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【#高二# 导语】高二本身的知识体系而言,它主要是对高一知识的深入和新知识模块的补充。以数学为例,除去不同学校教学进度的不同,我们会在高二接触到更为深入的函数,也将开始学习从未接触过的复数、圆锥曲线等题型。®文档大全网高二频道为你整理了《高二上册英语必修一知识点总结》希望对你有所帮助!


  1. rid …of : make free

  eg: We try to rid a house of mice.

  2. lead a …life

  eg; They lead a simple life in the remote village.

  3. thanks to sb./sth. : because of sb. / sth

  eg: Thanks to your help, we were successful.

  4. with the hope of

  eg: He went to the city with the hope of making much money.

  5. refer to

  1) speak of; apple to

  2) mean

  Eg; When I said that some persons were stupid, I was not referring to you.

  What I have to say refers to all of you.

  What does the number refer to?

  6. would rather: prefer to

  eg: I would rather stay at home than go out.

  7. in some ways : to a certain extent but not entirely

  Eg: In some ways, the job is difficult.


  1. take a risk/risks 冒险

  at risk冒风险;处于危险中

  at the risk of sth./doing sth.冒…的危险

  risk doing冒险做…

  at one’s own risk自担风险

  2. decide on sth对……做出决定

  3. be/become/get accustomed to sth./doing sth.

  accustom oneself to sth/ doing sth


  4. reach for sth 伸手去拿

  5. take off 开除;取消/起飞/休假

  He was taken off after twenty minutes.

  6.quit (doing) sth. 停止做某事

  7. find a cure for the disease找到…治疗方案

  8. take effect/come into effect 生效

  produce the desired effect 产生预期的效果

  in effect/ in fact

  have an effect on…

  9. lay/place/put stress on…强调

  stress the importance of …

  be stressed out焦虑 under stress/strain

  stress-related medical problems

  Yoga is excellent for relieving stress.


  1. Characteristic n.特征;特性

  2. Conclude v.结论

  3. analyse v.分析

  4. Attend v.照顾;出席;护理;参加

  5. Absorb v.吸收;吸引;使专心

  6. Valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的

  7. Blame v.责备;谴责

  8. Immediately adv.立即;马上

  9. Contribute v.贡献;捐献;捐助

  10. Positive adj.积极的;肯定的;确实的

  11. Strict adj.严格的;严厉的;精确的

  12. Complete adj.完整的;完成的;全部的Vt.完成

  13. Enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的

  14. Cautious adj.小心的

  15. Reject v.拒绝;不解受;抛弃


  1.defend against保卫…以免受

  2.intruduce sb to sb向某人介绍某人

  3.kiss sb on … 亲吻某人的某个部位

  4.in defence 防御,保障

  5.together with 与某人一起

  6.be likely to很可能…/有希望

  7.reach one’s hand out to sth 把手伸出来取某物

  8.on the contrary 相反

  9.nod at sb 向某人点头

  10.greet sb with/by 通过…向某人问候

  11.express one’s feelings表达某人的感情

  12. in general 总的来说;通常

  13.at a job fair 在求职会上

  14.be nervous about 对… 感到紧张

  15. at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在

  16. lose face丢脸

  17.turn one’s back to 背对;背弃

  18.turn one’s head away把头转过去

  19.be willing to 渴望…. , 愿意….

  20. look upset about sth 对.. 感到沮丧


  1.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.

  feeling very frustrated 现在分词在句中作伴随状语

  eg.She sat on the chair reading a newspaper.(表伴随)

  Walking in the street, she met her old friend.(表时间)

  Seeing no body at home , she decided to eat outside.(表原因)

  The child fell, striking his head against the ground.(表结果)

  2. His restaurant ought to be full of people.

  Ought to 1) to show a moral duty 表示一种道义上的责任,应该

  Eg.She ought to look after her child better.

  You ought to study hard to get a high mark.

  2)ought to have done 表示本应该…,而却没有…

  Eg.You ought to have come yesterday.

  3.He thought of his mutton kebabs, fatty pork cooked in the hottest, finest oil. 过去分词短语作后置定语,表被动。

  = which were cooked in the hottest oil.

  Eg.The flowers picked by him are very beautiful.

  4.Nothing could have been better.比较级与否定词连用表示级。

  = All his food could have been the best.

  Eg.I have never seen a better film.

  There is nothing I like so much as playing football.

  5.Tired of all that fat?

  Tired of 厌烦的 He is tired of doing the same thing all year round.

  Tired out 筋疲力尽 I was tired out when I finally reach the top of the mountain.

  Tired from 因…而疲倦 I was very tied from running fast.

  6. get away with sth./doing sth.

  a)不因某事而受惩罚。I won’t have you getting away with cheating in the exam.

  b)偷携某物潜逃。The robbers robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.

  c)收到较轻的惩罚。He was so lucky to get away with a fine for such a serious mistake.

  7. lie 谎言,说谎

  1)The program was full of lies.

  2) He lied to his wife so that he could come home late.

