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【#英语资源# 导语】我们的青春,在您的保护下扬帆远航;我们的进步,在您的教诲下迈上成功;我们的未来,在您的陪伴下展翅飞翔。师恩难忘,在此道一声:老师,谢谢您,您辛苦了。教师节来临,祝老师节日快乐!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear leaders and teachers, good morning!

  After listening to the wonderful speeches of the above colleagues, I am very ashamed. Unlike them, I fell in love with this profession from the beginning, but I have experienced many twists and turns to come to today. Today, since the head of the kindergarten has built such a platform for us to show ourselves, I will share with you some stories in my growth process:

  Eighteen years ago, when filling in volunteers for the high school entrance examination, I resolutely chose the secondary normal school without discussing with my family. After graduation, I naturally became a teacher. To tell you the truth, I chose this career as a teenager, not because of the words of sublimity and greatness. Frankly, I just wanted to find a job as soon as possible, solve the economic difficulties for my family and make a living independently as soon as possible. So there was no noble in the resolute choice at that time. When I went to work and became a teacher, I fully felt and experienced the bitterness of this profession, and regretted my original choice. Obviously, being a teacher was the result of the impulse of being young and inexperienced. However, it was such a career that I didn't choose because of my love, a career that didn't make me feel comfortable and comfortable at work, but I worked for more than ten years. The reason is that I was moved by this loving group and career!

  The love of children and parents moved me. Their love is pure, their love is flawless, and their love does not expect return. I always remember that when I was busy creating an environment, a small chair was quietly pushed next to me: "please sit down, teacher"; I always remember that when I lowered my head to correct my homework, the children hid behind me, clenched their fists and secretly beat my back. The knocking sound told of their deep feelings. I can't remember the day when the parents of a child transferred from other kindergartens to our class came to pick up the child. It was time for our child to have lunch. She waited patiently in the hall without interrupting. I didn't know her existence. When I found out and walked over, she said emotionally: "the child said that the teachers here are better than the previous teachers. I don't believe it. I see that you are so patient to enlighten the child to eat and whisper to her from time to time, so that she can eat happily in the kindergarten. This is something I haven't seen before. The children in your class are chattering and laughing around you, which is what my child didn't dare to do in that kindergarten before. These things made me believe what the child said. It's very kind of you, teacher. Thank you. " Parents' words moved me. I didn't do anything. I just did my duty. If they have something to say, I naturally want to listen. If they are in trouble, I naturally want to help. Love them, this is the most basic teacher's ethics! It seems that many things as a teacher have been done quietly. I may not think how great they are, but they have left a deep impression on parents and children's hearts. How can you give up and not be moved in the face of such sincere love?

  At this time, if life gives me another chance to choose, I will still persistently choose the profession of preschool teacher, because I have fallen in love with her. I have found the coordinates of life here. Only here can my life value be realized and sublimated! Dear preschool education colleagues, let's work together to create a brilliant tomorrow of preschool education!

  My speech is over, thank you!


  Dear leaders, parents, friends and teachers

  hello everyone!

  Another teacher's day. This year is the XX teachers' day. First of all, on behalf of all kindergarten teachers, I would like to pay high tribute to the leaders who care about and support us! I would like to express my sincere thanks to the parents and friends who support the kindergarten work! Next, I want to wish all our teachers "happy holidays!"

  Teachers are often compared to gardeners, indeed. Being a teacher is very hard and tired, especially preschool teachers. Preschool education is a patient, lasting and arduous project. Preschool education means responsibility, sweat and cooperation. No one can succeed without hard work, and no one can succeed without the cooperation of parents. In today's society that attaches importance to education, parents' requirements are higher and higher, and children's personality is stronger and stronger, it is difficult to be a good teacher. Only by constantly accepting challenges, constantly improving our service attitude and correcting our working attitude can our teachers win the trust of parents. Only with sincere dedication and dedication can we win the love of children.

  Last semester, the teachers paid hard work and won the trust of most parents. Therefore, the source of students has been expanded this semester. The achievement can not be achieved without the care of leaders and the support of parents. Of course, there are many deficiencies in our work. For example, we can do more detailed conservation work, and we should continue to learn and improve in education. Now, we are once again entering the golden autumn of September, once again facing a new semester, a new starting point, once again facing new challenges and new hopes. When I signed up, when I saw the parents' expectations for us, when I looked at the innocent eyes of the children, when the cadres in Zhugang and the nearby farmers trusted to hand over the children's hands to us, I felt that there was a heavy task and a long way to go. Children are the core of every family. Kindergartens are related to thousands of families. Kindergartens are one of the rear areas of prison work. Only when we do a good job in kindergarten can we work at ease and steadily. In the days to come, we will grow up with our children. If our efforts are hard, the children's returns are heavy. In the work of the new school year, we do not seek earth shaking, but ordinary without regret; Do not seek fruitful results, but a clear conscience; Don't ask for turning stone into gold, just like spring breeze into rain; Don't ask for peaches and plums all over the world, just want laughter all over the garden!

