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【篇一】大象的哀嚎 The Whine of Elephant
Recently, a video about the training of elephant called people’s attention. The young people made this video want to call for people to protect this wild animal. A lot of people kill or train the animals for making money, but more people have realize the cruelty and make up their minds to protect animals. 最近,一个关于训练大象的视频引起了人们的注意。做这个视频的年轻人是为了呼吁人们保护野生动物。很多人为了赚钱而杀死或训练动物,不过越来越多的人意识到这些行为的残忍并下定决心保护动物。
In Thailand, riding animals is one of the famous amusement projects. After the video revealing the cruelty of training elephants, more visitors feel guilty and they never expect the harm they do to these lovely creatures. People response to the act to refuse riding elephants, and the good thing is that some elephants are free to be trained, but visitors still could see them in the wild zoo. All they could do is to feed them. What a nice change. 在泰国,骑动物是一项的游乐项目。视频揭示了训练大象的残酷后,越来越多的游客感到内疚,因为他们从没想过会伤害到这些可爱的生物。人们开始拒绝骑马,所幸的是有些大象不用再接受训练,但游客仍然可以在野生动物园里观看它们。他们能做的就是给它们喂食。这是一个不错的改变。
Animals are indispensable part of nature, if they disappear someday, then human being will not survive for long. Whatever we play for fun, we need to think about the result. If we hurt animals, then we should stop. Animals and human beings are friends. 动物是自然界不可或缺的一部分,如果有一天它们消失了,那么人类将无法生存太久。无论我们以什么为乐,都要思考所带来的后果。如果我们伤害了动物,那么我们就应该停止。动物和人类是朋友。
【篇二】父母的牺牲 Parents' Sacrifice
As parents, they usually choose to make some sacrifice so that their children can have a better future. Especially Chinese parents, they sacrifice so much and put all the hope on the offspring. But according to the research, their over sacrifice won't make both children and themselves happy. 父母通常会选择做一些牺牲,这样孩子才可以拥有更好的未来。特别是中国的父母,他们牺牲很多,把所有的希望寄托在后代身上。但根据调查,他们的过度牺牲不会让孩子也不会让自己感到快乐。
For parents, they give up a lot of things that they want to do to reach the desire that their children to realize their dreams instead. So they have the high expectation for their children and once the children let them down, they will feel disappointed or just push a lot of pressure on them. For children, they keep their parents’ words and they are easy to feel guilty if they can't fulfill parents’ expectation. 对于父母来说,他们放弃了很多自己想做的事情来希望自己的孩子能帮他们实现他们的梦想。所以他们对自己的小孩有很高的期望,一旦孩子们让他们失望了,他们就会觉得受挫或者给予孩子们更大的压力。对于孩子来说,他们铭记着父母的话语,如果他们无法满足父母的期望,他们也会很容易感到内疚。
Chinese parents’ over sacrifice will not please anyone. Both sides will feel depressed. Being a parent doesn't mean to give up their dreams, and everyone has the right to chase their dreams and should not give up. It is everybody's duty to set the good example to the children and show the positive attitude to life. Children should be given more freedom to develop their talents. 中国父母的牺牲并不会取悦任何人,反而让双方都感到沮丧。为人父母并不意味着要放弃自己的梦想,每个人都有权利去追逐自己的梦想,不放弃。给孩子树立好榜样,表现出积极的生活态度是每个父母的责任。孩子们应该被给予更多的自由来发展才能。
【篇三】中国校服受欢迎吗? Is Chinese Uniform Popular?
In China, students feel so bad about their uniforms, because these clothes look almost the same, which are large size and can’t reflect anything beautiful. But look at the uniforms in other countries, which look young and beautiful. However, the latest news reported that Korean students liked Chinese uniform. 在中国,学生对他们自己的校服都是不喜欢的,因为这些衣服看起来是几乎一样的,而且基本都是大尺寸的,看不出任何美丽、好身材。但纵观其他国家的校服,看起来显得人年轻、漂亮。但最新新闻报道,韩国学生喜欢中国校服。
Korean TV shows are very popular in China. We have learned the school life and what they wear as students. Girls wear the skirts and the boys wear the clothes that makes them look handsome. We feel so envious about their uniform. But after Korean students see Chinese uniform, they like it because its large size made them feel comfortable and convenient to do exercise. 韩国电视剧在中国很受欢迎,从中我们了解到他们在学校的生活和学生的穿着。女生都是穿裙子,而男生穿的也可以让他们看起来更帅。我们都很羡慕他们的校服。但当韩国学生看到了中国的校服后,他们表示了喜欢,因为它的大尺寸让人觉得舒服,也可以方便做运动。
Chinese uniform have been disliked by students for a long time, especially with the popularity of foreign films and television programs. As students realize the difference and appreciate western styles, they advocate the school to make some changes. Indeed, some schools have put forward the new styles and are popular by students. I think students have the right to make them look beautiful and energy. 中国的校服在很久之前就不受学生欢迎,特别是随着外国电影和电视节目越来越受欢迎后。学生意识到差异并欣赏西方风格,他们提议学校做出一些改变。事实上,有些学校已经更换了新的风格,也受到了学生的欢迎。我觉得学生有权让自己看起来美丽和充满活力。
大学英语作文:大象的哀嚎 The Whine of Elephant.doc正在阅读: