
时间:2023-04-08 21:44:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】在人生的旅程中,总有一些战争是需要一个人战斗的,谁也没办法帮忙,所以,要更加地努力,更加地坚强,用最骄傲的姿势走过这段旅程。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  1. 目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票

  2. 分析产生这种现象的原因

  3. 提出你的建议

  【范文】Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries?

  Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them?

  The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.

  As far as I am concerned, there are some risks in buying lotteries. People never should count on making big money by buying lotteries. Furthermore, lotteries to some extent are similar to gambling, so people should not spend too much money and energy on them. In a word, people should keep a clear head when buying lotteries.






  Nowadays a fashionable street scene is the buying and selling of lottery tickets. People crowd around either in front of big buildings or at street corners, purchasing coupons of various kinds, such as those of social welfare, sports industry and football games.

  Investigations made among those "lottery citizens" show that they do it for different purposes. Some say that they play the game just for fun, others insist that they want to sponsor athletic development, still some others simply decide to try their luck.

  However, I believe the aim behind the game, if fully exposed, is to make easy money, as it is said the prize winner can get millions of yuan in an instant, which is obviously great temptation. In my mind, lottery is much the same as gambling in nature and it certainly brings more negative effects than positive effects, if any.

  First, the overwhelming majority, being misled by earning-quick-buck mentality, are impatient and impulsive to put their time and money into wrong investment.

  Secondly, not a few people, being indulged in lottery, lose not only initiative for work but also interest in life.

  Thirdly, some individuals, having gambled away all their money, may commit crimes.fourthly, young people, particularly students (even pupils) may step by step become addicted to lottery and finally leave their studies. I think the cliche "reaping what one sows" is still applicable today and "sowing" takes time and hard work to have instant reaping is definitely one's wishful thinking.

  Last of all, since gambling and lottery both mean risking money on luck, why the former is forbidden by law and the latter is so much encouraged?





  Dishonesty in Tourism

  1. 近年来旅游 行业中不诚信现象比较普遍

  2. 出现这一现象的原因

  3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议


  Dishonesty in Tourism

  Since 1980s, the economy of China has developed greatly. With more money in their pockets, people are spending more money on travelling, which has brought prosperity to tourism. Nevertheless, many travel agencies or agents are reported to cheat their customers and make money in a dishonest way.

  The reason for dishonesty in tourism is various. First and for most, money is the spur. Some travel agencies use all means to cheat their customers in order to get more money. Secondly, to survive in the fierce competition, travel agencies have to make enough profits. To realize profit maximization, they cheat. Last but not least, their victims seem to have little sense of defending their rights.

  To regulate travel agencies and protect the rights of tourists, the government has issued various laws. However, I think tourists can take the following tips to avoid travel scams. First, choose a trustworthy travel agency for your trip. Secondly, use your common sense and keep alert while travelling. Finally, defend yourself if your rights are violated.

