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【#英语资源# 导语】®文档大全网为大家带来了一篇关于我的动物朋友英语范文。动物是人类的好朋友,它们陪伴我们成长,给我们带来欢乐和温暖。在这篇英语范文中,作者分享了自己与动物朋友的故事,希望能够激发读者对动物的关注和爱护之心。让我们一起来看看这篇动人的英语范文吧!

1.我的动物朋友英语范文 篇一

  I have a Kemono Friends who is very cute. He has black pearl like eyes, black fur and alert ears. That's right, it's the new member of my family - 'Black Thief'.

  Why is it called 'Black Thief'? Because it always likes to sneak into the kitchen and steal food, and also likes to play the game of "police and thieves" with me.

  Black thief is a complete glutton. Once, I found it wandering around in the kitchen again, so I took out a fragrant chicken leg from the kitchen. Upon smelling the fragrance, the "Black Thief" jumped up and down like a monkey. I tied the chicken leg with a thread to a long stick, threw it forward, and it immediately pounced, scared me to quickly pull the chicken leg back. In this way, he went back and forth more than ten times, and the "black thief" was exhausted, but he couldn't eat the chicken legs. Slowly, the clever "Black Thief" pretended to be no longer interested in the delicious food in front of me. When I was not paying attention, it rushed towards the chicken leg with lightning speed. Finally, the "Black Thief" contentedly nibbled at the chicken leg and proudly called out a few times to me.

  After school, the 'black thief' always appears by my side the moment I'm about to step into the house. At this point, we will play the game of "Police and Thief". I shouted loudly, "Hands up!" It immediately straightened up and raised its two front feet high. I compared my hand to a handgun and aimed it at it and said 'snap!' It would immediately lie on the ground, as if it had really been shot and sacrificed. After a few seconds, when I issued the command to 'resurrect', 'Black Thief' immediately got up and jumped around me lively and lively.

  This is my Kemono Friends "Black Thief". He is a loyal friend of mankind. We must protect them well.

2.我的动物朋友英语范文 篇二

  My family has three little hamsters, they are very cute and furry. Sometimes they look like a small ball, and sometimes they look like a little rabbit. They are my pistachios. I also named them "Dog Belt", "Hot Mouse", and "Gaia". Let's go and take a look at my hamsters together!

  Dogbelt "is a male hamster with six beards, a black stripe on its back, and a pair of murderous eyes. It is the strongest of the three hamsters, so I also call it a 'brave warrior'. The 'hot mouse' is a female hamster, which has a love name for eating, so it has a fat head and big ears, a belly like a mini watermelon, and occasionally I call it 'chubby'. Gaia "is also a female hamster, the first one I raised. It has two shiny black eyes and a snow-white belly. It is very gentle and amiable, cute and cute, and I also call it" friend ".

  Although the little hamsters may look round, cute, and cute, they are not ambiguous when it comes to doing bad things, and sometimes you stomp your feet in anger. Once, when I was not at home, I didn't know what was going on. They opened the cage and as soon as I walked in, I was stunned. The rice was everywhere, and the vegetables were gnawed open by them. The little ones saw me coming and chattered as if saying it wasn't me who did it. I was amused by them and let them go.

  Another time I was doing my homework, they came out again and were still chewing on my homework book. I was so angry at the time that I took out my small water gun as a weapon and fired at them. As they ran, I chased after them and finally caught them with a lot of effort.

  These are my hamsters, they are my good friends and bring us happiness! So we need to take care of them. Protecting animals is protecting nature, and it is our responsibility to do so.

3.我的动物朋友英语范文 篇三

  Everyone has their own favorite small animals, some like dogs, some like rabbits, and some like sticky and mischievous kittens. And the animal I like is my round little chicken.

  My little chicken has a round and chubby body, and its fur is yellow to white, which feels like clouds. Its eyes are black, as black as two pearls. Its mouth is pointed, and its claws are like two maple leaves.

  When I brought the food over, it would flap its wings, shake its cute little buns, and run towards me, chirping at my feet, as if saying, "My little master, I'm hungry, give me delicious food!" When I placed the food in front of its chicken nest, it immediately lowered its head to peck at the millet, and when it pecked at the millet, it directly swallowed it without any effort, And the little bird eats small grains of rice very quickly. It's only time for me to have a meal. When I go to take a look at it again, it has already eaten all the grains of rice and there are no left. I think my little chicken is a good child who cherishes food. When it finishes eating, it will "squeak" as if saying, "Thank you, my little master." And before it goes to bed, it will peck its body as if massaging itself, which is very enjoyable. When it sleeps, it will first put away its small feet, and soon its eyes will blink a few times before falling asleep. That feels very comfortable!

  This is my cute little chicken, it's my little baby.

4.我的动物朋友英语范文 篇四

  Everyone has their own favorite small animals, such as furry chickens, snow-white rabbits, lively little dogs... But in my heart, there is only one animal - hamsters.

  My hamster is named "Xiaohuang" for a reason, because his fur is very yellow and from a distance, it looks like a small golden ball of fur. Its hind legs are very strong and can support the entire body. But its forelimbs are very small and can only be used to eat or assist it in running.

  Whenever I call its name, it runs out of the mini house and keeps shouting, as if saying, "Master, master, I'm here, I'm here!" It's like saying, "Master, I'm here, I'm here. Thank you for giving me such a great name

  Xiao Huang loves to eat nuts very much. If I don't feed him one day, he will jump up and down in the cage, and it seems that he is really a "glutton". When I put the nut on the food plate, it flew over as if I hadn't seen the nut in three days. It arrived at the food plate and began to devour it crazily, quickly finishing the food with no residue left

  My little yellow is my best friend and the source of my happiness. It makes my life interesting and happy.

5.我的动物朋友英语范文 篇五

  My Kemono Friends is a little hamster. He lives in my friend's house. It has black bean like eyes and a pointed nose, like a tall mountain peak. The body is like a velvet ball, and there is a tail hidden in plush, which is extremely cute. So we named it 'plush'.

  Velvet is extremely greedy. At the sight of food, he rushed over, sniffed it with his keen sense of smell, and then ate it in large gulps. Seeing its greedy appearance, I couldn't help but laugh.

  Once, I put some pieces of paper in a bowl and lured the hamster to the place where it was eating. It took a bite and 'squeaked' with an awkward expression. I smiled and said, 'You've been hit! You're so greedy!' The hamster's greediness is unreasonable!

  Nevertheless, plush is extremely cute. I remember one time, when it was playing with a spinning toy in the 'room', it seemed that because it was spinning too fast, it suddenly turned dizzy and fell to the ground.

  Upon seeing this, my heart quickened and I immediately went to open the cage for emergency treatment. In that moment, it miraculously jumped up. I, who was opening the cage, was also startled and took a few steps back. It turned out that it was deliberately pretending to faint for us to play with! I think: what a cute and mischievous hamster! The stubbornness of hamsters is beyond reason!

  This is my Kemono Friends Rongrong. How about it? Do you like it?
