

时间:2021-11-11 21:57:34 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】在美国,几乎人人都有一个家庭医生;不管大病小病,都得先看家庭医生,然后由家庭医生决定是在他那治疗还是转院治疗。下面就由©文档大全网来说说预约看病的英语口语,大家千万别错过。


  1.My grandfather comes in for a check-up yearly.我祖父每年都来做一次检查。

  2.I need to make an appointment with Dr.Smith.我需要和Smith医生约个时间。

  3.Do you think the doctor could squeeze us in today?你认为医生今天能把我们加进来吗?

  4.When making appointment with my doctor,I need to avoid the weekends.我预约医生,也要避开周末。

  5.I do agree with this advice the problem with doctors it that it can take time to get an appointment.我很赞同向医生咨询来解决问题的建议,但是它需要预约。

  6.My grandfather comes in for a check-up yearly.我祖父每年都来做一次检查。

  7.I need to make an appointment with Dr.Smith.我需要和Smith医生约个时间。

  8.Do you think the doctor could squeeze us in today?你认为医生今天能把我们加进来吗?

  9.When making appointment with my doctor,I need to avoid the weekends.我预约医生,也要避开周末。

  10.I do agree with this advice the problem with doctors it that it can take time to get an appointment.我很赞同向医生咨询来解决问题的建议,但是它需要预约。

  11I've got to make a date with my dentist. I've got a badtoothache.我得和牙科大夫预约看病了。我牙疼得厉害。

  12I'm a patient of Dr stephens, please could I make anappointment to see her?我是史蒂芬斯医生的病人,请问我能不能预约看病时间?


  A:Would Dr.Black be able to see me at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow?


  B:l'm sorry, but she won't have any openings until 11:00, unless there's a cancellation.


  A:Would 1:00 p.m. be convenient?


  B:Yes, she's free then.



  Hi, this is Dr.Who’s office. How can I help you? 您好这是某医生的办公室,有什么可以帮您的吗?

  I’d like to schedule an appointment for... 我想预约某时间就诊。

  I’d like to schedule an appointment for tomorrow. 我想预约明天就诊。

  Can I have your name, please? 我能知道你的名字吗?你叫什么名字?

  My name is... 我叫什么名字。

  My name is San Zhang. 我叫张三。

  Is this your first visit? 这是你第一次来(我们这就诊)吗?

  Hold on, let me pull up your file. 稍等片刻,让我把你的信息(从电脑上)调出来。

  What’s your health insurance plan? 你的医疗保险方案是什么?

  What’s your insurance ID number? 你的保险ID号码是多少?

  My insurance plan is UnitedHealthcare, and the ID number is 12345. 我的保险方案是联合健康保险,ID号码为12345。

  So for tomorrow, we have a 10 o’clock, a 2 pm and a 4 pm. What time would be best for you? 明天,我们有上午十点,下午两点,下午4点(这三个时间段)可供选择,哪个时间段最适合你呢?

  ....would be best for me ...最适合我...

  2 pm would be the best for me.下午两点最适合我。

  None of them works for me. 你说的这些时间,都不适合我。

  How about...? 那...怎么样?

  How about Wednesday? 那周三怎么样呢?

  OK, your appointment is confirmed at 4 pm on Wednesday with Dr.Who. 好的,那你周三下午4点与某医生的门诊就已经被成功预订了。

  Please remember to bring your photo ID and insurance card with you at the appointment. 请记得在就诊时携带好您的带照片的身份证件以及保险卡。


  appointment n.预约

  book vt.预定,预约

  occupy vt.占据

  available adj.可以见到的,有空的

  check n. vt.检查,查看

  fit…in 安排时间接到

  make an appointment 预约

  by the way 顺便问一下

  check the appointment book 查预约簿

  reschedule the consultation 重新安排会诊时间

  cancel the appointment 取消预约

