【#GRE# 导语】只有坚定坚持最初的梦想走下去,再苦再累再难,坚定不移,才有可能走向成功。考试开考在即,©文档大全网整理了“GRE写作优秀范文:学科”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines—that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences—colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly work-oriented society.
The above argument completely neglects the internal value and essence of college education. If it were put into effect, not only the education itself but also the whole society would undergo a severe devastation. Even for the sake of practicality, also it is not necessarily a good suggestion and will seriously mislead students in their future.
When it is concerned with the purpose and essence of education, at the beginning one must refer to the father of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, whose influence upon the American and world education has reached far into even today. One of his most famous apothegms about education is that the truly valuable education should be aiming at the improvement of both one’s “moralities” and “faculties”. Varying greatly though people’s understanding over this idea is over times, seldom did they suspect its justification and insightfulness. Therefore, it is safe to base our analysis upon this thought in order to determine whether students should be allow to enroll only in those work-oriented courses.
There is almost no escaping the fact that the purely vocation-oriented education is quite inconsistent with developing a lofty or decent moral in students. In traditional society, it was family and community that transmitted its basic values, conventions and moralities to children. As time goes by, however, this role and responsibility have been gradually shifted to schools and teachers, either for better or worse. If the whole education becomes completely vocation-oriented, the education of moralities is certain to become secondary for both schools and students, and the neglecting of moral education will become something sooner or later. That is to say, modern education system will fail to undertake the responsibilities that traditional family and community transmitted to it. To some extent, this is just what happens in many schools of many counties. As a result, when we continuously complain the decline in moralities, no one realizes that it intrinsically origins from the absence of roles to undertake the duty for moral education.