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【#英语口语# 导语】在学习日常法律英语口语的过程中,要注重以下几个方面:首先,要掌握基本的法律术语和常用句型,了解法律体系和法律程序;其次,要注重口语表达的准确性和流畅度,多进行口语练习,掌握日常法律英语的表达方式;还要注重听力训练,多听法律英语的广播、电视、电影等,培养自己的语感。©文档大全网为大家整理了五篇日常法律英语口语900句摘抄,欢迎阅读。

1.日常法律英语口语900句摘抄 篇一

  1.The parties to the contract have equal legal status,and neither party may impose its will in the other.合同当事人的法律地位平等,一方不得将自已的意志强加给另一方。

  2.The use of a prescribed contract form can reduce the uncertainty.格式化合同的采用可以减少不确定性。

  3.They took the unilateral decision to cancel the contract.他们单方面决定撤消合同。

  4.This Agreement and the schedules here to constitute the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject mater hareof.本协议及其附件构成双方关于本协议标的之完整协议。

  5.This contract is executed in three counterparts,all of which are considered as originals and of the same effect.本合同一式三份,均应视为原件,具有同等效力。

  6.This contract will be effective after being signed by both parties.本合同一经双方签字后立即生效。

  7.This affer will be lapsed automatically after the time limit.这项要约在期限过后,便会自动失效。

  8.We here by revoke the agreement of May8,2004.这项特此宣告2004年5月8日的协议无效。

  9.What is left unmentioned in contract may be added there as an appendix.本合同未尽事宜,可由双方增补作为合同附件。

  10.You have to get the permission of all the signatories to the agreement if you want to change the terms.如果你要改动条款必须获得协议所有签署者的允许。

2.日常法律英语口语900句摘抄 篇二

  1.A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit.合伙企业指的是两个或两个以上的个人为牟利而组成的商事联合体。

  2.Each partner is viewed as the other's agent.每个合伙人都被视为是其他合伙人的代理人。

  3.Every partner may take part in the management of the partnership business.每个合伙人都可以参与合伙企业的业务管理。

  4.Family partnership is one in which the partners are members of a family.家庭合伙是指合伙人均为一个家庭成员的合伙。

  5.No partner shall be entitled to remuneration for acting in the partnership business.任何合伙人均无权因参与合伙企业业务活动而获得报酬。

  6.Partners are taxed as individuals and are personally liable for torts and contractual obligations.合伙人按个人纳税,且以个人名义承担侵权和合同责任。

  7.Unless it is a limited partnership,it need not be established in writing.除非属于有限责任性质,合伙关系无须以书面缔结。

  8.The other partners shall,under the same condition, enjoy priority in obtaining the assignment.在同等条件下,其他合伙人有优先购买权。

  9.The partnership books are to be kept at the place of business of the partnership or the principal place.合伙企业的账簿应保存在企业营业处或企业本部。

  10.Traditionally,a firm is referred to a partnership,as opposed to company.按惯例,firm是指合伙企业,与公司相对。

3.日常法律英语口语900句摘抄 篇三

  1.All imports must be declared to customs.所有过口货物必须报关。

  2.How long will it take us to pass through Customs?办完通 关手续要多长时间?

  3.Like retaliation tariff,preferential tariff is used as a weapon in international relations.与报复性关税一样,特惠关税在国际关系中也被当成一种武器使用.

  4.The customs formalities for the exportation of the following cargo ave been duly completed.下列货物的出关手续已正式结清。

  5.The Customs Bureau accepts certain foreign exports free of duty.海关总署允许免税进口几种外国货。

  6.The duty on automobiles will be abolished soon.汽车关税即将被取消。

  7.The government decided to raise tariff walls against foreign goods.政府决定提高关税壁垒以抵制外国货。

  8.The penalties for cheating customs are very severe.关税欺诈所受的惩罚非常重。

  9.The shutouts will soon be sent to the warehouse.退关货物很快被存入仓库。

  10.To impose a heavy duty on the imports of steel is unreasonable.对钢材进口征收高关税是无道理的。

4.日常法律英语口语900句摘抄 篇四

  1.Did the other person act negligently?他人的行为是否有过失?

  2.If you are more than 50 percent,you may not be able to recover damages in the negligence action.如果你的责任超过50%,你在此过失诉讼中便有可能无法得到赔偿金。

  3.In most civil contexts it does not matter whether negligence is"gross"or"slight".在多数民事事项环境中,过失行为是否"严重"或"轻微"并不关紧要。

  4.In most states contributory negligence has been superceded by comparative negligence.在多数州,混合过失已经被比较过失取代。

  5.In regard to negligence,think of duty broadly as an obligation to protect the safety of others.在论及过失时,应当视责任为广义的保护他人安全的义务。

  6.Involuntary manslaughter can be based on criminal negligence.

  7.Negligence can also be a criminal offense.过失行为也可能成为犯罪。

  8.Usually negligence is a tort.过失行为通常是侵权。

  9.You could bring a claim of negligence against the railroad company.你可以对铁路公司提起过失主张。

  10.You have the grounds for a negligence action.你有理由提起过失之诉。

5.日常法律英语口语900句摘抄 篇五

  1.It is a principle of first importance that federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction.联邦法院是有限管辖权法院,这是首要原则.

  2.Jurisdiction determines which court system should properly adjudicate a case.什么法院体系适合审判某一案件应由管辖权决定.

  3.Questions of jurisdiction also arise regarding quasi-judicial bodies,such as administrative agencies.准司法机构,如行政机构等也会出现管辖权问题.

  4.The case falls within the competence of the court.该案在这个法院的管辖权范围内。

  5.The choice of jurisdiction of a court by agreement hall not violate the provisions of exclusive jurisdiction undr the law.协议选择的法院管辖不得违反法律关于专属管辖的规定.

  6.The court held that exercise of personal jurisdiction ust meet the requirements of due process.法院裁定行使人身管辖权必须符合正当程序要件.

  7.The federal courts have usually interpreted the matters of jurisdiction rather strictly.在解释管辖权事项时联邦法院一直比较严格.

  8.The jurisdictional amount is set by statute and is currently $80,000.案件标的管辖权由法律规定,目前是80,000美元.

  9.This matter does not fall within the jurisdiction fo the Hight Court.该事项不在高等法院管辖权范围之内.

  10.To start a civil suit the plaintiff first picks the proper court,one that has jurisdiction in the case.原告要提民事诉讼,首先要找到对该案件有管辖权的恰当的法院.
