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【#四六级考试# 导语】英语六级考试马上到了,临近考试要多背诵复习一些写作素材,才能提高作文成绩,下面是®文档大全网四六级频道为大家整理的《2017年12月英语六级作文范文:大城市中发展高层建筑》一文,希望给考生带来帮助。

  high-rise buildings in big cities


  Modernization and urbanization bring both benefitsand problems. In order to solve the problem ofhousing, high- rise buildings have been and arebeing put up in ever greater numbers in more andmore big cities.

  High- rise buildings have their advantages and disadvantages, of course. in urban areas whereland is expensive, they take up less space. Some people say that high-rise buildings can give acity striking beauty. Some buildings are apartments, which can hou se hundreds of familiesunder one roof . on the othe r hand , high-rise buildings may be dange rous . what if there is afir e or an ear thquake ? what if power and water ar e in s hor t s upply ? in addition, high-risebuildings/blocks may not be suitable for children and old people.

  To conclude, it goes without saying that high- rise building s are necessary, but their numbershould be limited. At the same time, effective measures must be taken to solve suchproblems as the supply of water and power.


