

时间:2022-02-07 04:22:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#GRE# 导语】不管你的梦想是什么,做好当前的事情,终将会如愿以偿。对于考试而言,同样需要不断地积累,坚持学习。以下为“GRE写作优秀范文:国家领土”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.


  Conflicts between prolonging human existence and solving current societal problem lie in governmental issues consistently. In order to keep biological diversity and natural balance, it places emphasis on environmental preservation which includes issues on wilderness areas. Insofar as protecting such areas permits a more comfortable survival of offspring I concede the necessity of preservation. However, when the nation is short of economical and political self-sufficient ability and current issues abound in number, government would set higher priority to at hand problems.

  Preservation of wilderness areas conducted by government assures an effective method of providing descendants access to comfortable prospective nature system.Creatures, directly or indirectly instrumental for people, suffered from an escalated scale of extinction as a result of human industrialization. Moreover, along with rapidly accruing population, startling developing technologies and, perhaps most important of all, continuously inflating human desire the size and amounts of such areas shrank gravely over periods. Gradually appearing phenomena revealed threats of disastrous consequences tomorrow. Scarcity of plants with photosynthesis mechanism increase CO2 in atmosphere and therefore resulting in global warming trends which molten sea ice to water and has inundated some of the territory, for example. Awareness of some people in the leading position calls for governmental policies that protect environment from being excessively trampled by human behavior. To protect wilderness areas by forces of government is one of the available and effective measures. Creatures there could afford a free landscape and secure surrounding to grow and rear offspring.Possibly, certain kinds of rare species would be preserved from extinction.

  However, a government takes responsibilities not primarily for the moral justice but for well-being of populace and strength of the nation as a whole. Once the protection of such areas require too much economical or personnel support, the priority needs confirmation. Resources of any government are limited, and deficit occurs frequently even if it places little emphasis on such relatively marginal issues. This does not entail eschewing from accountability for destiny of prospective citizens or human beings altogether. It means concern for being responsible for its living residents to guarantee the advent of prospective society. Can a population which suffered and is suffering from mass starvation, unemployment and destructive warfare but focused on symbiosis relationship with other species exist long? In this sense, human needs to be somewhat selfish rather than completely generous at the risk of self sacrificing.

