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【#四六级考试# 导语】2019年6月英语六级考试已结束,©文档大全网四六级频道在考后特别整理了2019年6月英语六级听力答案及解析之听力对话2,仅供大家参考,祝大家顺利通过六级考试!

  5. A) Attend a board meeting.

  B) Raise some questions.

  C) Give a presentation.

  D) Start a new company.

  6. A) No new staff will be hired.

  B) No staff will be dismissed.

  C) It will raise productivity.

  D) It will cut production costs.

  7. A) The communication channels C)The timeline of restructuring

  B) The company’s new missions D) The reasons for restructuring

  8. A) By visiting the company’s own computer network

  B) By exploring various channels of communication

  C) By emailing questions to the man or the woman

  D) By consulting their own department managers

  5. What is the man going to do?

  根据首轮对话W: So, how’s our presentation about the restructuring of a company coming along? M: Fine, I am putting the finishing attaches to it now.可知,男士和女士在一起准备着一个演讲,故C) Give a presentation.正确。

  6. What does the man say about restructuring?

  由People are worried about their jobs, too. I think we need to stress that while there will be some job changes there won’t anyone getting dismissed, in fact we are looking to take on more staff.可知男士认为他们需要强调的是,虽然会有一些工作变动,但不会有任何人被解雇,事实上,他们希望招聘更多的员工。故答案B) No staff will be dismissed.正确

  7. What will the man explain first?

  由I’ll start with the brief review of the reasons for the change that we really need to make a clean break to restart growth.可知男士最开始会简单的回顾一下进行改变的原因。其中start with同意替换first, reasons for the change直接对应 选项D) The reasons for restructuring。故The reasons for restructuring为答案。

  8. How can the staff learn more about the company’s restructuring?

  由We will make a page on the network where staff can download all the details.可知员工们可以在网上下载所有细节,故答案为A) By visiting the company’s own computer network。




