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【#小学英语# 导语】月考就是每个月的考试测试,检查每个月的学习情况 1 每次月考,主要内容应该是上次月考以后学习的基本知识,基础技能,要求不能过高,以鼓励学生的学习兴趣。以下是©文档大全网整理的《小学六年级下册英语月考题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。

1.小学六年级下册英语月考题 篇一

  ( ) 1、______ monkey do you like ? I like the yellow one.

  A 、Which

  B、 What

  C、 What’s

  D 、Where

  ( ) 2、______ tall is your mother ? She is 164cm tall.

  A、 How

  B、 What

  C、 How many

  D 、When

  ( ) 3、How _____ are you ? I’m 65kg.

  A、 tall

  B、 big

  C、 heavy

  D、 long

  ( ) 4、I failed my math test . ______ .

  A、 Oh,sorry

  B、 I’m sorry to hear that

  C、 Don’t worry

  ( ) 5、You ______ sad today .

  A、 look

  B、 watch

  C、 see

  D、 look at

  ( ) 6、______ the matter ? I have a fever .

  A 、What’s

  B 、What’re

  C 、What

  D、 How’s

  ( ) 7、You are 164cm , I’m 160cm , you are 4cm _____ than me.

  A 、big

  B、 bigger

  C、 tall

  D 、taller

  ( ) 8、I went to a park ______ bike .


  B、 by

  C 、in


  ( ) 9、He jumped into the lake and ______ to it .

  A 、swim

  B 、swims

  C、 swimed


  ( ) 10、What did you do _______ weekend ?

  A 、last

  B、 next

  C、 on

  D 、at 

2.小学六年级下册英语月考题 篇二

  I’m Penny. I have a friend. Her name is Sally. Sally is a little fatter than me. She wants to be thinner. She does exercise every day. She swims and runs about 2 kilograms a day. Now she is stronger than before. Sally’s sister Susan is healthier than Sally. She is also younger and thinner than her. She does exercise every day. She doesn’t eat much meat. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, because she thinks they are better for her health.

  (   ) 1. Is Sally fatter than Penny?

  A.Yes, she is.                  B. No, she isn’t.              

  C.Yes, she does.

  (   ) 2. What does Sally want to be like?

  A.She wants to be stronger.       B. She wants to be thinner.     

  C.She wants to be younger.

  (   )3. What does Sally do every day?

  A.She watches TV.              B. She eats much food.       

  C.She does exercise.

  (   )4. What does Susan eat a lot?

  A.Meat.                       B. Vegetables and fruit.       

  C.Meat, fruit and vegetables.

  (   )5. Which is right?

  A.Susan is healthier than Sally.   B. Sally is younger than Susan. 

  C.Sally is thinner than Susan.







3.小学六年级下册英语月考题 篇三


  On Sunday morning. The sun is shining. We have no classes.

  We are playing in the park. Some girls are singing and dancing under a

  big tree. Some boys are climbing the hill. Tom is drawing near the lake.

  Mike and John are swimming in the lake. Where are Betty and Mary?

  They are sitting under a small tree. They are reading a book. We are very happy.

  ( )1. Today we haven't got classes.

  ( )2.We are playing in the park.

  ( )3.Some girls are climbing the hill.

  ( )4.Betty and Mary are sitting under a tall tree.

  ( )5. Betty and Mary are reading a book.

  ( )6.Mike and John are swimming in the river.

4.小学六年级下册英语月考题 篇四


  1.Mr Li always goes to work ___________ (well/early) in the morning.

  2.Please keep your room _________ (tidy/big).

  3.Look!The boys are running _________(late/fast).

  4.My mother ________(wakes/woke) me up every morning.

  5.You should put your things _________ (in order/in a mess).

  6.Bobby and Sam are talking ___________(excited/excitedly) in the English lesson.

  7.Miss Li asked Yang Ling to read it ________(loud/loudly).

  8.Why is Bobby crying so ________ (sad/sadly).

  9.Her mother was ill, she looked so ________(sad/sadly).

  10.The boy found his ball, he became _______.(happily/happy)

5.小学六年级下册英语月考题 篇五


  A blind man (盲人)took out a small blackboard and put it near him. It said,“I’m the blind. Please help me.” Some people passed by (经过) and gave him some coins (硬币). When the coin touched the ground(碰到地面), it made a little noise. And the blind nodded his head (点头) and said “thank you.”

  Then a young woman came up to him. She cleaned the words(擦掉字) on the man’s board and wrote a new sentence on the board. Then , many people gave the blind more(更多)coins. And the coins made much more noise. He had no time to nod his head and say thank you.

  At last, the woman came back. She stood in front of him without a word. The blind knew it was her. He asked, ‘What did you write on my board?’ The woman smiled and said, ‘ I did nothing, but just made your words beautiful. ’ It said, ‘ It’s a beautiful world.(世界) But I can’t see it!’

  ( ) 1. The blind is a woman.

  ( ) 2. The woman drew nice pictures on the board.

  ( ) 3. At first the blind didn’t nod his head when people gave him coins.

  ( ) 4. At last, the woman didn’t come back.

  ( ) 5. The woman is a kind person (一个好心人).
