

时间:2022-03-30 06:41:59 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】英语美文的阅读有助于我们对英语知识的学习,提升我们的英语能力,欢迎阅读®文档大全网为大家精心整理的“初中英语作文:学习只有脚踏实地才行”!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!


Study well is not an easy thing. Many students try hard to make their study become good. But sometimes they will use some shortcut to reach their goal. For example, they may recite the answer of some question to cope with the exam, instead of figuring out the knowledge in that question. This is not a good way for study. Only studying down-to-earth is the best. Anyone wants to get a high position in study; he has to learn the knowledge step by step. On in this way to lay a good foundation, students can get to a high level one day. 学习并不是件容易的事。许多学生都努力去让他们的学习变好。但有时他们也会走一些捷径来达到他们的目标。例如,他们背答案来应付考试,而不是理解问题中的知识。这并不是学习的好方法。只有脚踏实地学习才是的。任何人想要在学习中取得好成绩;他必须一步一步地学习知识。只有这样奠定良好基础,总有一天可以取得好成绩。

  【篇二】团购的好处The Advantages of Group Purchase

Nowadays, people like to go shopping online, we can buy whatever we want. Shopping online has been a big market, people not only save time, but also save money. If we want to buy something, we just type the name, click on the computer, then the thing you want is in front of you, there will be many choices, the shops are showed up, the different shop has different price, we can choose the product with the suitable price. Group shopping provides the product with low price, the reason why the price is so low in that the amount of the product is large. With the large, the manufacturers still earn big money. Group shopping is a good way of shopping. 现在,人们喜欢网上购物,我们可以买到想要的。网上购物有很大的市场,人们不仅节省时间,而且也省钱。如果我们想要买东西,只需打上名字,按上电脑键,然后你想要的东西就会在你面前,有很多的选择,商店也出现,不同的商店有不同的价格,我们可以选择适合价格的产品。团购使得产品便宜,原因在于卖出去的数量大。有了这么大的数量,生产商仍然可以挣大钱。团购是购物的好方式。

  【篇三】兼职工作 Part-time Job

I am a middle school student. I am active. I like going out to play. Recently, I am fond of skating. I want a pair of skating shoes, but my mother doesn’t allow, because she worries about me to be hurt in playing. So, I want to find a part-time job to earn money to buy a pair of skating shoes. I am always free at weekends. During the weekday, I think I can’t have spare to work. I am tough and I am willing to do everything I can do. Anyone has the information about part-time job, please recommend to me. 我是一名中学生。我很活泼开朗。我喜欢出去玩。最近,我迷上了溜冰。我想要一双溜冰鞋,可是我妈妈不允许,因为她担心我会受伤。所以,我想找份兼职来挣钱买一双滑冰鞋。周末我一般都是有空的。星期一到星期五,我觉得我没有多余的时间工作。我很能吃苦耐劳的,而且我愿意做我能做的任何工作。谁有关于兼职的信息,请向我推荐一下。