  Early childhood education is inseparable from the cooperation of parents. Therefore, when guiding children, parents and comrades must treat each other equally and be reasonable, and avoid excessive doting, or scolding when moving, or letting go, or nagging too much. In the relationship between teachers and students, we should guide children to respect teachers and not use teachers to frighten children. At the same time, I hope parents and friends can give us more valuable opinions on our work.

  Early childhood education is also inseparable from the concern of prison leaders. In the first half of the year, kindergartens merged. The prison has given great support to kindergartens. Each classroom is equipped with air conditioning, and the floor of small class classrooms has been renovated this semester. Next, the kindergarten plans to put plastic mats on the two lawns outside, and add a set of large children's outdoor toys to continuously improve the environment. I believe that the prison leadership will continue to give support.

  In fact, kindergarten is like a big family with teachers, children and parents. With the strong support of prison leaders, as long as we all unite and work together, our kindergarten will be better and better day by day!

  Finally, I sincerely wish everyone here good health, smooth work, happy life and happy holidays!

  Thank you.


  Dear leaders, parents, friends and teachers

  hello everyone!

  Another teacher's day. I like this little poem: "there is one song that is the most moving, that is teachers' morality; There is one kind of life that is the most beautiful, that is, teachers; There is one kind of scenery that is most meaningful, that is the soul of the teacher. Don't say we have nothing, we have the same hot sun, we have the same broad sky. Under the same sky, we spread hope with love... "When I was a teacher and copied it on the front page of my notebook," spread hope with love and treat children sincerely "became my wordless.

  I remember when my parents helped me choose kindergarten teachers, I was still a little girl who didn't know the world, and my understanding of kindergarten still remained in my memory when I was in kindergarten. In three years as a kindergarten teacher, I learned that "learning from high is a teacher and morality is a model", but I can't fully understand the real meaning of the word "teacher". Four years ago, when I was 18 years old, I came to my long-awaited kindergarten with a girl's pink dream and ushered in the first batch of children in my life. There are many, many first times in life, the first time to stumble, the first time to babble. And my children let me experience many firsts in my life. It was they who made me welcome a flower like child in the morning light for the first time; It was they who made me stand in front of my parents for the first time to hold a parents' meeting; It's also the first time they let me stand under the flag and raise the bright five-star red flag

  When they first took over this class, they were promoted from middle class to large class, and they had not ushered in the opening day of school. I have heard many teachers evaluate the children of our class. They are a group of lovely and lively little angels. In anticipation, I ushered in strange and childish faces. This is my child. Obviously, they were surprised at such a strange face in the classroom. Some children asked, "where's Mr. Wang?" I greeted the children with a smile and told them that I was your future teacher. My last name is Lu. Please call me "teacher Lu"! Many children go home and tell their parents that there is a new "Teacher Wang" in our class!

  Why should we sum up getting along with children as laughing and crying, because in their memory, their teacher Lu is a person who loves both laughing and crying.

  Some people say we are burning red candles, others say we are senior nannies. No matter how others evaluate us, we all deeply know how much responsibility we shoulder. Early childhood is the foundation stage of life development. The education received in early childhood plays a decisive role in children's future path. Children are the hope of the motherland and the future of the nation. We master the growth direction of children. In a sense, it is equivalent to mastering the future development direction of the country and nation. Someone once said, "I want to be a great man, but I don't succeed, so I want to be a great man's wife, but I have failed. Now I think it through. I want to be a great man's teacher." And I don't expect my children to become great people. I just hope they can become useful people for the country and society in the future. That's enough.

  I have never traveled around the world, nor have I been to heaven, but I deeply know that there is a place more fresh and holy than the world, more carefree and colorful than heaven. This is an elf kingdom that makes me young and happy forever - kindergarten, which makes me fully reflect my life value.

  Every teacher's day, letters filled with enthusiasm, cards filled with affection and sincere greetings, filled my heart with pride and pride. Not for anything else, but for these lovely children, I also want to do a good job of teaching, not for a brilliant life, but for a down-to-earth life!

  Finally, I sincerely wish everyone here good health, smooth work, happy life and happy holidays!

  Thank you.

