新概念英语第4册课后习题答案: Unit 16 ABCCA DDBAB AC 新概念英语第4册课后习题: Multiple choice questions 多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension 理解 1 The purpose of modern industry is to ______. a.produce as much as possible as cheaply as possible b.ignore the mental and physical state of the workers c.enable individuals to earn as much money as possible d.achieve maximum production regardless of cost 2 Factories require people to ______. a.run machines without thinking b.lead an unnatural way of life c.ignore the effects produced on individuals d.take into account the true nature of human beings 3 According to the writer, some people who live in modern cities ______. a.try to obtain maximum income from property b.are responsible for the shape and dimension of skyscrapers c.take pleasure in living in the conditions a city imposes d.offer tenants offices and apartments that please them 4 The writer believes that conditions in modern cities ______. a.have caused the construction of gigantic buildings b.are deprived of the necessities of life c.are comfortable and luxurious d.are actively harmful to the inhabitants Structure 句型 5 It is based on maximum production ______earn asmuch as possible.(11.2-3) a.for individuals to b.so as individuals c.for individuals d.in order individuals 6 It has expanded with ______idea of the truenature of human beings.(1.4) a.little b.few c.some d.no 7 This caused the construction of gigantic buildings ______too large masses ...(1.9) a.at which b.on which c.to which d.in which 8 ______ they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling ...(11.10-11) a.During b.Though c.At the time d.When Vocabulary 词汇 9 The ______of the factory on workers has been completely neglected.(11.1-2) a.effect b.affection c.extent d.measurement 10 The city has ______without any idea of the true nature of human beings.(1.4) a.grown up b.grown c.been grown d.been grown up 11 They are ______the necessities of life.(1.11) a.denied b.refused c.discarded d.ignored 12 The modern city ______monstrous edifices and dark narrow streets.(11.11-12) a.consists b.cohabits c.comprises d.constitutes