

时间:2021-08-01 15:59:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  It's been a week since the military summer camp. Every morning we have military posture training and afternoon culture class. Life is very regular, I have gradually adapted to the army life.

  At noon, a cool wind blowing, came to the canteen food fragrance. We had breakfast early, and our stomachs were already cooing. The students are murmuring in a low voice: "why is it so slow? Can't you eat after such a long time? " The instructor was impatient to hear it in the distance, and yelled: "it's too shameful. Add another 2 minutes to talk, and then add another 5 minutes to move casually. If you can't stand well, you can't eat today!" We all stood still in the same place. He thought, "isn't the instructor hungry? Can't we just finish and take us to eat! What are you dawdling about? When the instructor saw that we were standing still, he nodded and asked us to eat.

  We ran to the canteen at once. After seeing the delicious food, everyone felt like they hadn't eaten for several days. They put a chopstick into their mouth and only heard the instructor say that we can't eat until he ordered us. We had no choice but to put down our chopsticks and wait for the instructor to give us the order to eat. But after a long time, I didn't give the order. I was a little impatient and cried out in my heart: why is it so slow today? I'm so hungry that my chest is close to my back. If I don't eat any more, I don't even have the strength to hold chopsticks. After waiting for 10 minutes, the instructor finally gave the order. We gobbled it up, and it took us only 10 minutes to finish it.

  This is a meal record I've never had. I'm really hungry and the food is delicious.


  The first time I left home and came to a strange city, everything was so strange. The first day came, I was very empty in my heart, without the company of my parents, everything became so confused, and in this confused time, my military training life began. The winter camp I attended was in a unit in the suburban city for three days. All the students I met were on bus and had a lot of fun all the way. At that time, I didn't realize I was facing the cruel survival test.

  The first morning, the trumpet sounded, we got up on time to the training ground to gather, all to listen to the instructor, step by step running such basic training is essential. Although there is no high sun in the sky, our sweat can not stop flowing down, and we are also very sticky and uncomfortable. To be honest, sometimes I don't want to train like this again, I want to go home and take a hot bath, and then lie comfortably in the bed and watch cartoons. But looking at so many students on the playground, I thought in my heart, others can stick to it, why can't I? Thinking about this, I insisted on it, didn't become a deserter, and didn't let the people who supported me disappointed. I and my classmates in spare time, talking about all kinds of interesting things together, heart seems to become less lonely, high-intensity training as if let our heart more firmly tied together, in these three days, we are not relatives like relatives.

  Compared with the training in the daytime, I prefer the activity time at night. At 7:30 every night, we will watch outdoor movies on the playground. These films are about military. If I would not have been interested in these films before, somehow, on those three days, the three films had left a deep impression on me. After the movie, there will be leaders to speak. What impressed me most is what a shooting trainer said. He said discipline is a fuse. If you don't touch it, you will be calm. If you touch it, you will be broken. Although this sentence is scary to listen to, it is no unreasonable to think carefully. Discipline is really important to a person. Whether it is training or life, if everyone fails to obey discipline, then our life will not be in a mess. If we can do everything in our daily life and follow the command, I believe we can be a very good person.

  In just three days, I found that I had gained a lot, and I found that I became stronger. Thanks to the people who taught me the truth, I became a better person than before. I also believe that I can face higher-level challenges in the future with a more positive attitude.


  My youth, my life, my freedom, my dedication, everything is selfless!

  In my first year in the army, I miss you all the time, my family, friends and classmates. I tried my best to call you, but every time it took only ten minutes, which was far from the end of my heart. In the heart innumerable bitterness and joy want to tell, want you to know my life, every day.

  Until the next year, I gradually get used to it, grow up and mature, and have a chance to start using my mobile phone secretly, and have more opportunities to contact. But I slowly understand how to take responsibility and loneliness, so the phone has become less and less! Less and less contact, gradually... Gradually

  My heart is still concerned about you, but whenever I look at your bright avatar, I hesitated and decided to go offline as always, invisible as never online. I pay attention to your status almost every day, but I hardly comment on it. Because I don't know all the stories that happened in it, and they have nothing to do with my stories. But I still watch it every day, because it at least let me know your mood.

  One day when I was in a bad mood, I took out my old phone book and went back and forth for more than ten times, but finally I chose to close it. It's not that I couldn't find the person to call, but that I didn't know what to say after I got through. Just a few words. How are you doing, man? Okay. How about you? Mm-hmm. it's also very good. Finally, I hung up with a heavy heart. Sometimes you are free but I am not free, sometimes I am free but you are busy, in the end contact less and less, less and less, after a loss, I chose silence, finally no longer contact. I know that all the sad, happy, lonely, lonely in the grinding of time will become colorless and tasteless, so I also put down, become speechless. Sometimes I try my best to change myself, but I can't do anything in front of reality.

  Sometimes I prefer to chat with someone on the Internet to spend my youth, but I don't want to go to those relatives and friends. Think in front of strangers can talk about things without taboo chat, occasionally silly laugh.

  "Time", the killer of youth, has been hidden in everyone's heart since it came into the world. In the third, fourth and even fifth year, our youth has passed away, and we are busy for our own livelihood. We almost forget about each other's care. At that time, our contact may be reduced to once a year or even longer.

  Sometimes in your space, I see pictures of the children who call this baby that baby. I believe you are all married. After separation, you are all parents, and I'm still standing still. Because of this, I became a sentimental person.

  Many years later, we happened to meet at a certain intersection, and suddenly remembered those years when we went to school together, finished school together, went swimming in the river together, and caught frogs together. Those good and bad moments filled my mind, two or several people hugged each other and slapped each other foolishly, but did not say a word. All the voices are expressed in body language, but later, the eyes are moist. After wiping his eyes and staring at each other, he saw some white hair, beard, and haggard "old face". At that time, we were no longer young, I know we are destined to be a group of people who go further and further, but I hope you will live happily with my blessing. No matter who choose to abandon me or still care about my friends, I wish you a happy life with my blessing.

