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《奇幻森林》去看了吗?电*各位走起了吗?口碑完美不说,北美上映一周票房已过1.03亿美元,现在豆瓣评分8.2~   The Jungle Book (2016)   Bagheera the panther   黑豹Bagheera   He's the concerned parent, worried about what his child will find around the next corner, the big cat who knows he has to let go just a little but can't find it in himself to do so.   他是个关心(孩子)的家长,他担心孩子会在下一个角落里遇到什么。黑豹知道他不得不多放手一点,但是却做不到。   Shere Khan the tiger   老虎Shere Khan   Shere Khan is a single-minded villain in the animated film, someone who wants to gobble up Mowgli because man doesn't belong in the jungle.   Shere Khan在影片中是一个一根筋的反派角色,他想要吞了毛克利,因为人类不属于丛林。   Baloo the bear   熊Baloo   Baloo the bear is charming and funny and a good time.   熊Baloo魅力十足很有趣,他与毛克利度过了欢乐的时光。

  Kaa the python   蟒蛇Kaa   The python tries to hypnotize Mowgli with her eyes and then crush him to death. Scarlett turns Kaa into an almost ghostly presence, haunting the jungle and waiting for Mowgli to fall into her coils.   蟒蛇Kaa,她试图用她的眼睛对毛克利催眠然后勒死他。斯嘉丽把Kaa变成一个幽灵般的存在,在丛林中游荡,等待毛克利落入她的陷阱。   Assorted wolves   狼群   The wolf pack raises Mowgli and has been recast as a strong, stable family unit.   狼群养大了毛克利,并被重塑为一个强大的、稳固的家庭。   King Louie the ape   猿猴Louie   The "gigantopithecus" who wants to learn the secret of how to make fire so he can rule the jungle.   “巨猿”想学习如何使用火的秘密,这样他就可以统治丛林。   对于还没看这部电影的小伙伴,我们可以一起看看《奇幻森林》是怎样一部片:   Mowgli, a man-cub who's been raised by a family of wolves, finds he is no longer welcome in the jungle when fearsome tiger Shere Khan, who bears the scars of Man, promises to eliminate what he sees as a threat. Urged to abandon the only home he's ever known, Mowgli embarks on a captivating journey of self-discovery, guided by panther-turned-stern mentor Bagheera, and the free-spirited bear Baloo.   毛克利是一个由狼群养大的人类男孩,当谢利·可汗——一只受过人类伤害的老虎,发誓要将毛克利铲除的时候,毛克利发现在丛林里他已不再受欢迎。为了逃脱追捕,被迫离开自己所熟知的家,毛克利跟随严厉的导师黑豹巴希拉和自由自在的好友棕熊巴鲁,踏上了一场精彩纷呈的自我探索旅程。   Along the way, Mowgli encounters jungle creatures who don't exactly have his best interests at heart, including Kaa, a python whose seductive voice and gaze hypnotizes the man-cub, and the smooth-talking King Louie, who tries to coerce Mowgli into giving up the secret to the elusive and deadly red flower: fire.   在这趟旅途中,毛克利遇到了一些对他居心叵测的丛林生物,包括巨蟒卡奥,她用迷人的声音和眼神迷惑毛克利;还有花言巧语的猩猩路易王,他试图通过威逼利诱让毛克利交出迷幻而致命的“红花”——火焰的秘密。   该片是根据1967年迪士尼动画《森林王子》(The Jungle Book)改编。除了主角一人以外,其他会说话的动物也是片中很重要的角色哦!

