

时间:2022-04-24 07:53:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】令人期待的五一劳动节即将来临,又会是一个快乐的节日。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  What I look forward to is that labor day has finally arrived. I'm very happy to know this. What should I do? I have to think about what I want to do.

  After a while, I came up with an idea. My mother was just not at home. I washed clothes to see how difficult it was. I said to do it, so I rushed into the laundry at home.

  When I get here, I'll look for clothes that haven't been washed. After looking for it for a long time, I didn't find it. I was furious and said, "can't I fly?" I looked again and a dress fell down. I said, "Kung Fu pays off." After that, I began to wash clothes.

  I wash left, wash right, wipe left, wipe right

  Finally, I was sweating. I thought it would not be easy for my mother to wash my clothes. My mother was sweating too. I want to learn from my mother's spiritual power.


  On the morning of May 1, I went to the zoo with my grandfather, grandmother, mother and sister.

  We had some lunch outside the gate of the zoo, and then we went into the zoo together.

  When I entered the zoo, the first thing I saw was a little girl walking on a pony. The pony was really obedient. When I came to the monkey mountain, I saw a little monkey eating the leaves on the iron jar! It's fun.

  Next, we went to the circus. First of all, two bears appeared. They performed riding bicycles. Two bears collided. One bear was knocked down by another. The bear was angry and thought to himself, "hum! I'm leaving!" So the bear stepped down, and then the second bear stepped down. The second program is that the goat carries the monkey on the single log bridge. First, the goat carries the monkey. They walk backwards on the single log. They can carry the monkey steadily. It seems that the animal trainer has trained the goat and monkey very well!

  After the circus, I also saw elephants, pythons and turtles in the zoo... The zoo is very big, and I didn't see many animals.

     I hope to see other animals when I go to the zoo next time.


  On May Day, my mother and father took me to the thin West Lake scenic spot park. As soon as I went in, I saw a sea of people coming to play. There were many flowers and trees in the park. At first, we went to the bonsai area Museum. There were various bonsai in it. Then we went to the rockery. Some rockeries were like monkeys, some were like tigers, and some were like elephants.

  Then we went boating. We rented a small boat and let me sail on the lake. Two rows of willows hung on the lake and floated in the breeze. A few wild ducks appeared on the lake from time to time. I drove a boat to catch them. I was very excited.

  I had a good time today!


  When may day arrived, my mother took me back to my hometown to play. There, my sister taught me how to dance PI Peng. We had a good time together.

  My sister and I jumped on the chair. My sister taught me many tricks, including wild geese, middle geese, little geese, hook geese, an Apple round and round, shoes, three dozen Baigujing, which are changeable. My sister jumped in front and I followed. I worked hard to learn. After two or three hours of training, I finally learned it. My sister is also proud of me.

  From what I did, I learned that as long as I study carefully, I will be able to learn.


  Today is an important day - may day. Today is a festival for working people all over the world. On this day, we should work more, because labor is glorious.

  Early this morning, I looked out of the window. There were so many working people! In the community, the greening uncle is mowing the lawn, the cleaning aunt is cleaning the garbage in the community, and my parents are doing family cleaning, sweeping the floor, mopping the floor and washing clothes... They are very busy. As a member of my family, how can I stand idly by? Yes, I also want to join the ranks of labor, think again and again, ha ha! I want to wash my parents' feet!

  In order not to be found by them, I hid in the bathroom and closed the door so that they could not hear the sound of running water. I took my parents' foot basin out of the cabinet, put hot water into the water pipe, and then put a foot towel on my shoulder. When everything was ready, I brought two pots of hot foot washing water to my parents in turn. Mother was surprised and joked, "Oh, where did the sun come from today? Our baby girl is so sensible!" Dad was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. He repeatedly said that I was a good child who was diligent and sensible.

  Hearing the praise from my parents, my heart is happy and sweet. It turns out that labor can also be so happy! After washing my feet, I helped my mother sweep the floor and hang the curtains... I did a lot of things within my power.

  Labor is glorious. Today is a happy Labor Day!


  Labor Day happens to have labor and technology classes. That day was a holiday, so the teacher asked us to have a "labor class" at home.

  Speaking of labor class, my interest changed. Because our labor class teachers will teach us to make some small productions. What makes me most unforgettable is that once the teacher gave us a big bag of mud and asked us to make mud mobile phone toys. However, in today's labor class, I am responsible for cleaning the house. Our family has a big yard. We need to clean this place.

  I am responsible for cleaning the northeast corner of the yard, my mother is responsible for cleaning the southwest corner, my sister is responsible for cleaning the southeast corner, and my father is responsible for cleaning the rest. With "work", they all worked in full swing.

  At first, I feel very happy. I do my best to be filial to my parents. Who is not happy. After a while, the naughty stones couldn't be rubbed up and moved. I was so worried that I wanted to run away, but I remembered to be honest: "nothing is difficult in the world, I'm afraid of those who have a heart." I put my energy into my work again. Ah! Hard work pays off. Stones of different sizes and pairs of soil are comfortably cleaned by me. I look very proud.

  Not only my family has labor classes, but also the neighbors have labor classes.

  Look! The streets were crowded and noisy. Everyone had a smile on their faces and the streets were full of joy.


  May day is also my working day. My mother told me again and again, "you should work on labor day and don't make trouble at home." You can help your mother with the housework.

