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【#英语资源# 导语】学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面是®文档大全网整理发布的“大学英语作文”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  【篇一】学会学习 Learn to Learn

Study has been part of our life. For some people, they believe that live and learn is the right attitude to life. I agree with it. As we have so many things to learn, it is important to learn with efficiency. There are many suggestions in the following.

First, knowing yourself. It is of great importance to get to know your strength and weakness, so that you can figure out the right strategy. For example, the high level students can spend more time to read extra books, while the low level students should focus attention on their foundation, and time is needed to spend on the text books.

Second, manage your time and life. It is so common for students to deal with many things in the same time, then priority should be given to the things that related to your goal. For example, if you take part in many qualification tests, then the first choice is the test related to your major, because you need it to improve your ability.

Learning to learn helps people to work efficiently. If we find the right strategy, then we will be successful someday.

  【篇二】如何成为一名成功的学习者 How to Be a Successful Learner

As the saying goes that live and learn, which means learning is a lifetime job. Learning helps us to broaden our vision and enrich our minds, so as to get success. Being a successful learner is everybody's goal. How can we make it and here are some suggestions.

On the one hand, it is in need of learning from the successful persons' experience, such as Bill Gates, the richest men in the world. His story begins as an ordinary college student, just like everybody else. The secret that make him to be successful lies in his persistence and hard working. We can always be inspired by these great people' stories.

On the other hand, we need to figure out the useful information. The inspiring lectures will let us learn a lot. A lot of people will make their decision and try to follow the successful people' acts, but the result always frustrates them, because they haven't realized they are not in the totally same situation. Only adjusting the method can we find the right way.

Listening and thinking more, then we will find the right way to get successful.

  【篇三】美国的州博览会 The State Fairs in America

In America, the state fairs are one of the great events in a year. It holds in August, September and October. People from all around the world come to The States to visit the fairs. The visitors enjoy the lively environment and have a look at the farm products.

The state fairs has a long history in America. The biggest state fair is in Iowa. There is even a movie to describe this biggest event. The purpose of this event is to honor the work of local farmers. They bring home animals and farm products to compete for the prizes. Winners become the heroes and receive the biggest prizes.

In the state fair, people can also join many activities, such as the special competition of food eating contest. People need to eat the most food in the short time. They can choose to eat hamburger, chicken wing and other projects. The audiences are so excited to cheer for the competitors. Besides, there are also music shows. People can watch shows and enjoy the music. It is such a great experience.

大学英语作文:学会学习 Learn to Learn.doc
