
时间:2021-11-01 18:28:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】关于假期作业,很多人会认为没有意义,但是哪有这么绝对的,任何事物都应该辩证的来看待,假期作业无疑可以让你巩固知识,不至于遗忘得重新复习,节省学习时间,而且假期作业的目的也不是让学生的时间都用在写作业上面。以下是®文档大全网整理的《小学五年级英语暑假作业题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。



  hello, my name is yang jun. look, this is my school. there are many flowers and trees in it. i like my school. i’m in class two, grade five. there are forty-one students in my class. look at my classroom. tt’s big and bright. you can see a computer on the teacher’s desk. and there’s a tv near the blackboard. on the wall, there are some nice pictures. i like them very much.welcome to my school.


  ( ) 1. there are lots of trees and flowers in the park.

  ( ) 2. yang jun ji in class five grade two.

  ( ) 3. his class is big and bright.

  ( ) 4. there’s a book on the tercher’s desk.

  ( ) 5. there are some pictures in the classroom.


  my name is sheila. i’m from london. i live in wuxi with my parents now. my bedroom is small but clean. in my bedroom, there is a bed, a desk, a chair, a computer and a bookcase. on the wall, there is a photo and a guitar. i can play the guitar. the photo is nice. the girl in the photo is me. there are lots of storybook and picture books in the bookcase. my bedroom is nice. ilike it very much.


  ( ) 6. shelia is an english girl.

  ( ) 7. shelia is in wuxi. her parents are in london now.

  ( ) 8. there is a photo of her family on the wall.

  ( ) 9. shelia can play the guitar.

  ( ) 10. there is a computer in the bookcse.



  1.鸡肉   2.鱼   3.姐妹

  4.兄弟   5.父亲   6.母亲

  7.司机   8.医生   9.农民

  10.护士   11.教师   12.学生

  二、完成单词,并写出中文意思。   1.f mily    2.unc e

  3.pare ts    4.a nt   5.b by      6.b seballpl yer


  1.young(写反义词)    2.come(写反义词)

  3.isn‘t(完全形式)   4.youare(缩写形式)

  5.I(宾格)            6.he(物主代词)

  7.we(物主代词)       8.she(物主代词)

  9.near(同类词)       10.have(同义词)








  1.A:                    B:My  mother is nurse.

  2.A:Is she your aunt?   B:

  3.A:                    B:I’d like some eggs.

  4.A:                    B:This is my father.

  5.A:                    B:There are five books in the bag.


  1.member        2.only

  3.little puppy   4.welcome

  5.mama           6.you are right



  leaf_________     puppy_________     box_________   

  knife________   fly________     fox_________ 

  bus_________    bench_________     brush_________   

  kiss_________  church_________  dish_________     

  ruler_________      peach__________ glass________ 

  pencil_________   boy_________   zoo_________ 

  man_________  roof__________     sheep__________ 

  knife_________   lady_________   key_________   

  story_________   watch__________   bamboo_________

  city________   family_________   day_________ 

  apple_________   eraser_________   speech_________


  1.There  are  so  many__________(wolf)in  the  forest.

  2.Can  I ________(ask)  the  policeman?Yes,you_________.

  3.There  are  three___________(chair) in the classroom.

  4.These____________(tomato)are red.

  5.My brother look safter two______(baby)

  6.I_________(have)an exciting party last weekend.




  it’s new year’s day. it’s half past seven in the evening. look! my family are getting together in our sitting-room. we are sitting aroung the table. on the table. there is a lot of food, like meat, fish, eggs, soup and vegetables(蔬菜). we are having a big dinner(晚餐). but my brother, zhang peng isn’t here. where is he? what is he doing? he is staying in his study. why? because he wants to finish his science (科学)report (报告). he is writing his report.


  ( ) 11. zhang peng is sitting together with his family now.

  ( ) 12. there is a lot of food on the table.

  ( ) 13. today is the first day of january.

  ( ) 14. i have a sister.

  ( ) 15. zhang peng is very busy.


  it’s a sunny day. the sun is smiling. the bird and butterflies are dancing now. my grandma has a book under her arm. she is wearing glasses today. her shoes are under the bed. there is a photo over her bed. there are t-shirt on her bed, too. the clock is new. but the vase is old. my cat is sleeping now. the telephone is ringing. oh, look at, my bag and ruler are on the floor!


  ( ) 16. today is sunday.

  ( ) 17. my grandma is dancing now.

  ( ) 18. the shirts are on her bed.

  ( ) 19. the clock is new and the vase is old.

  ( ) 20. my ruler is on the floor.

