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【#英语资源# 导语】©文档大全网为大家提供了一篇关于我的朋友英语作文范文的文章。朋友是我们人生中不可或缺的一部分,与朋友相处可以让我们更加开心和快乐。以下是一篇关于我的朋友的英语作文,让我们一起来看看吧。

1.我的朋友英语作文范文 篇一

  A friend of mine has a sister named Zhou Han. She is chubby and has flesh all over her face, hands, waist, and legs. She feels soft when grabbed. A pair of water sensitive eyes are like grapes, black and shiny, extremely cute.

  Her innocence

  When we went to the park to play, we happened to meet her. She was always confused and foolish, unable to recognize her relationship with others. As soon as he saw me, he rushed forward without a word, his tender arms tightly encircling my left hand. His bulletproof face leaned against it, vaguely shouting, "Auntie, Auntie..." This little guy even treated me like his sister-in-law, which made me laugh and cry. However, I didn't let her scream, she was too clingy.

  Her liveliness

  I ran back and forth, then ran to the circular slide, upside down, sideways, forward, and backward, and then slid down like that; She was not worried or afraid, and followed me and slid down. Coincidentally, before I could reach the bottom, I suddenly collided with each other, and she chuckled and waved her limbs around with a hint of schadenfreude.

  Her dependence

  I crouched down and before she came up, I whispered, "No peeing." She didn't answer and lay on my back, obedient as a kitten. Time passed in an instant, and the sky was already dark. She opened her hands towards me, and I naturally understood her meaning. With all my might, I picked her up and sent her back to her mother's side.

  We each returned home, and for me, she was not like a little sister, but more like my friend. I could understand everything about her; She can also understand everything about me.

2.我的朋友英语作文范文 篇二

  I have many friends, such as the stars in the sky and the grass on the ground. But there is a friend who is very captivating because she is sentimental.

  She has long smooth black hair, a pale red face, and a pair of sparkling eyes filled with endless knowledge. She looks good, but because she doesn't pay attention to her eyes, she has put on a pair of 400 degree glasses. Her voice is not very loud, but she likes to cough, coughing about every thirty seconds. It doesn't matter, the key is that she coughs very loudly. Every time in class, the cough always interrupts the teacher's lecture, but the teacher is also helpless.

  Hey, do you think the sky will collapse? "If you don't see the person, listen to their voice first. She is sentimental, and about her sentimentality, it is well-known in the streets and alleys. She frowns every day and her eyes are filled with worry, an expression that no one likes to see, but she always says it's called being prepared for danger in times of peace. No, I'll tell everyone about it!

  That day, I told her a joke, and everyone next to me laughed so much that she couldn't smile, and she tightened her face tightly with a serious expression. I asked, "Why, isn't the joke I'm telling funny?" She furrowed her brow, touched her belly, pointed to her teeth, blinked, and said to me seriously, "I'm afraid I'll burst my belly and laugh my teeth out, so I can't laugh." The others were very disappointed when they heard this, restrained their smiles, and left unhappily, leaving with a hint of dissatisfaction and fear.

  After a while, she ran up to me again and asked me with a worried expression, "Do you think the earth will be destroyed? Was I still in the world at that time? If not, where would my body be? What do you say? Oh, if I don't say these things anymore, I feel sad when I think about them." I thought she would stop saying these things and say some happy things. Who knows, she said again, "Hey! Will the sky collapse? What should we do if it falls and presses us?... Oh! Why are you always saying these strange and unlucky things

  While she was spouting her lengthy speech, the class bell rang and I took the opportunity to return to my seat. But she was unwilling to stop her long speech, but no one wanted to listen to her nagging anymore. She could only talk to herself. I saw her mouth opening and closing, but I couldn't hear what she was saying. So, I find it particularly funny.

  She's just so sentimental, do you want to know who she is? She is a sensitive and strange friend - Ye Xiaojing.

3.我的朋友英语作文范文 篇三

  A friend is a drop of water and a ray of sunshine. I am just like a seedling, growing up healthily under the nourishment of friends. Friends are a piece of sweet lollipop, a cup of strong coffee, and a bowl of chicken soup for the soul. When I need help, my friends step forward.