  But I don't take this matter seriously and play around at home. Mother saw it and shouted, "don't make trouble here, sweep the floor for me!" So I swept the floor carelessly. I waved left and right, and soon told my mother that I was finished. Mother saw the dust on the ground and angrily criticized, "you're still like this. You don't pay attention to anything. You'd better wash your clothes!" I was puzzled: "why do you always let me do housework? Count, count, it's just washing clothes. You can do it after washing." I also wash it carelessly. The clothes are really dirty! Washing is almost the same. I'm so tired!

  Mother saw the stains on her clothes made one by one, and said dejectedly, "you still can't change this bad habit. Count, you play your game!" "Bad problem? Any?" I thought about it over and over again and suddenly realized that these live mothers did it every day, and I didn't shout bitterly. I only did it once in such a long time, and I cried bitterly. Mom, it's really hard! Labor day makes me all the hard work of my mother doing housework every day. I should love my mother better in the future.


  This year's may day, our whole family went out to XX park by car.

  As soon as I entered the door, many lush trees came into my eyes. They were countless. How like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree. I was very curious, so I looked at it carefully, and then said solemnly, "Mom, I know the name of this tree." Mother said, "well, tell me the name of such a big tree." I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother smiled and said, "yes, it's a climbing lion."

  As we talked and laughed, we soon came to the bridge. It was very beautiful. The endless lake and tall buildings vaguely shone on the water. How like an underwater city! Soon we came to the place where we took the boat. I asked my uncle, "how long will it be before it's our turn to take the boat?" The uncle said: "About half an hour! I was stunned, but I had no choice but to wait slowly and wait for a long time. Finally, I looked forward to our boat. I immediately jumped into the boat and rowed happily. My heart was as sweet as eating honey. When I sailed, I saw the little fish greeting us and the wild duck blessing us and wishing us a happy may day. Soon, a full hour passed. When I went back, because The reason why the water is too big! Some water splashes fell on my hand, as if to remind us to remember to come to this beautiful place next time.

  May day passed like this. It's really an unforgettable Festival. It's a memorable holiday for the whole family.


  The long-awaited "May Day" International Labor Day has finally come.

  Early in the morning, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. Because of this small and long holiday, our family will go to grandma's house, so that I can have fun again. Along the way, I didn't want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of beautiful mountains and rivers and red flowers and willows. I just wanted to fly to grandma's house quickly. When the car stopped at the gate of grandma's yard, I saw many people picking tea in the tea garden through the window. Oh, it turns out that spring is also the tea harvest season!

  The tea garden is green and close to each other. It looks like a green carpet from a distance. A breeze blows and a faint fragrance is refreshing and intoxicating. The laughter of tea pickers comes from time to time in the tea garden.

  When I got out of the car, I asked my cousin to teach me how to pick tea. We came to the tea garden with a small basket. WOW! How fresh and clean the air here is! I can only see the tender green buds dancing in the wind like a flower fairy. It's really beautiful! At this time, my cousin solemnly demonstrated and said, "first, when picking tea, you should pick it gently with your fingers, and you can't pull it hard; second, you can't pick tea big, you can only pick two leaves as one." After reading the method taught by my cousin, I couldn't wait to pick it. Because this was the first time to pick tea, I was very interested. After a while, I picked many. Looking at the fruits of my labor, I felt happy. Tired of picking, I still play hide and seek with my cousin in the tea garden. Don't mention how happy it is!

  This "May Day", I not only learned to pick tea, but also enjoyed the joy and harvest brought by this beautiful tea garden.


  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, may day has finally arrived. My father and mother packed up their bags and set out happily this morning.

  After a 45 minute drive, we came to our destination - ecological paradise. This is a natural ecological paradise with fresh air and beautiful environment. There are grotesque artificial stones, Egret Island with flying egrets, and Phoenix stone statue that broke the Guinness World Record

  We came to the first scenic spot: phoenix platform. When I saw these two huge stone Phoenix, I couldn't help exclaiming, "Wow! How big!" It is reported that the two phoenix share more than 1800 pieces of bluestone carved from Fujian Province. The male Phoenix has a strong body, slightly raised head, extraordinary momentum, and the female phoenix has a delicate body and a slight jaw on the head, which is peaceful and quiet. Phoenix stone carvings, with bases up to 18 meters high, are rare large stone carvings. It is truly "the best in the world"!

  The egret has come to this charming scenic spot. We have seen the egret boat walking around the ferry island! My parents and I couldn't wait to get on the dog shaped boat, picking up the boat and enjoying the picturesque scenery. After a while, we vaguely heard the sound of "quack, quack". Ah! Originally, we have come to Guanlu island! On the tree lined Island, thousands of egrets, dressed in white cloaks like snow and flapping powerful wings, fly freely in the blue sky. It seems to say, "welcome to play here!" It's really like a paradise for egrets!

  In the past, I often imagined that I was the legendary Monkey King Monkey King. Watching his look on the TV screen, I envy him! Now, I can really be the monkey king again. Before arriving at the scenic spot of shuilian cave in Huaguo Mountain, I felt like I was on the spot and came to the legend. When I climbed Huaguo Mountain and looked into the distance, I really felt like a majestic Monkey King!

  Unknowingly, father-in-law sun has quietly gone home when we don't pay attention.   

  We had to leave the ecological park reluctantly. This trip is really unforgettable!

