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【#英语资源# 导语】“六一”儿童节是儿童的盛宴。在儿童节里,我门欢庆着属于自己的时光。今天是一年一度的“六一”儿童节,每一位同学的脸上都挂满着欣喜,快乐的笑容。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  June 1st is children's day. On this day, we held an activity in school.

  This morning, I came to the school with several classmates and found that there were colored lights and flags everywhere in the school. I joked to my classmates:

  "Today, there must be a lantern show in our school in the evening." Believing it, they immediately ran away and spoke loudly to other students. Seeing that things were bad, I immediately called them back one by one. I said to them, "I'm joking with you. I can't take it seriously!" They asked suspiciously, "then why are the lanterns decorated today?" I said to them, "stupid, you don't want to think about it. What day is today?" "What day is it today?" They asked me in unison. I said to them, "you are stupid. You are really stupid. Today is International Children's Day!"!

  Aren't there many activities to be held today? " "Ah, yes!"

  The activity began. I found a seat and sat down. The first program is that some students perform martial arts. I saw them swing left and right with sticks, which made people feel very wonderful.

  The second program is that Cheng Yanqi of our class writes calligraphy. I think she writes so easily and well that I think of myself. Can I write so well? Why not? Yes, I must learn from her and write well.

  The activity continued and everyone seemed very happy.

  The program was over and we all went home with satisfaction.


  Childhood is wonderful. June 1 is our children's festival. Today, our school held an annual celebration of "61" day.

  In the morning, the creative umbrella painting activity began. The Eight Immortals in each class crossed the sea and showed their magic powers. They all took out their housekeeping skills and painted beautiful umbrellas against the drizzle in the sky. It was very charming.

  Then the garden tour began. With an order, the students rushed out of the classroom like a caged bird. As soon as I got out of the classroom, I selected the first goal - the "skillful hand holding beads" of class 1 (2). I quickly ran to the gate of class 1 (2). At this time, the people in line at the gate had been crowded into a group, but I thought I must go. Finally, I found the queue entrance in the distance. After ten minutes of patience, it was finally my turn

  In front of me was a pair of chopsticks and a paper cup. In the middle was a washbasin with water and marbles. The rules were clear at a glance. The students were eager to try. Just listening to the music, I picked up my chopsticks and picked up the marbles. Unexpectedly, the marbles were so slippery. Every time I caught them halfway, the marbles slipped down and couldn't hold them at all. Other students showed the same anxious expression. I thought to myself that only by doing it carefully and wholeheartedly can I pick up the marbles. So I calmed down, flattened the chopsticks, dragged the marbles and put them into the water cup at a very fast speed. I was very happy. I found the feeling and threw the second marbles. After a while, the music stopped. I put in ten marbles. The judges gave me a star, and I ran away to the next goal.

  Around 11 o'clock, the garden tour ended with our laughter. The school prepared two sweets for the students. I was elated and immediately opened them and ate them. At this time, I seemed to chew a happy childhood and a colorful life. It became more and more fragrant and sweet


  Today is "61" International Children's day, and it is also my first children's day in primary school. Today, our team members who have joined the team can wear their beautiful clothes to school and carry a small schoolbag to pack gifts. Ha ha, it makes people feel very happy to think about it!

  Today is also a unique day for those students who have not joined the team, because today they will wear bright red scarves and become a young pioneer they have long wanted, so they are anxiously waiting and looking forward to every day. This day has finally come!

  At eight o'clock, the sun has begun to show its power. The new players have come on the stage and lined up neatly, waiting for the sacred moment when the big brother and sister put on red scarves for them! It reminds me that when we first joined the team, our parents came to put on the red scarf for us. When my mother put on the red scarf for me, I was particularly proud and found that I seemed to grow up and become a glorious young pioneer!

  A classmate of our class also spoke as the representative of the new team today. He had a loud voice and recited fluently. He was not timid at all. That's great!

  Then there are various commendations. It's a great honor. I was also rated as "campus blog star" and got the certificate of merit. I'm so happy! In the future, we will work harder and write better blog posts. Other students also got certificates of merit. Let's cheer together and win more honor for the school and class!


  This year's "61" children's Day is the happiest. International Children's Day composition: 400 words of 61 fun games. Each class has organized a variety of game activities. My class played "grab a stool", "play table tennis" and so on. I like the game of "grab a stool" best.

  The teacher first prepared six chairs, and then announced the rules of the game: choose seven people to turn around the chair. When the teacher said to stop, he stopped and grabbed the stool to sit. Those who didn't sit on the stool were eliminated. Then he took off one chair and the remaining six people grabbed five more. In this way, people who don't grab a stool will be phased out. The last one left won.

  The game officially began, and the students were eager to try. The teacher selected seven students, who were nervous and excited. The teacher gave an order: "start!" The seven students turned around the stool, and suddenly the teacher shouted, "stop!" At this time, the seven students quickly went to grab the stool to sit. As a result, one of the students was a little slower, didn't grab a seat and was eliminated. Round after round, the fastest reaction was to grab the stool and win the final victory.

  Other games are also very fun. The students are reluctant to leave school.

  Happy children's day.


  Today is International Children's Day. I am very happy. In the morning, put on the holiday costumes, and International Children's Day begins.

  Along the way, the trees waved to us, and the flowers smiled at us, as if to say: "happy International Children's Day, happy International Children's Day." Father-in-law sun knew we were going to celebrate the festival. He hid in the clouds. The wind girl was blowing in the breeze. It was so cool. At school, bursts of clear and powerful reading sound floated from afar and passed into my ears. The students of the performance show, with smiles on their faces and makeup on, came from the school gate to the teaching building. It was a vibrant scene.