  My friend has thick eyebrows, big watery eyes, a tall nose bridge, and long hair. She is a helpful and trustworthy person. Do you really want to know her name? She is Guo Zijing.

  No one doesn't need a friend, no one doesn't have a friend, unless they are self enclosed and isolated from the world. Li Bai said well, "The Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun's love for me." Despite receiving such sincere hospitality from his friend, although there are no hotels, everyone is already drunk without being drunk. What else can Li Bai say when facing his friend's heartfelt feelings?

  There are many hardships on the road of life, where a little skin is worn out, a hole is scraped here, and strong winds and waves will always follow. Without friends silently supporting and encouraging, it is impossible to walk this difficult journey alone. A friend is the object you can confide in your pain, a harbor where you can take a break, where you can be free, open minded, and show your complete self.

  Friend, my destiny is bound to be without you. You will be my lifelong companion, I am certain. Friend, this is such a familiar and lovely word. Friendship is abstract and implicit, while friends are concrete and real. Because of friends, we feel the joy of growth; Because of friends, we have the madness of youth; Because of friends, we have an open heart.

4.我的朋友英语作文范文 篇四

  I have a good friend who has shiny black hair and a slightly longer hairstyle on his forehead, which makes him particularly handsome. Under thick eyebrows, there are a pair of bright big eyes, a white face, and a eloquent little mouth. He is only 11 years old this year, but he is wearing glasses. He is my good friend - Ren Jiaqi.

  My good friend Ren Jiaqi is a boy who never gives up. I remember when I was in fourth grade, every noon when I finished my homework, I would ask him to fight with me. During the fight, his glasses became his best weapon. Every time I fight with him, I always use my physical strength to push him to the ground. Every time at this moment, he would say, "My glasses are about to fall off. This is over 200 yuan. Can you afford to break them?" Although I knew he was lying to me, I had to make him get up, but I still guarded the door with great care. Human calculations are not as good as sky calculations. However, Ren Jiaqi opened the back door of the classroom for convenience, walked out of the back door, quietly walked over and hugged me, and then pressed me to the ground. I immediately reacted, turned hard, and pressed him down again. I asked him if he would admit defeat, and he always said, "I won't admit defeat unless you beat me to death

  Ren Jiaqi not only refuses to admit defeat, but also works hard and is eager to learn. Every day, when the teacher assigns homework that he cannot do, he always likes to discuss with me. When I couldn't remember, I impatiently said to him, "This is homework, just write any answer." However, Ren Jiaqi didn't listen to me, and he continued to ponder on the side until he came up with an answer.

  This is my good friend Ren Jiaqi, and I admire his indomitable and studious spirit.

5.我的朋友英语作文范文 篇五

  He has a thin body with slender hands and feet, like straw after straw, as if a gust of wind was about to bend him. He has a clever mind on his neck. He has clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, with a gentle and elegant demeanor that resembles a young scholar. Especially his big eyes, which always show his temperament, are lively. It keeps spinning all day long. And during class, I always keep my eyes fixed on the teacher and never miss out. Classmates, can you guess who he is?

  Aha, you must have guessed right. He is the most mediocre Sui Xin in our class. He is said to be mediocre, but in fact, he is not at all mediocre. His personality is very distinctive and has two sides. Sometimes, he is like a garrulous old lady, talking non-stop all day. Sometimes he acts like a great man, standing tall and steadfast in times of adversity. He is indeed a little annoying, but he is still a friend worth making. Next, I will tell you a story about him.

  That was in second grade, when we were still taking a shuttle bus to finish school. One day, I didn't know if I was a bit tired or something. As soon as I got on the bus, I leaned back in my seat and fell asleep. I don't know how long it took, but the bus arrived and I was sleeping soundly. He is quick in his wits. Give me a shove and say, "Cai Pangzi! Your water pipe is leaking!" I immediately lost all sleep. After getting off the car, I realized that it was Sui Xin who woke me up, and I quickly thanked him.

  This is my "double sided" friend Sui Xin.
