【#四六级考试# 导语】可以开始进行备考啦,迎战考试,奋斗是我们此刻的选择,相信所有的努力都会被岁月温柔以待!©文档大全网整理了“2020年上半年英语六级阅读3篇”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
an apple for the teacher
american schoolchildren occasionally present an apple to the teacher. obviously the custom contains an element of bribery1 — you offer sweet fruit to authority figures to “ sweeten”2 their disposition3 . in schoolchildren’s case, the apple is offered to make their grades more favorable. therefore, the apple has more or less acquired a corrosive4 reputation and maybe for this reason, in slang english“ to applepolish ”means“ to flatter or fawn”and an applepolisher is a flatterer.
but the custom might also be explained as a fair payment for the teacher’s instruction. in the early days of public education, school teachers were not always salaried. often they would be paid in goods and services, offered by either the school, or the pupils or the parents. . .. therefore, the occasional gift of an apple for the teacher in today’s classroom should be a welcome reminder of the era when education was one -to-one and when teaching meant enlightening the students rather than identifying their rankings.
caps and gowns
for students, the most exciting moment may be the graduation ceremony5: parents, relatives and friends are invited to the ceremony; all the graduates are wearing black square flat caps and gowns. they all await the president to announce in the end,“now, please move your tassels from right to left. ”
the caps and gowns worn by high school and college graduates today are survivors of the everyday dress worn by members of the academic community in medieval europe. the majority of scholars in the middle ages6 were churchmen, or soon to become so, and their dress was often strictly regulated by the universities where they taught and studied. the standard clerical dress throughout europe was the long black cope. the original preference for black was changed in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, as such colors as red, violet and purple came into fashion; but by the renaissance black was back, as the color black symbolized simple and plain, or austere way of life in the sixteenth century. with few exceptions, modern universities keep that ceremonial austerity.
the origin of the square flat cap, or mortarboard7 , is obscure, though it probably derives from the medieval biretta . such a tufted square cap is considered the badge of the 024 mastership , and is later adopted by undergraduates and schoolboys. the term mortarboard does not appear in english until the 1850 s. the tassel that graduates transfer from one side to another as a signal of their elevation is an outgrowth of the medieval tuft. the tuft still appears on the modern biretta, worn by bishops throughout the church of rome .
Ⅰ. true o r false :
1. nowadays, american pupils always offer an apple to the teacher in order to get a better grade.
2. in the early days of public education, schoolteachers were paid in money.
3. in america, the caps and gowns are only adopted by college graduates during graduation ceremonies.
4. before the renaissance, the standard clerical dress was black.
5. the biretta was considered the mark of scholarship.
6. that the graduates move the tassel from one side to the other is a signal of elevation.
Ⅱ. questions :
1. according to the passage, when you say somebody is an apple polisher, what do you really mean by saying that?
2. for students, when is the most exciting moment?
3. after graduation, which side should you put your tassel, right or left?
human life is a process. a number of psychologists have attempted to identify the particular tasks that must be accomplished at each stage of development. successful completion of tasks at one stage means that the individual normally proceeds to the next stage and a few set of tasks. it is not always recognized, however, that there are new tasks for the aged1 as well as for those who are younger. aging, in other words, is a new stage in the developmental process of life .
what are the developmental tasks faced by the aged? some tasks are similar to those of other age groups, and some are peculiar to the elderly. in the nineteenth century, for instance, most men had no transition to retirement. typically, a man worked until disability or death. few people had to deal with the“ empty nest2 ”problem, since children either did not leave the family house or returned there to live with their elderly parents.
today, when an increasing number of people are living into their seventies and eighties, there are at least five developmental tasks facing the elderly. first, the aged must come to terms with3 the physical limitations inherent in4 their stage of life. they will no longer be able to engage in certain activities as often or as successfully as they once could. second, having come to terms with the limitations, the older person must redefine the scope of his or her activities. third, the older person must find new sources for satisfying his or her needs. this may be particularly acute at the time of retirement for those who hold to the work ethic .