  The program began soon. The programs performed by my brother and sister were really colorful, including dancing, chorus and sketch. Soon it's our class's turn to perform. Looking at the big stage, I'm really nervous for them. I hope our class will win the prize. We applaud and encourage our classmates to play. Today is our festival. We all smile, listen to happy music, enjoy beautiful dance and bring happiness to everyone. After the dance performance, there was a burst of warm applause.

  I had a good time on this June day. When I think of the happy festival, I feel happy and sweet like drinking honey.


  This year's "61" children's Day is an unforgettable Festival.

  In the morning, we came to school with joy. The campus is jubilant, colorful flags are flying everywhere, and the slogan "celebrate June 1 International Children's Day" is hung high above the teaching building. The students gathered happily. It was very lively. There was a happy holiday atmosphere everywhere.

  When I came to the classroom, I saw that the teacher had been busy making up for the students for a long time. Everyone was chirping and very excited, and exchanged the beauty of makeup with each other.

  After a while, the teacher took the students to the sports art museum to participate in the June 1 celebration. Our class performed the group dance "find friends". I and several other students beat the rhythm with the music. We clapped our hands red and kept beating. Warm applause came from our ears from time to time.

  In the afternoon, we also participated in the fun activity competition, and our class got many awards. The teacher also told us that our class won the "good class collective title". The students jumped up with joy. This year's "61" children's Day is really unforgettable!


  With the melody of the music, I immediately got up from bed and hummed happily. Want to know why I'm so happy? Because today is our own festival - June 1 International Children's day.

  I came to school early and many students have arrived. After a while, the teacher led us to see today's art show. We screamed with joy and immediately rushed out of the classroom. There are so many people in the performance place: all the students from grade 1 to grade 6, the invited students' parents and all the teachers. I managed to find a place to sit down.

  Today's programs are many and wonderful. There are "fashion show", "grateful heart", "green light" and so on. Our class performs "dance string fever". Among all the programs, what impresses me most is the crosstalk "cherish time" said by class 5 (3), because this program tells us to cherish every minute of time and not let time slip away in vain.

  Today is really a day that makes me feel happy and will become a good memory of my childhood.


  Today is "International Children's Day". I came to the school with a happy mood and looked forward to the teacher announcing the beginning of International Children's Day. Before long, the teacher announced that the celebration of "International Children's Day" began. The monitor was handing out a large bag of snacks to each of our classmates.

  The class representative showed us a song, "whenever I walk past the teacher's window" and a Japanese animated film "the dinosaur of Nobita". We ate as we watched and became fascinated.

  During the performance, I gave Wang HaoChen two packets of sugar. Today is "children's Day" and his birthday. Even if I wish him a happy birthday, he looks very happy.

  The first is the chorus performance of our class. They sing the hand of spring, then the Latin dance "Cha Cha" performed by our class dance team, then the story "the origin of chess" told by Qiao Peng, and finally the time joke. His joke caused us to laugh again and again.

  Several school leaders also came to our class to watch our performance. After watching one program, they showed a satisfied smile. After the leader left, our discipline began to be chaotic. In the end, it is to solve the problem of snacks. Fortunately, I have many friends and snacks are nothing. The problem is Wang HaoChen. He brings the most snacks. We suggest giving them to other students. All the snacks were solved and we all laughed.

  Unconsciously, our celebration of International Children's Day ended today. We left school with a happy mood. Along the way, I talked and laughed with my classmates. This is really a happy children's day.


  For us, the happiest thing in childhood is nothing more than this - June day.

  I looked back again and found that I had wasted six years. I saw my first grade little brother and sister play once and laugh together. In the eyes, either light or thick, there is a little reluctance to give up.

  Six happy gatherings, six poems and singing, leaving only this helplessness. The last June day, the last happy gathering, we are about to go our separate ways. For this happy gathering, we seem so reluctant and empty. The joy of childhood has long been compiled into a picture album, recording our laughter and laughter.

  When we enter puberty, we have got rid of our childish appearance and put on a gorgeous one. In the field of hope, we blend everywhere; In the bright sunshine, we offer joy to our childhood. At this time, we can only raise our glasses at the June day party and drink to the last June day.

  When we were young, the budding flower opened its gorgeous petals. Facing the wind and rain, we walked into the door of the Communist Youth League, bid farewell to our June day and childhood.


  When the June day came, the children cheered and the imagined June day also came. Everyone was even more excited. The imagined International Children's Day for children.

  On this day of the festival, white clouds are floating in the sky, and many partners are jumping on the white clouds like a happy little rabbit. The flocks of egrets came slowly and met the little partners sitting in the hot-air balloon to celebrate the festival. They were very surprised to see the egret. They jumped three feet high. They left the big basket of the hot-air balloon and fell to the ground. When the egrets found the danger, they rushed forward like arrows and caught their falling partners. The egrets carried them to the free sky and soared heartily.

  On the ground, adults are busy preparing for the Party of June 1, waiting for the children playing in the sky to return home. There was a light red sunset glow on the horizon, and the children finally came back. The adults hurriedly sent the exhausted children to the noisy venue. As soon as they arrived at the venue, they were restored by a special magical gas and began a new round of carnival. There was a magical bouncing chair in the venue. As long as they sat on it, they immediately seemed to be bounced out of the sky; There is also a "long leg swing" made of countless mysterious feathers. The children sitting on it will swing to the horizon in an instant and can easily grasp the last bunch of satin sunset

  I love the imaginary 61. This is the imaginary 61. What do you think June day is like? Write it out and let's share it together!

