓣知情重,佳节祝福遥相送。花好月圆人长久,心想事成圆美梦。衷心祝你中秋快乐,合家幸福!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  August 15 of the lunar calendar is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. There are many theories about the origin of the festival, as well as many legends and traditions about the day. The Mid Autumn Festival, the Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival are known as the four traditional festivals of the Han nationality in China.

  On the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, my father and mother went to grandma's house for the Mid Autumn Festival. I was very happy. On the way, we went to the "satisfaction 100" supermarket to buy moon cakes and all kinds of snacks. There were so many people buying moon cakes. All kinds of heads were driven. Everyone was busy selecting moon cakes. Moon cakes had various forms, ranging from large to small, with different patterns and shapes. They were really beautiful.

  When we arrived at Grandma's house, grandma was so happy that she greeted us immediately. We said to grandma "Happy Mid Autumn Festival!". Grandma took out the delicious dumpling stuffing already prepared and began to mix and roll noodles. My mother was responsible for making noodles. My father and I didn't work, but it was really very lively. Everyone had a beautiful Mid Autumn Festival in a reunion atmosphere

  The day after we had dinner together, it was just dark the day after tomorrow. I immediately took out my telescope and looked at the moon like a "white jade basin". I saw many black shadows on the moon. It was really like the legend of Wu Gang cutting down the osmanthus tree in the fairy tale!

  I picked up a piece of moon cake and ate it. I found that the white lotus and double yellow stuffing in the moon cake was still delicious. I thought of a myth and legend. It is said that in ancient times, Chang'e scattered countless moon cakes in the sky when she came down to earth, and that day happened to be the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, so I had the habit of eating moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month.


  My family lives in a small town of Hakka Wuhua. Although there is no downtown, it has its own unique charm, especially the Mid Autumn Festival in my hometown.

  The Mid Autumn Festival in my hometown is interesting, lively, harmonious and peaceful. On the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, it was sunny. Many people got up early and walked to the busy street. There were meat sellers, chicken sellers and biscuits sellers on the street. There were a sea of people on the street. Everyone was scrambling to buy things. On this day, I think the most profitable person was the store owner.

  After shopping, everyone stayed at home to prepare the food for the Mid Autumn Festival.

  In the afternoon, many people come out and walk around. Some people go to other people's houses. Whenever guests come, we must first make a cup of tea to honor them. We should pay great attention to serving tea. For example, babies, full moons, old people live a long life, children go to school, children go to office, patients recover, a false alarm, sons get married and daughters get married.

  In the evening, it's Mid Autumn Festival. We put the table in front of the door and put out delicious dishes. Everyone cooked them and began to eat. When eating, adults first serve meals for the elderly and children. People talk and laugh while eating. It looks very peaceful

  After dinner, everyone took the plate in and put forward a large plate of moon cakes. First, they took out the moon cakes one by one, cut them into small pieces with a knife and put them into the plate. Then, we put him in the middle of the square biscuit to make a circle, and then put him in the middle of the biscuit. Before putting them in, they had to dip some soy sauce, Finally, put a layer of skin on the egg yolk on the other side, and then put it in. It tastes better. We laugh while eating,

  This is the Hakka Mid Autumn Festival.


  In my hometown, the Mid Autumn Festival is a colorful festival. We will set off fireworks, respect the moon and have a reunion dinner.

  On the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15, our family, old and young, gathered together happily.

  At about seven o'clock, beautiful fireworks bloomed in the sky, so my father and I couldn't wait to go downstairs. The shape of fireworks is really changeable! There was a flying saucer shaped one. It just wanted to attract attention, but at this time, the flower shaped one stole the limelight. It was like the mouth of happy people laughing. The clever ghost pleasant goat appeared, and the children couldn't help singing: pleasant goat, beautiful goat, lazy Goat Star fireworks are my favorite, because it represents hope, ideal and direction.

  After enjoying the various fireworks, my father and I returned home happily. The table is already full of lotus roots, moon cakes, bananas, apples, etc. Oh, the original sacred scene, the time to respect the moon has come. I looked up and saw that the moon sister tonight was really beautiful to the extreme: big, round and bright, just like a crystal clear jade plate. Seeing this, I couldn't help reciting Li Bai's "hour": hour doesn't know the moon and calls it a white jade plate.

  The reunion dinner is expected. Sure enough, the patterns of rice emerge one after another: fragrant, sweet, spicy and hemp. The fragrant makes people have endless aftertaste, the sweet makes people relaxed and happy, the spicy makes people warm, and the hemp makes people feel elated. What a happy dinner!

  The Mid Autumn Festival ended in a happy and peaceful atmosphere. This Mid Autumn Festival is really unforgettable to me!