a fourth task is to reassess the criteria for self-evaluation. again, the loss of work is involved, for many americans consider themselves worthwhile because they have a fulltime job. the question the elderly person must face is“am i a worthwhile person because of the kind of individual i am, because of the various qualities i possess, or am i worthwhile only as long as i can function in some kind of job?”a man who lost his job in advertising when he was sixty-one told the author that he could not find another job in his field. he has done some freelance work, but he still mourns the loss of his job.“ i loved what i did, ”he said,“ and i resented being thrown out on the scrap heap5. there are times when i think i’m just not worth anything anymore . ”
finally, the aged face the task of finding ways to give meaning and purpose to their 021 lives. this task arises throughout the individual’s life . many elderly people find challenges, struggles, and gratifications just as they did in their earlier years.
complete th e se nte nces with the p rop er fo rms o f the words given in p a renthe ses :
1. we are _____( gratification) to learn that you have won the scholarship.
2. your work in office has not been very _____( product) .
3. money will be paid half in advance and half on_____ ( complete ) .
4. all railroads have weight and height _____( limit) because of tunnels, bridges and so forth.
1. gratified 2. productive 3. completion 4. limitations
衰老是个发展过程人生是个过程。一些心理学者试图找出人生每一阶段必须完成的特定任务。圆满地 完成一个阶段的任务意味着这个人已顺利进入下一个阶段, 又要面对一些新的任务。然 而, 人们并不一定能意识到不仅年轻人有新任务, 而且老年人也有新的事情要做。换句话 说, 衰老是人生过程中一个新的阶段。
那么老年人面对的发展任务是什么呢? 有些任务与其他年龄组的相似, 还有一些则是 老年人特有的。比如说, 19 世纪, 大多数人不会退休。那个时候的人常常会工作到做不动 甚至做到死。很少会有人面对“ 守空巢”的问题, 因为他们的孩子或者不离开父母家, 或者 离家后又回来跟年迈的父母同住。
今天, 步入耄耋之年的老人越来越多, 他们至少要面对五项生活任务。首先, 老年人必 须承认这个人生阶段所带来的身体上的限制。他们已不能像年轻时候那样频繁地参加某 些活动, 也不会如过去那般成功。第二, 承认身体上的局限之后, 老年人就必须重新界定自 己的活动范围。第三, 老年人必须要找到能满足自己需要的新的资源。对于那些恪守工作 道德的老年人来说, 这一点在他们退休的时候也许尤为重要。
Although many people do not think of homosexual relationships as resulting in a family, it has been estimated that about one of five gays and one of three lesbians enter a homosexual marriage. The marriage may or may not be established by a formal ceremony. One male couple , for example , after four months of cohabitation3, went to Mass4 and let the service be their private ceremony of commitment. They used the term marriage to describe their relationship. They bought matching rings and verbally agreed to be sexually faithful, to emotionally support each other, and to have equal say in such matters as finances.
Moreover, millions of gays and lesbians have had children. In many cases, the children were born when the individual was part of a heterosexual marriage . Subsequently, the individual openly acknowledged his or her homosexual preference. Some of these children are being raised in a homosexual family — two men, two women, or some other arrangement. For example, Nancy is a lesbian who is raising a daughter with two gay males, one of whom is the child’s father.
Homosexual couples have to work through the same problems as heterosexual couples. They face issues of household division of labor, power, sexual relationships, and money. In addition, like the interracial couple , they face problems arising from being in a socially stigmatized relationship. Gallup polls5 that asked the American public whether homosexual relations between consenting adults should be legal have found an increasing proportion from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s who said that they should not be legal. Homosexual families, then, must not only deal with the same issues as other families but also with a hostile environment and with some problems that are unique to6 the homosexual relationship .
Ⅰ. Are these statements True or False according to the article ?
1. Like heterosexual marriage, homosexual marriage must go through a formal ceremony.
2. Most of the children of homosexuals are adopted from other places.
3. Homosexual couples just have to confront the same problems as heterosexual couples.
4. Homosexual couples have to overcome various problems and still have a long way to go .
5. From the mid-1970s, homosexual marriages are gradually accepted by our society.
Ⅱ. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks :
1. The tax increases in ______to the amount you earn.
A. accordance B. proportion C. ratio D. scale
2. There are some matters ______ from the recent changes in the law.
A. raising B. happening C. arising D. rising
3. The father is not willing to consent ______ the marriage.
A. to B. from C. with D. in