

时间:2023-06-13 01:42:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

一、选出不同类的单词 1. A.sandwich B.rice C.milk D.noodles 2. A.white B.yellow C.hungry D.brown 3. A.what B.where C.home D.how 4. A.swim B.duck C.fly D.run 5. A.table B.sofa C.bed D.kitchen 二、英汉互译。 1. 一个苹果 2. at the snack bar 3. 两杯茶 4. a cute elephant 5. 在盒子后面 6. Me too. 7. 想要 8. What a big lion! 9. 许多芒果 10. some drinks 三、单项选择 1. —Do you like purple grapes? —________. A.Yes, I like.B.No, I don’t.C.Great! 2. —How many________ can you see? —I can see _________. A.car; thirteen B.cars; threeteen C.cars; thirteen 3. —________ would you like? —An orange, please. A.What B.Who C.How 4. —What do you________ ? —I have some toy planes. A.have B.like C.can 5. I ________ skate very well.How about you? A.can B.do C.like 6. Here ________ some pencils for you. A.am B.is C.are 7. —Can I help you? — _________. A.Some caps, please.B.Thank you.C.Yes, you can. 8. I’m ________ .I’d like some _________. A.hungry; food B.thirsty; food C.hungry; drinks 9. It’s seven o’clock in the morning.It’s time for _________. A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner 10. — ________ is Mum? —She is in the kitchen. A.What B.Where C.How 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I have five ___________ ( sandwich ). 2. I’d like some ___________ ( fish )for lunch. 3. I don’t have ___________ ( some )cats. 4. Here’s ___________ ( a ) ice cream for you. 5. ----Can you ___________ ( jump )? ----Yes, I can. 6. ----Helen, this is ___________ ( I ) sister, Su Yang.----Nice to meet you. 7. ----How ___________ ( be ) you? ----I’m OK, thank you. 五、完成句子,每空一词。 1.——你想要多少个鸡蛋? ——十五个。 —___________ ___________ ___________ would you like? —___________ . 2.——我的包在哪里? ——它在你的卧室里。 —___________ is my ___________ , Mum? —It’s in ___________ bedroom. 3.——你会游泳吗? ——不会,但我会溜冰。 —Can you ___________ ? —No, I ___________ .But I can ___________ . 六、判断正误,用T或F表示。 Liu Tao: Hello, boys and girls.Welcome to Liu Tao’s snack bar. Yang Ling: Wow, cool.It’s not big but it’s very nice. Liu Tao: Here’s the menu.Please have a look. Children: OK.Thank you. Liu Tao: Can I help you, my dear Wang Bing? Wang Bing: I’d like two hamburgers, please. Liu Tao: What about you, Yang Ling and Su Hai? Yang Ling: A sandwich and some orange juice, please. Su Hai: Me too. Liu Tao: OK.Here you are. Children: Thank you.What a nice snack bar! 1. This is Liu Tao’s snack bar. 2. It’s very big. 3. You can drink some juice here. 4. Here are some toys too. 5. It’s a nice snack bar.

