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【#三年级# 导语】当前中国的教育体制任然是应试教育英语亦是,对于学习语言来说,为了对付考试而做题,虽然不很合理,但是确实有一定的帮助和重要性,所以仍然需要接受实际情况,成功的人才亦比比皆是。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!




( ) 1. A. Canada B. UK C. China

( ) 2. A. she B. he C. you

( ) 3. A. boy B. bag C. brother

( ) 4. A. dad B. mother C. man

( ) 5. A. thin B. tall C. fat


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. Amy is from _______ . A. Canada B. USA

( )2.A.Who’s ______ woman ? A. that B. this

( )3. A. He’s my ________ . A. sister B. brother

( )4. It has a _______ nose . A. tall B. long

( )5. _________ are you from ? A.Where B.Who www .Xk b1.coM


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) Guess .

( ) Who’s that boy ?

( ) No , he isn’t .

( ) Is he your brother ?

( ) He is my dad .

Ⅱ. Written Test ( 笔试部分 ) 50%


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A. mother B .father C. sister D. brother E. grandpa


( ) 1. Who that woman? She is my __________.

A. dad. B. brother. C. mother.

( ) 2. --Is he your dad ? -- ______

A. Yes, he is . B. Yes , he isn’t . C. No , he is .

( ) 3. We_______ two new friends today .

A. has B .have C. is

( ) 4. She ____ a new teacher .

A. is B. are C. am

( ) 5. Look , this girl is my ______ .

A. brother B. grandpa C. sister


A. B. C. D. E.

( ) 1. This is my grandma .

( ) 2. My pencil is long .

( ) 3. Look , this is a thin monkey .

( ) 4. Wow,the dog is so fat!

( ) 5.This is my family .


A 栏 B栏

( )1. Nice to meet you! A. I’ m fine , thank you !

( )2. Who’s that woman ? B. Yes , she is .

( )3 . Is she your sisiter ? C. I’m from China.

( )4,. How are you ? D. Nice to meet you , too!

( )5. Where are you from? E. She is my mother . .


Tom and John are good friends.They’re from USA. Tom is twelve years old. John is thirteen years old. They are good students. They like to eat hamburgers. John has five new f riends. Miss White is their English teacher. She likes them very much.

( )1, Tom and John are good friends.

( )2. John is twelve years old.

( )3. John is from USA.

( )4.Tom likes to eat hamburgers.

( )5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students




1. I like A. monkeys B. dogs C. bags

2. I'm from A. noodles B. China C. USA

3. Let's watch A. TV B. UN C. UK

4. This is my A. sister B. mom C. father

5. Welcome to our A. home B. school C. English



( ) 1. A. I can see twelve dogs. B. I can see twenty dogs.

( ) 2. A. Who's that boy? B. Who's this boy?

( )3.A. How many kites can you see? B. How many kites do you have?

( ) 4. A. Wow, what a big fish! B. Wow, what a big family!

( ) 5. A. I'm from Chinese. B. I'm from China.




( ) 1. How ____ you?

A. is B. am C. are

( )2. How ____ are you?-I’m six.

A. tall B. long C. old

( )3.- _____ is your name? - My name is Amy.

A. Who B. What C. Where

( ) 4.Nice_____meet you, Nice to meet ____

A. too, to B. to, to C. to, too

( ) 5.Chenjie is______ China

A. on B. at C. from

( ) 7. It’s ______tall.

A. too B. to C. so

( ) 8. Happy birthday ____ you!

A. on B. for C. to

( )9. You___ tall. I ____ short.

A. is is B. are is C .are am

( )10. Who is______? He’s my grandpa.

A. she B. it C. he


( ) white A 白色 | ( ) woman A 瘦的

( ) red B 绿色 | ( ) thin B 妇女

( ) green C 蓝色 | ( ) new C 胖的

( ) blue D 黄色 | ( ) eight D 新的

( ) yellow E 红色 | ( ) fat E 八

四、情景交际。 (20分)

( )1.当你让别人和你一起回家时,应说:

A.Let’sgo to home. B. Let’s go home.

