A lot of grapevines are growing in Xinjiang. Almost all the people in China love the grapes of Xinjiang.
Grapevines are planted in the terraces on the hillside. Crowded branches with thick leaves stretch in all directions, and form green shelters where you can avoid the heat of the sunshine. When autumn comes, clusters of grapes are hanging under the shelters. xiaogushi8.com They are very beautiful with different colors of red, white, purple, dark red and light green. If you come to Xinjiang at this time, you’ll be warmly welcomed by the people there, and they would pick up the sweetest grapes and let you eat enough.
葡萄藤一般种在山坡梯田里。繁茂的藤带着厚厚的叶子向四周伸展,形成了绿色的凉棚,在凉棚下你可以躲避太阳光的酷热。秋天,一串串葡萄挂在凉棚厦门,非常漂亮,有红色,白色, 紫色,黑红色和浅绿色等不同的颜色。如果你这时候来新疆,会受到那里的人们的热情欢迎,他们会摘下嘴甜的葡萄,让你吃个够。
Some of the ripe grapes will be sent to the markets in the cities, and some will be sent into a certain kind of houses where the grapes will be made into raisins, and then they will be easily kept and carried to all over the world.