中职英语作文范文 十篇-儿童节英语作文范文【十篇】


时间:2022-05-16 21:32:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】六一是孩子们的渴望,六一是孩子们的专场,六一是孩子们的天堂。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Today is International Children's Day. We made an appointment with my aunt's family to play.

  When it was lunchtime, my uncle took our children to KFC. There were too many people there, so I lined up for a long time to buy it. We bought a set meal and gave two watches as a gift. It's great that my sister and I share each other!

  After lunch, my uncle drove us to Haiqu Park quickly. There, we played bumper cars, carousels, swings and many other fun things. Because of something, we reluctantly left the park.

  Finally, we went to the mall, bought some daily necessities and went home. It was almost dark when I got home.

  Today is really my happiest day!


  Thursday, I'm so happy. Do you want to know why I'm happy? Let me tell you. Because Thursday is the day for our "class 4, grade 2" to celebrate the International Children's Day art show.

  In order to welcome the International Children's Day art show, our opening dance students have taken time to rehearse hard every day for a long time. We performed very well in the show. Then, the students performed Allegro, crosstalk, songs, three and a half sentences, recitation, zither solo, sitcom, chorus and so on. All of them are wonderful. Crosstalk makes the students laugh, and sitcoms make the students concentrate.

  Today is my happiest day and the happiest day for all the students in our class.


  Today is International Children's Day. I am very happy. In the morning, with the first ray of sunshine, International Children's Day began. Along the way, the grass waved to us, the flowers smiled at us, and the big tree shook its green leaves in the strong wind. It wanted to say, "happy International Children's Day, happy International Children's Day." It was sunny and breezy all the way. At school, bursts of clear and powerful reading sound floated from afar and passed into my ears. With smiling faces, the students came from the school gate to the teaching building. It was a vibrant scene.

  In the afternoon, the school carried out the activity of buying and selling books, and let the students exchange or buy and sell the books they have read. After a while, two students came to my book and read it. I said excitedly, "do you want to buy it?" they bought a book and sent a sticker. So they bought a book. I was very happy because this was the first time I made money. Then, students came to me to buy books. When there was no one, I was not idle. I also went to my classmate's shop to buy some books and sold them at a relatively high price, In this way, I made a little money. In this way, I bought it all the time. After school, I sold all the books at a super low price, so I went home happily.

  This is really a happy and interesting International Children's Day.


  Today, our long-awaited "61" children's Day is coming. In order to celebrate our own festival, the school arranges the first class in the afternoon and all classes organize a get-together.

  The party began. Some students sang, some danced, and some sang poems; Some of them play the organ with beautiful music; Some students tell jokes that make the students laugh; Some students told stories vividly.

  The students also brought many snacks. We all ate them heartily, just like a greedy little mouse. Our whole classroom is boiling.

  Time passed so fast. In the twinkling of an eye, the party was over and the classroom gradually calmed down. I really hope to keep this beautiful moment.

  I look forward to the coming of the next "June day"!


  The flowers in June are fragrant, the sunshine in June is bright, and the songs of International Children's Day are sung everywhere... On June 1, my parents and I sang songs and came to DanJin park.

  We came to a green grass and began to take photos. Mom sat on a stone chair, dad picked up the camera, "click", and mom's bright smile was photographed. Of course, the next player is Qi Menghan! Ha ha ha! When I take pictures, it's unusual! I hold bamboo in both hands and put my hands on my chest in various shapes. I really look like a little model. I also became a little photographer! I designed shapes for my mother and father, and my father praised me as a great little photographer. Our laughter floated on the grass.

  International Children's Day brings me happiness!


  Today, I got up early and ran outside to see if it rained. Because I have two programs selected to participate in the show. The school said it would cancel the performance if it rained. But it's raining outside. I sighed and said, "I can't perform again."

  After a while, my mother brought me good news: "the performance will continue, and the place will be changed to the ladder classroom."

  I cheered and asked my mother to send me to school. Then put on my beautiful makeup and put on my costume.

  When the performance began, I was very nervous. As soon as I walked on the stage, I slowly relaxed. He tried his best to play the piano. After the performance, I was pulled aside by my mother to change my clothes.

  Singing began. I sang in the most beautiful voice. When I finished singing, my mother said, "you performed very well, very well!"


  "61" children's Day is coming. I came to Xuejiao to participate in the celebration.

  As soon as you enter the gate of the campus, wow! The campus has become very beautiful! On the rostrum was written the words "happy International Children's Day from Kaiyang No. 3 primary school", surrounded by many flowers.

  The celebration began. The campus first commended a group of excellent young pioneers and three good students, and also gave prizes. I was rated as an excellent young pioneer at the county level. I took the stage and received the certificates and prizes. I was very happy.

  Then there are performances, including dancing, cheerleading and poetry reading... What we see is poetry reading. Their voice is loud, neat and pleasant to hear.

  Finally, there are free activities. The campus has arranged many game projects, including playing bowling ball, guessing riddles and comparing eyesight... When I finish a game, I get a prize ticket, which can be exchanged for food. I have completed four games and won four prizes. Today is really a happy "61"!


  Today, in order to celebrate International Children's Day, the campus held a commendation meeting for excellent classes and three good students.

  I am honored to be elected as a three good student. When my name was called on the radio, my heart was very excited. Looking at the 'certificate of merit' in my hand, I thought to myself: I must study hard, be a good helper for teachers and a good example for students.

  Later, we took part in happy garden activities. Watching everyone happy in the park, I thought of the children in the welfare home my mother said. I really want to spend International Children's Day with them with gifts and pass on happiness to them.

  I want to make my own festival both happy and meaningful.


  In the past, children's Day is one of the happiest festivals in my year. Because children's day only belongs to our children, it is only a festival in a stage process. Therefore, whenever it comes to June 1, I will cherish it and feel happy.

  Compared with the past, this year's June day is more interesting. Because of the celebration of teachers, the blessing of parents and playing interesting games with the students on campus, holding the celebration on this warm scene also made me feel the happy atmosphere of June 1.

  Speaking of June 1, I played games with my partners: Eagles catching chickens and wooden people... How interesting. I also held various other activities, including poetry reading and singing

  This year's June day may be a small post station in my life, but when I grow up and look back on the past, it will make me more unforgettable about that period of people and things, as well as the happy June day in my childhood.


  Today is children's day. I'm not going out to play. My mother and I plan to finish listening and writing the new words we didn't finish yesterday, and then take a bath in the afternoon. The rest of the time is arranged by myself. However, my good friend in kindergarten called me and asked me out to play.

  We drove to the "May Day" reservoir. From a distance, the water in the reservoir was green like a big jade. Further on, the river becomes narrower and narrower until it becomes a stream. When we got out of the car, there was a pool surrounded by workers in front. There were many children rowing in the pool. My good friend and I also rented a boat and rowed. For a while, he rowed and I rowed. From time to time, we also had a water battle with the parents on the shore. It was very interesting!

  This is really a nostalgic "61" children's Day!