( )2. 当你想让对方看这个只熊时,应说:

A. Look at the dog. B. Look at the bear.

( )3.当你问那个男人是谁时,应说:

A.Who’s she? B. Who’s he?

( )4.当你询问对方来自哪里时,应说:

A. Where are you? B. Where are you from?

( )5.当你想介绍你的全家福时,你应说:

A.This is my father B. This is my family。

( )6.你想告诉别人她是你妹妹,应说:

A.She’s my mother . B. She’s my sister.

( ) 7.那个男的是谁?

A. Who’s that boy? B. Who’s that man?

( )8.祝贺别人生日快乐,应说:

A.Happy birthday B.Happy new year !

( )9.当你看到一只老的长颈鹿时,你会说;

A.Wow,It’s so short B Wow, It’s so tall.

( )10.你给妈妈介绍新朋友时应说;

A.This is my friend, Amy. B. She is Amy.


( ) 1. Nice to meet you. A. OK!

( ) 2. What’s your name? B. I’m Mike.

( )3. Let’s go to school! C. Fine, thank you.

( )4.what’s your name?. E. Nice to meet you, too.

( )5. How are you? F. My name’s John.


1.look that at giraffe.


2.he father is your ?


3.to you nice meet too.


4.I the UK am from .


5. many eggs how.




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1.A. A wolf lives in a forest

B. A mondey lives in a tree

( )2.A. A bird lives in a tree .

B. A tiger eats meat .

( )3.A. There are ten monkeys .

B. There are nine monkeys .

( )4. A. Cows eat grass

B. Monkey s eat bananas

( )5.A. Where does a fish live ?

B. Where does a panda live ?

三、听录音排序。 (10分)

( )小学三年级英语下册期中考试题:There are ten monkeys in the tree.

( )Let’s go to the zoo .

( )Sheep eat grass.

( )Monkeys eat bananas .

( )I like these animals .


e phant m key tr for ty p da

二、 选择正确答案。(10分)

( )1. The cats eats . A. grass B. tree C. fish

( )2. The panda lives in a . A. forest B. tree C. river

( )3. ---How many pandas are there ? ---

A. Three B. Four C. Five

( )4. Look at the monkey . Its tail is .

A. long B. short C. little

( )5.The cow eats . A. meat B. bone C. grass

( )6.--- this? ---It’s a pig. A. What B. What’s C. Where

( )7.---Is it a cat ? ---

A. No, it is B. Yes , it isn’t C. Yes , it is .

( )8.--- you swim ? ---Yes , I can .

A. Can B. Are C. Do

( )9.--- is the cat ? ---It’s on the box

A. What B. What’s C. Where

( )10.--- monkeys are there ? ---Three .

A. How many B. How much C. How

三、看图, 读句子,给每句话选出正确的答句。(10分)

( )1.Where does a live ?

( ) 2. Where does a live ?

( )3. What does an eat ?

( )4. What do eat ?

( ) 5.What do eat ?

A. In trees B. Bananas . C. In holes(洞) D. Fish E. Grass


1. eat grass Horses

2. tree live in A monkey a

3. in fish river live A

4.bananas eat Elephants

5.A can horse run

五、看图,判断图片与词组是否相符。 打√×(10分)

1. five pandas ( )

2. two ducks ( )

3. seven snakes ( )

4. six elephants( )

5. ten tigers ( )

六、看图, 把正确答案的序号填在括号里。 (10分)

( ) 1. A. on the desk B. under the desk

( )2. A. two birds B. three rabbits

( )3. A. chicken B.duck

( )4. A. river B. grass

( )5. A. wolf B. bear

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. A horse can fly .

2.Fish can swim .

3.Tigers eat meat .

4.Panadas eat fish .

5. This is an elephant . Its nose is long .

